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Everything posted by CazGirl

  1. Ooooh. What would I do? If I were to take him out...OMG clubbing hahaha could u imagine? He'd so take centre stage and I'd LOVE IT. I'd be like "HE'S WITH ME BWAHAHAHAHA" Okay anyway. Amusement park IS a good idea, but I wouldnt take him Alton Towers. It's ALL ABOUT THORPE PARK. It's THEEEEEEE most amazing place in the WORLD. Okay MGM Studios, Busch Gardens and Adventure Land come close LOL. PICNIC is a good idea. Haha. We would sit on the grass...the daisies and buttercups would be out...it would be a warm day...there would be other people playing frisbee or walking their dog or playing music...and we'd just chat...eat lots of cakes (its all about the cakes - MR. KIPLING) and then we'd sit down and look at cloud shapes... I would say "we would hit the beach after" but he hates water hahaha.
  2. LMAO thats an amazing answer!
  3. hmmm well im no great cook either, BUT... It would either be: 1) Pasta (either with grated cheese or any sauce of his preference) 2) Boiled Eggs (hahaha...normal or toasted soldiers? hmm i wonder) 3) Jacket Potato with sweetcorn and lemon chicken 4) I would get my dad to make his most AWESOME lasagne as I cannot do it myself...and once its done...id chuck my family out...mika would enter and it will be all dark with candles....some music in the background... lasagne will be on the table... he'll scoff it up... and for dessert... HE'LL HAVE MEEEEE!!!!! AAHHHH the hilarity. Oh well. A girl can dream!
  4. aaahhhh he's just so beautiful!!!! x__x
  5. You have NOOOOO idea until you've experienced it. The first time it happened to me I never heard about it before, so I actually thought someone was in my room. Also, in my dreams it's always from someone else's point of view, like someone else watching me as I always see myself, but this time it was my point of view which made it even more terrifying. The pain in my back that I felt...it felt like a knife. I remember VERY VAGUELY thinking that there were two people but it was so long ago I can't remember. I thought my house was being burgled, and when I did wake up after hearing the door slam I was too scared to go to my parents about it because I thought he was outside. That's how realistic it is.
  6. I've been heartbroken so I can feel the emotion from the song. Although I've never wandered the streets "cold and drunk", I know what it feels like to fall, and losing your way. Lyrically, it's quite simplistic, but because it's simplistic it's straight to the point and sometimes...simplistic works better. I think the song sounds amazing in the right frame of mind, the right mood, the right time. I can imagine it would sound creepy in the car *not in a bad way*. when someone posted that the immediate vision I had was the person in the drivers seat, driving down an almost empty road with fields either side, it's very late at night, the moon is out, it's cold...and you're on your own. *shudders*
  8. Right! The chest hair will officially start! Im about to make one because I am bored, so hopefully this will create some amusement I'm sure Mika would find it hilarious aswell. I mean, what sane people talk about celebrities body hair?!?! Exactly. And let's face it - we're not sane, so why not cross that border a bit more and go from "insanity starting" to "incurably insane"? And as Mika would say... WHY NOT??
  9. Yes, I remember! Two of my friends, Charlie and Zach, both wanted me to hear Grace Kelly. Zach suddenly went offline for whatever reason, so Charlie told me to go to his myspace and watch the music video. I couldn't really be arsed, but he kept telling me how amazing it was so I was like okay whatever...so I listened to it. At first I was like yeah, I can understand why it's number one. Meh it's okay. But I gave it a second shot. And the more I listened to it the more I loved it. In the end I listened to it every morning before I went to college XD And now I have his album. I've signed up to this forum, and Mika's site forum. I have my own Mika folder on my computer. I absolutely ADORE him to death and I wanna see him live and meet him and...I'm just plain obssessed now XD
