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Everything posted by Akim

  1. There is a childlike quality to this image- although his interview technique suggests otherwise...and yes his hair looks great:thumb_yello: Thanks for posting...
  2. He looks terribly gaunt here and in need of rest or even better sleep...(Weekend Guardian 28.04.07)- I'm not very fond of it
  3. ...what you think the concept of the "big beautiful girl" embodies???? I'm confused:confused:
  4. :roftl: Ok, why am I laughing...? Well for one thing getloaded probably wasn't banking on being asked "where's Mika?!" even though they decided to post on a Mika Forum...having said that I think we should be open minded and consider ALL forms of music.... On another note, while I was at the O2 Festival, I was told by the XFM promoters to remove my MikaFanclub Badge...don't worry I told him where he could go...
  5. I agree!!! I don't like what he's wearing, but that's him through and through...not a fashion victim and true to himself...
  6. Aufinnau, thank you for posting the article and for the translation. Your English is very good, I understood what you wrote- so don't worry about how it is being received
  7. No it doesn't. We do this naturally with out thinking whether autistic or not. In autism (I'm not an expert) people tend to withdraw into themselves- which is why they are encouraged to maintain eye contact, but this article is saying that there is a reason behind the eye movement (i.e. remembering) and is more pronounced in Autism.
  8. Its actually the opposite, but you're right about the two sides having different functions- the right hand side visualises, while the left hand side works things out...Thanks for the compliment:thumb_yello:
  9. Welcome to our humble abode...
  10. Wow! They do sound pretty similar...I like how it sounds when they're both played at the same time...I wonder if Mika lists the Nattergales as an influence..???
  11. Mika having a picture thought moment: Looking Up and to the Right LACK OF EYE CONTACT, ...Now there is a buzz term in autism ;and some of us but, not all of us in our autism circles have been told and we are noted at times for looking UP and to the RIGHT when we are doing a deep Picture thought. Our eyes actually physically look up and to the right. When eye contacts returns to normal the Picture thought is over and we are better able to do real life... http://prerainmanautism.blogspot.com/2006/05/looking-up-and-to-right.html
  12. Oh you poor thing!! I know exactly how you feel...I moved out of home (a stealth mission- to be accurate, where I was sneaked out with a little help from my friends and sister!!) when I was 21, for similar reasons. My mother felt she had a God given "right" to rule my life, make decisions for me, and decide what I was going to do/not do etc. It was a living hell...I'm talking lock-ins, beatings, emotional blackmail- you name it my mother was it!! Although, while I was growing up I thought it was "normal" behavior", I always felt that it just wasn't "right"!! But unless you break free and stand on your own two feet, people like that will always impose on you. It helps to have support as well...its never easy to do it on your own...I'm not suggesting that you leave home and break all contact, but it isn't right to have someone (regardless of who they are in relation to you) to have this kind of a hold over you- It's not love and protection, (something everyone has a right to expect from their family, esp. parents) it is unfortunately emotional abuse... Take Care Sou,
  13. I've pre-ordered mine from the US site...thanks for the info Paula!!!
  14. ...but I still feel let down...you see this "friend" first introduced me to Mika, I just don't get it!! Thanks Violet Sky for your kind words...
  15. more honesty is required? Interesting... Maybe understanding where Mika is coming from would help...it is a hyped up form of reality...not necessarily as we know it...its meant to be over the top, in any case, Mika is dealing with reality in an honest way- I don't get what is dishonest about it...
  16. All for good cause, if anything you can claim "insanity":naughty:
  17. Well the author obviously doesn't like Mika- Its full of condescensions, sarcastic and definitely negative...the only thing that was good I suppose was that at least he was being descriptive...though being negative with it... Ok Chris, we get it! You don't like Mika and you already decided that even before you got there...you either hate him or love him- there's no in between, fantastic isn't it ???? On another note it seems that the Washington Post have something against our Mika, check this out: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost/access/1244200351.html?dids=1244200351:1244200351&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Mar+27%2C+2007&author=J+Freedom+du+Lac+-+Washington+Post+Staff+Writer&pub=The+Washington+Post&edition=&startpage=C.5&desc=Mika%2C+With+Nod+to+Pop+Royalty That was the edited version, this however is the original: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2190&highlight=washington+post
  18. Yeah why not!!! We are after all "die-hard fans", right..???!!
  19. When I first read about this thread...I thought it might be a waste of time..but now I think its justified since this happened: I was told that I'm being "obsessed" and "psycho" and I "scare people" i.e. that person, when I talk about Mika!!! Now how am I supposed to react to that?? When I said fine I won't talk to you about Mika since I "scare" you and sound like a "psycho"- but then they've managed to take offense because I am telling them that I found what they said to me to be upsetting...it meant, to me, that this person doesn't understand me- now, cleverly they've turned the situation around to say that I don't understand them!!!...that what they said I've taken too much to heart....I can't bloody win!!!
  20. I hope so...but I really think that it will be last minute, probably a day before...? It is part of their hype isn't it? This is sooo exciting, but I have butterflies in my stomach- and that's not a good feeling!!!
  21. He! He! A hell of a lot of crossed fingers:naughty:
  22. Yes. TBA has put it up on their website- it will definitely be in Manchester on the 27th, but the exact location will only be revealed the day before....I wait in hope!!!
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