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Everything posted by Akim

  1. Welcome:welcomeani:!! What a great way to start off your journey in the MFC....cool!!!
  2. Wayhay!! Welcome to our convert....
  3. Mika doesn't actually care if people think of him in a certain way...he disregards anything that is remotely untrue. We are not discussing whether in your words "he is gay"- simply making fun of the fact that someone out there is questioning whether he is now "a man or woman". It pretty obvious don't you think? If Mika stopped singing because of negative feedback/opinions- I would be surprised as hell- he is not that kind of person, he would not have fought to be who he is today if that was the case....He's much stronger then you think.
  4. Come on guys!!! It's mean to be taken light heartedly- ITS A JOKE!!! I am sure that even the MAN himself will see it in the light that its been said...I'm talking about JackViolet's comments. Anyway we all know that Mika has a singing voice of almost up to a 4 octave range...he's not a WOMAN, but he doesn't mind, enjoys even, playing both genders- esp. in his cover for Shakira's "Hips don't lie".....Chill out people:thumb_yello:
  5. ooo...thank you JeyJen:thumb_yello:. I have my own copy to play on my whim!!
  6. Re: Mikapenniman on utube I actually thought that this was an impostor or just someone who wanted to use that name...interesting though. Re the interview he does an excellent impersonation of Mickey Mouse, it's really good!! Thanks for the post guys....
  7. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=249296&posted=1#post249296 Its NOT good news!!!
  8. Hi just phoned the gallery. They confirmed the opening times are 10:00-6:00pm weekday's and 12:00pm-6:00pm on the Saturday- free admittance!! No I didn't ask if Mika would be at the opening- I didn't want to sound like a stalker!!!
  9. Ok I'm quoting Jackviolet who wanted to introduce his newly converted friend "Cyprian" and I really think he has described Mika down to a T: Talking about Mika as a "concept" "it's the self-made, outgoing, sexually ambiguous, successful pop star who handles his interviews intelligently"
  10. That was grrrrreat!!! You can actually hear him sing on here!!! Thanks for sharing...
  11. I kind of like it. Its rather slow to start with so it took a while to grow on me. The heavy percussion from Say it right adds a "darker" dimension to Relax, take it easy- I think it went rather well, although as some have already mentioned it is out of sync at times.
  12. I want to read it too...though I can't find anything yet... Cazgirl, you're right Mika must never be pictured wearing vests again!!! Has anyone noticed the white boxers and not the "custom grey" ones he usually wears???
  13. Hi there, Well here's the feedback on the screen test that Sara and I went to yesterday. It was all informal, Arianna who interviewed us, was very tall and easy going. I, thankfully forgot the camera was there and relaxed- I knew that talking about MIka would make me feel less self conscious:blush-anim-cl: We didn't ask any questions as I think it all just felt so random- she did say we'd hear at the end of June, but we knew that anyway. So we're just going to wait, really!! We had a good sign at the end though- we went for a drink after and couldn't decide which cafe to go into- but Mika was the deciding factor for the one we finally chose...his Love Today Video was playing on a big screen, that made my day!! The cappuccino was good too...
  14. It has been quoted a lot of times, and in the Rove interview they discuss it openly, so I think it is true...
  15. I love these:thumb_yello:...esp. "little tight..." pic. Guess which one it is:blink:?? Hint:I used it for my avie.... (Avoca hope that's ok??)
  16. You're welcome:thumb_yello: All credits to Mika for the songs (which he didn't actually want to be heard..oops sorry:wink2:, but I couldn't help it!!!)
  17. Its the endless expanse of it all- there's no end!!! It's soooo deep, I'd die from fear before I drowned I think???!!
  18. Sounds like so much fun and very realistic....very funny:naughty: This idea on the other hand freaks me out!! I've a very extreme fear of the ocean. Rivers and lakes I can handle...but staring at the ocean when I'm near it gives me palpitations and I have difficulty breathing. I can't swim and for the life of me will not step into the sea....It will probably be the death of me...unless of course I get air-lifted out or something... (notice no mention of Mika??- its not on purpose) So it wouldn't be much fun...
  19. I like the fact that he/she (?) has recognised that he is "multi talented".
  20. Interesting...!!! Call me a cynic, but its a well known fact that tapes do get "leaked" in this industry purely for recognition etc... I don't regret hearing them (when they're freely available and accessible....well!!!) This won't stop me from buying the final version, in fact it makes me WANT to hear whats been changed or not- its the artistry that I'm interested in not freebies- I mean they are practice/outtakes after all...
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