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Everything posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. ya, that commerical definitley reminded me of that guys album. it's called something about cartoons? i dunno. :roftl: there's a new honda commercial that they showed on the disney channel that was very LICM-ish.
  2. i always thought it was "blame it on me, or blame night on you". even though it doesn't make sense, and i know the real words, i still sing "night". the way he sings can be very confusing.
  3. what about this boy? i was watching "grace kelly" today and i noticed him. he looks like mika a bit, and looks about fortunes age. everytime i watch that video i notice something new.
  4. i meant did it get mailed to you? for one song? -alex.
  5. i didn't know it was your profile lol. are you getting it in the mail? or is it like an iTunes kind of thing?
  6. i had yet another mika dream last night. i was at a restaurant with my family. well it was my mom and dad, and other people. someone at my table started yelling "mika!" and i looked behind me, and he was sitting at a table behind us!! i guess there was really loud music, so i mouthed "i love you" to him, and pointed at him when i said "you". and he went "me?" and i shook my head. then i walked up to his table to get an autograph, and i older guy walked up to me and said we're all going to take a group picture with him. so i was a bit bummed, but took it anyway. i think mika was wearing a white shirt with some orange on it. i can't think what color pants though. then i went to the bathroom, and when i was walking out of the hallway, i saw mika, and asked if he could take a picture with just me. there was a girl from the group picture walking by, so i asked her to take it. while she was trying to figure out the camera, mika leaned on me, and started kissing me. then i said to the girl "did you get that?", she looked totally clueless. then he picked me up, and was kind of twirling with me, and somehow i was able to pick him up (i'm very strong in this dream". and she just kept taking pictures. then i said thank you, gave him a hug, and returned to my and told everyone what happened. it was a great dream.
  7. i've also been listening to it everyday, along with his unreleased tracks, and it just doesn't get dull. i can wake up at 6 in the morning and listen to "love today" or "grace kelly" and just dance and be the happiest person in the world. i just watched a re-run of "love today" on graham norton, and i got up and danced, as if it were the first time i heard the song. i've never liked every song on a cd until mika. i do some listen to other artists, but not as much as i listen to mika. the only artist i listen to that much is rufus wainwright. i haven't liked a new artist in a couple years now. i went through an old movie musical/ broadway/ 60's and 70's music phase from when i was about 15, to now. that's almost 4 years! and mika comes along and changed my life. i cannot wait for mikas next album. i'm sure we'll all love it like LICM.
  8. holy crap. he should wear black more often! and i'm loving th epurple pants.
  9. go mika. isha birfday. the mfc's gonna party cause itsha birfday! happy birthday mika!!!!!
  10. it's the audio from a whole concert. but he talks to the audience between some songs, and he is dropping f-bombs.
  11. thanks for posting! i'm listening to it now, and he is just cursing away. i love him. :wub2:
  12. omg that's the freaking coolest cake i've ever seen!!!!! happy birthday MIKA
  13. amazing pictures! thanks for posting! he looks adorable, but tired. he needs to rest.
  14. you!?!?! i remember you! i remember seeing him grab your hand, and i was like "???!!!!" i was very jealous! i was standing on the right, near to the front, but not close enough to touch him. during the middle of "lollipop" i moved up to the stage against a speaker (the black stuff rubbed off on my shirt ) and the security guard had to move me away, because i was blocking the bubble machine. after it ended, i was standing next to you when you asked for the paper, and i swear to god the guy was going to hand it to me, he was looking right at me, and then handed it to you. i was very jealous.
  15. i'd have him shop with me. if he had to be put to work, he can carry the bags.
  16. i'm sorry. could i add to my order? can i add the yellow one, and someone had an avatar with a blue ribbon with some white, and there were polka dots, is that the rainbow one? if it is add that too! thank you!!!!
  17. okie dokie. i'll make it a video then. but not of myself. thank you!
  18. hannah, a few questions..... 1. are we doing this as a video or audio, because the only audio thing i have is to record it on my phone, and e-mail it to myself. 2. are we singing the whole song, and you'll cut it up, or should we pick one line to sing? thank, alex.
  19. i'm a weirdo i have a burned copy of LICM and i use that instead of the actual CD. i don't want to risk it getting broken, or scratched. so basically it's decoration.
  20. i did not get to meet him . as soon as lollipop finished the lights came on, and some people stood in line, so i stood with them, but security kicked people without passes out. so i knew i wouldn't be able to meet him. plus it was 12 something, in miami....homeless people were everywhere...i didn't think he was gonna come out so i left. next time i'm sticking around. i remember someone on the boards saying she got in to the after-party, but she had a pass.
  21. i feel the same exact same way. he'll end up playing arenas, and it's gonna be hard and expensive to get tickets. i don't think his big fame will get to his head,. he said his family will keep that from happening. and he knows what it's like to have 20 people come to a gig. holly, whenever he comes back here, we'll have to meet up.
  22. his mouth area looks really photoshoped but his eyes are like:mf_lustslow: whew!
  23. i always wanted to watch "ugly betty" maybe i will now. btw. if braces in the uk are suspenders, what do you guys call the things on your teeth?
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