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Everything posted by Mirtilla

  1. but it's a bad habit. you know why? while abroad almost everybody speaks english, or at least knows the language, here the situation is totally different..
  2. Sivan that's a great idea!! (as always) i'm already doing this on my own for the videos on my computer but making a web page online would be really great!! so anyone could be updated on every performance/interview! if i can help you count me in!!
  3. oh thank you so much for posting those! i'hadn't seen them before!!!
  4. As pre-announced by MIKA himself yesterday, he will be at the Italia Love Wave Festival (the former Arezzo Wave), wich will be in Florence this year. The day is 19 july. The whole festival starts at 10am and ends at late night. The entrance is for free till 9pm, then it will cost €10. Unluckly i don't know yet at what time Mika will perform, i guess in the evening but it's only my thought.
  5. oh thank you for posting that!! i need to look for a rerun of that interview!! i wanna tape it!
  6. i really don't know Sou...it was about 1o' clock when he said bye to us and went back inside..don't know how long after he went away..
  7. here i am again. Tonight i've slept for less than 3 hours: when i woke up this morning i had a silly smile printed on my face, i was like in heaven keeping thinking to him....omg.. The more i think about it the more things i remember. He said he was doing a documentary for Channel 4 in the UK and he talked about our necklace!! UK fans you need to tape it!!! Sivan of course i remembered you! i just hope he will remember to write to you! When i told him that saturday is your birthday and he could write you an email i've also told him you were the girl who gave him the scrapbook and he was like "ooh yeah!" and smiled:thumb_yello: Fedefex i'm sorry, we thought the girl we gave the necklace was you...all this Mika-excitement drove us crazy:biggrin2: i just wish i was at home to put online pics and video! i'm gonna do this when i'll go home tonight!!
  8. that was amazing Emy!!! i love it!
  9. I'm just back from the amazing gig at Alcatraz in Milano. Let me tell you it was AMAZING, the best show i've ever been! Now i'm gonna write a little report. Sorry for all the mistakes: i'm quite tired and currently living in another world after tonight I still don't know how but i could get out of work sooner, so i went right to the Alcatraz and met Avoca and Robertina (with her nice sons) at about 4.30/5pm. Then we were reached soon from Esperia75 and Danika. Girls you're fantastic! i'm so glad i met you!!! While waiting in line we assembled the necklace we were projecting: we put all the pendants and put it in a nice Snoopy box (Robertina should have some pics of both of them). Then we gave it to Fedefex, who won a contest from the Universal Italia and managed to meet him in private with other 3 guys (lucky them!). Btw, while waiting outside we even saw Mika's siter Yasmine and his mom. Someone said there was even his grandma but i'm not sure... Once the gates were open we run right to the stage and get the first row, people!! the first row, right in the middle, in front of his mic!!! Amazing, amazing!!! I've made a video of him singing Holy Johnny, and i'm gonna post it here soon, and took some pictures. omg, he was so sexy!!!!! We have also recruited some new fans that will join the board, yay!! Pietro if you read this: i'm the curly girl with the red shirt who was talking with you inside the Alcatraz: remember the photos, we all wanna see yours!! Avoca before the gig started tried to talk with someone of the security, to ask if there was any chance to meet him: we were told to wait here and there and, after the gig, when a man told her to move at the right of the stage, another not-so-nice man told us to get out cause none would have entered the backstage:sneaky2: So we went out and waited just as the other people outside. And, after an hour, when everybody of the staff finished to take everything, he came! He stayed for a while, signed everybody's cd and whatever. I managed to give him the t-shirt i had drawn myself and he was wearing our necklace!! I'm so happy he liked it so much!! i'm quite proud of it:blush-anim-cl: Then he asked about Robertina to thank her (honey i have a video of that: i'll give you!). I've also make him sign my cd, and asked if he'll ever come back to Italy: he will this summer and in october for another tour!!!!!! yay!! Then I asked him about Holy Johnny(I love that song!!): he said it will be in the next album, which will be released when "he's done with this one"! Sivan i told him about your birthday on saturday, and if he could write an email for you...keep your fingers crossed! He was amazing, guys, he's such a nice person!! he stayed with us talking, and laughing (oh his laugh!!!!) and kidding.... he also mentioned Sanremo: the fighting atmosphere in the backstage, and the old age of the crowd: he's so funny, he has also made an imitation (-->not sure it is the right word) of them, LOL:roftl: There was also a guy who kept saying funny things and Mika made him signing his cap: he said he was entertaining all of us so he needed something from him: can you imagine that????? It was all so surreal....i had Mika at few centimetres from me...laughing, talking to me....omg, i need to go back to the earth... AMAZING, AMAZING. Oh i was forgetting: the whole gig was recorded from an italian musical network (like mtv) called All Music: they're gonna air the gig in may, and he girl who interviewed him was right in front of me while we were holding a panel with the MFC logo!!! Now Esperia and Robertina will write their own report when they'll back home (rested ) and get a computer. I'll edit my post with my pics and videos. ------------------------------- And now what everyone's waiting for: PICS: they're 42: i've uploaded them here for the moment. then i'm gonna update the link asap! VIDEOS: - Holy Johnny - Autographs 1: he loves our necklace! - Autographs 2: he talks about his performance at Sanremo Festival last march - Autographs 3: still talking about Sanremo Festival
  10. oh thank you for posting this! aawwwww he's so cute there! sweetie sweetie sweetie!
  11. i think i'd stay on the door for something like 20minutes like this once realized i't's really HIM, i think i'd be breathless, just can't talk or make any sound but "iiiihhii":naughty: ......and then he'd run away wondering where the hell he's ended up! LOL
  12. i always look at your avatar and i've never realized it was steven tyler! that is awesome!!
  13. i'll tell you tomorrow:wink2: even though i already know the answer! but i feel so empty when i can't hear the album..it's anxiety yes!
  14. please don't make me think mika without his shirt..!!!! aaaah!!!! :mf_lustslow:
  15. me neither but i've tried with a different browser (Safari) and it works now:wink2: Thank you Sivan for posting!! the video is really amazing: i was melting when, while singing Grace Kelly, he does that "mmmmmmhh" in a so sexy way!
  16. omg how can someone resist to this man??? i mean, look at him!!!
  17. omg! ooh i wish i was there and took his braces....anyone has a video of that moment??
  18. oh that's just so sweet! thanx for the translation violetsky!
  19. welcome back! glad he's getting so popular everywhere! just hope he'll stay as close to his fans as he is now:original:
  20. poor mika...we should comfort him, dont' you think? give him a shoulder to cry onto, hug him.... poor sweetie..
  21. I meant if mika would take his shirt off completely i could die by a heart attack:wink2:
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