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Everything posted by CazGirl

  1. i used windows movie maker. endless time limit. Not bad quality either.
  2. LMFAO I love the way you cut off there and say "IM DEFINITELY DOING IT!" okay. well. you can send as many songs as you like! You can send other songs too but at least one has to be a Mika song. Just for fun. Doesn't have to be long. Doesn't have to be perfect. Come on guys you know you want to!
  3. i thought that. i saw a pic of his mum somewhere and they do very VERY smiliar, so i think it IS her
  4. *eye twitches* my innocent mind has been ruined.
  5. LMAO I was on here till 2am last night reading this forum!
  6. aww come ON guys! It's for laughs! It doesn't matter how good or bad you are. It's just showing our love for Mika! Please don't let me be the only one who's done it!
  7. XD don't you have any recordings from like...a while back? if not, fair do's but promise you'll post one tomorrow!! promiiiiiiise!
  8. LMFAO. Awww thanks! maybe I could have a duet with Mika some time? *haha i wish!* anyways guys! Come on! Everyone else has to post, not just me!
  9. okay. to warm everyone up, here's my ATTEMPT doing Lollipop. Bearing in mind I had cold when I sang this lol XD http://www.mediafire.com/?aw2lnhiwmzi
  10. actually, go to http://www.mediafire.com much simpler lmao!
  11. just go on http://www.yousendit.com it's simple enough. at least, it was last time I used it O.o and it doesnt matter what you sound like! It's all about the fun in trying!
  12. I was talking to a guy at work about Mika (I actually dont shut up about him) and I just went into a fit of giggles. what IS that? WHY is that? What do YOU make of that? I'd say I need help but I enjoy thinking about him waaaaaay too much
  13. hai! (japanese for "yes") haha. sorry had to be done. and charlie, the reason why your tamagotchi's so fat is because everytime its unhappy you just feed it bucket loads of icecream! *tsk tsk lol*
  14. And people with younger minds also live longer =] which means MIKA WILL ENDLESSLY MAKE AMAZING MUSIC haha No pressure there I love being immature. It's THEE best. I do it all the time at work
  15. ROFL LMFAO omg thats too hilarious XDDD
  16. Hmmm interesting! How would people like to post replies of them singing a song of Mika's? It doesn't have to be long. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just for fun You can always upload them on yousendit.com or something. You can always send another song of your choice along with a Mika song, BUT THERE MUST BE A MIKA SONG. I would start off but I don't want to post anything of me singing, have people listen to it but then no-one continue the thread LOL because that would be embarrassing! Who's brave enough to start first?
  17. mikachoo LMAO sorry, it reminded me of Pikachu XD Well my mate Charlie got one. Just coz Mika has one XD Oh the power of Mika. I remember havin one when I was little. It was pink and a kitty I had a dinosaur one too once...and a dog, i think...
  18. I can only think of one person at work who likes Mika. Everyone picks on me because I like him, and they always jab at his sexuality. It's like AARRRRGGGHHH ITS ABOUT THE MUSIC!!!!!! However they managed to watch the love today fan video. They loved it really They just...won't admit it...
  19. OHHHH he is much more than God. He has quite happily pushed God off his high...cloud? (no offence to religious people here)
  20. PICTURE 13! MY PAGE ON RIGHT! woop woop! thankyou Sivan!!!! <3
  21. lol glad i didnt get that paper today! idiotic journalist!
  22. Oooooh this is very interesting! Grace Kelly. What does it mean to me? Exactly what it means to Mika. Ive been singing Mika songs all day at work (mainly lollipop) and I really did feel like going in someone's face and going WHY DONT U LIKE ME, WHY DONT U LIKE ME, WHY DONT WALK OUT THE DOOR! ...haha. i enjoy being weird. Lollipop. This reminds me when I was at Charlie's. We were walking to the bus stop and we were singing it down the road I love how it's catchy, along with a good message. My Interpretation. Now I do like this song, but I've never felt like this emotionally so I can't really elaborate. Love Today. THE FAN VIDEO. DUH. :D Relax! Take it easy. Just reminds me of me singing in my bedroom lol! I also get mixed emotions in this song. Sometimes I just wanna belt it out, other times I actually just want to relax O.o Ring Ring. Well! I've had someone ring me and text me everyday before so I can kinda feel a connection here. It's just the sorta song where you build up so much anger and annoyance that eventually you have to vent it out - and I just imagine screaming this song at a person XD I love singing it. Any Other World. Now, whenever I play Final Fantasy 12, I always have Mika's cd in the background. why? because FF is hard and I always die, and having mika singing in the background soothes me, I don't get as angry (XD) and this song always reminds me of a particular point in the game. Billy Brown. This triggers a memory of when I first heard it on his myspace page. "Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life: two kids, a dog and then the cautionary wife. While it was all going accordingly to plan...then Billy Brown fell in love with another man" and it just made me laugh XD Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). LAAAAAY-DEE. Nuff said Stuck In The Middle. I never really used to like this song, but because I could never be arsed to skip the song when playing FF, the more I listened to it the more it grew on me. Now I really like it. I ESPECIALLY love singing "I look at you, you look at me, we BITE each other!" Erase. I remember first hearing this song. I wanted to cry. The way he sings "erase" just pulls my heartstrings. I have been heartbroken, and know all too well of this feeling. Happy Ending. Same as above really. Satellite. I've only heard this a few times. It's on my computer somewhere but I can't find it. Although I do remember that it reminds me "twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..."
  23. i remember reading about this in the newspaper. I even wrote my Mika Album Blog on Myspace based on the interview because it helped me understand on what some songs were about. NOW i realise that "my interpretation" and "happy ending" arent personal heartbreak experiences LOL...well they might be...who knows?
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