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Everything posted by Sity

  1. Now when I do know someone else does it too for sure, Im tempted to let it go and edit everything I've wanted to but not bothered. Then again I don't care what other people do, I live my own life, walk my own path. Bless the after-posting-period of a minute, curse the no-life bitch who comes and quotes your whole pre-edited post and adds a stupid smiley face with a one line comment of whatever. I find that so sweet thing to do. I take time to read long posts too - not always. Early days - Took me couple of days to realise it was "chin wagging", like your mouth with the chin, wagging. I won't tell you more.
  2. Oh no, you were talking about "Mika" instead of me?! It's scary here tonight - and I've posted here tonight - Im leaving.
  3. Made a stupid post of everything except the quote I was going to. It was possibly my first two-words-post ever and looks like Im not tryin that again. Maybe I should start posting about the mighty difference of being silly and being funny in different threads just to make people around the world realise, which one of them I personally feel more comfortable with.
  4. I hope that wasn't me (ever), I don't want anyone feel low (especially because of my stupid-ass posts). No Sex and booze sells "Apples" (old I know -__-)
  5. You came out of the closet? Im still in, close the door, the light hurts my eyes.
  6. Yeah, we gotta take the man's word... And the word's okay with me.
  7. Thank you, heres Mark. He can pose too. Work it!
  8. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/the%20things%20they%20say%206815_1056437 "MIKA will win. He is just too good." Super producer MARK RONSON already predicts he will lose the Best British Male gong at this year's (08) Brit Awards to GRACE KELLY star MIKA. 16/01/2008 16:24 And a sensual apple pose added Caption: Mika. Cirque du Soleil 'Varekai' Gala Performance at Royal Albert Hall -- Arrivals. London, England - 08.01.08
  9. No, it's alright, he's gonna catch 'em all. Thank you!
  10. Niin mullakin, olin just innostunu Mikan musiikista ja myös sopinu kaverin kanssa, että kyllä hankitaan tamagotchit ja sit näin haastattelun ja se oli paras.
  11. Uh oh, my lemons was for lemons. You can't even like your fruits as fruits nowadays? But I kinda see where it comes; a man is hitting up a woman, I bet some lesbian could be lemons. It just makes me angry cause that makes you a lesbian if you're being all "lemons" for some idiot in a bar. "Lemon" is for "lesbian", what's "apples" then for? Lets vote http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=apples
  12. Oh no, I just answered you there. You make me able to choose! not #4, neither a fan of Martha Stewards
  13. AI, voi ei... Mutta hei, eihän sitä etukäteen tiedä jos vaikka jotain (Mikaa) järjestyy. Mä oikeestaan tykkään tästä verkkasesta tahdista täällä. Ehkä just verrattuna muuhun foorumiin... Mika-rintamalla liikaa liikettä ole ollutkaan viimeaikoina. Aika hyvin AI muuten toi sun youtube-video menesty; se tulee heti toisena vaihtoehtona jos hakee "Mika Interview". Melkein vuosi siitäkin.
  14. I second that! I want my Mika to stay on my space. I think Im neither, sometimes I feel a bit like a lemon, at least I eat them a lot I often get to hear. Also Im a bit shy to post on the whole forums these days, except the last two weeks that I've not even been here a lot... compared to what I used to. Im gonna change my name here soon - as I've been over a year now. That's just how good I am to come up with any profile name. Im tempted to be something wizardy, but I'll spare them names to a special someone. And yes, where's Kata?
  15. I was gonna add a funny commercial spoof here - only to find out it wasn't even Fiat.
  16. Thank you! I don't have to quess of their expressions anymore. (Which just tells you they're all flirting with each other with their French accents). Also it's been a while I watched the video, brings back memories. Really!
  17. Yeah, I got that. But just that the video was ment to be not that flattering. And the worst thing they could say about Mika was his... falsetto?
  18. That's basically the interview where it all started... But hey, it's funny, why not post it on every page? This thread really makes me a good mood. And damn the electricity.
  19. Im very selective with projects these days but this one I must join - Im a teaholic. And not even English. Satu
  20. Hey, Robbie's fine! He was quite a background music for me after just recently bothered to dig up info of him too. I would think he's really not much bothered with Take That. And I don't see Mika and Robbie fighting over the same spot in pop stardom at all.
  21. So Im in. Btw, the video I didn't find so bad at all. They were praising him a good song-writer and dissing the "side-show-Mika". And I quite agree from 2:16 forward. Anyway, off with the stupid comments. Please, remember to update, Pinky.
  22. Is this me? ... hello anyway! :] Oohh, deserves to be over-quoted. I know from how that apple smiles, must be coming a good (apple) year. Jack, what a magical story! I see no age revealed for the kind and fine wizard... IMO Luna could be anything from 10 up, in fairytales age doesn't always matter (in general I was talkin about). Vally, how delightful to hear someone being that happy!
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