  10. YES. IT'S CALLED SLEEP PARALYSIS. I've had that too. First time I experienced it I was in my old room. My eyes opened and I saw this tall figure by my wardrobe. I shut my eyes...opened them again and this hand came down by my face so I shut my eyes again and felt this stabbing pain in my back, then I heard the door slam. That's when I REALLY woke up. I was absolutely petrified, I left my door open with the hall light on for WEEKS. I had one a few months ago in my new room. Someone was by the door, and then came over and crawled on top of my bed. Their weight was on my feet, and then I felt then crawling up towards me...and then I woke up, can't remember how. Luckily I knew I has having a sleep paralysis because of the previous experience and I searched it up. People have different experiences though. You experienced "The Hag" which is quite common. I just experienced some weird thing. Others feel aliens have come to kidnap them, and feel themselves getting dragged out of bed. It happens in the REM state (Rapid Eye Movement) Hope Ive helped
  11. i know he said he just wanted to make a dance track. I really dont think it's anything to do with 7/7 if you listen to the lyrics...I don't think he'd be telling people to "relax! take it easy!" LOL...
  12. woop woop! Those questions took some careful thinking
  13. haha you're welcome to join me in my rubber room. We can hop in our straight jackets and bounce off the walls as we are already doing so metaphorically! BTW SIVAN - THOSE PIX ARE AMAZING IM SO JEALOUS!!!!!!
  14. I posted a comment on there but it has yet to be approved. Some people are so harsh and wicked on there I just had to give them a piece of my mind!
  15. OKAY. THIS IS TAKING THE BISCUIT NOOOOOWWWW. My mum is trying to put "life in cartoon motion" on but our cd thing is rubbish, so I've got her in the background moaning that she can't listen to Mika. I've got my two sisters continually singing the chorus to Grace Kelly. There's me teaching them the words. THE HYPE OVER MIKA IS BUILDING UP I THINK I MIGHT JUST EXPLODE In fact, just stick me in a straight jacket and throw me in a rubber room. I'm going effing nuts.
  16. Sivan we are Mika thirsty Mika fans, we don't care how short it is!!!! We just wanna see hiiiiiiiiim :D :D :D
  17. I am literally bouncing up and down on my chair simply because i cannot WAIT to see this video!!! And it doesn't help that my sister is badly humming "Grace Kelly" across the room!!!!
  18. I would go to London, and hopefully my friend Charlie could come too, but doubt my parents would let me, as I don't know anyone personally and because I've met you all through the net :S Parents are very protective!!
  19. is the video uploaded yet? apologies for my impatience if it isnt!!
  20. OMG THATS SO EFFING AMAAAAAAAZING To think he's read my message is absolutely ...AHHHH!!!! I'm SOOOO HAPPY And Sivan, you are a STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg I want to meet him NOW!
  21. Okay here goes. 1) Did the Russian woman REALLY beat you? Like...cause BRUISING? 2) Do you have any pictures of you when you were younger? Because you said you a bit pudgy when you were little and I'd really love to see, coz I bet you were adorable!! 3) What would you never be caught doing? 4) What's your tamogotchi's name? 5) Can I run my fingers through your AMAZING hair? **sorry, have to add a 6!** 6) Pic and Auto please? Okay naughty! 1) Can I kiss you? 2) Can I squeeze your bum? 3) Marry me? 4) Have my children? 5) LET'S GO MAKE SOME LOVE TODAY! And tomorrow..and the day after...and the day after that...and next week...next month...next year...FOREEEEVVVEEERRRRR <3 haha okay that last one was more of a command...
  22. I'm a snake too!!! Woop Woop! My snake twin! What year were u born? I was 1989. However, in erm..."real" horoscopes (well the most common one) I am a Leo. I was born 23rd July...so really, I was born on a cusp (Cancer, Leo) and Mika is a leo too, and LEO'S RULE!
  23. CazGirl

    Hi Mika

    Wait, is there actual PROOF that he reads this?? And Ive read *MOST* of that other thread, but dont know if we actually came to a conclusion?? well anyway, if he does... HELLOOOOOOOO Love your album! And your voice. And...everything really
  24. WHAT I WANT HIM TO SAY Lovely girl. Really want to meet her, marry her, and have her babies. I'm in love!!! What he will REALLY say... Bit weird. Wants EVERY part of me, so that's kinda scary. Imagined me being a fireman and spraying water over myself. Definately not one to meet. Must avoid at all costs.
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