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Status Updates posted by dcdeb

  1. Happy Birthday, Sara! x

    1. sara09


      Thanks a million, Deb! :hug:

  2. Brain hurts... too much thinking today!

  3. Everything changes in the blink of an eye...

    1. Gabry74


      Stardust ❤

    2. frenchfan84


      This song has more and more meaning as the days are passing...

  4. Just a little harmless diversion...

  5. I kept my promise man, show me the promiseland...

    1. Christine


      Oh you got a bit of promiseland laydee. How soon you forget!!

    2. dcdeb


      Oh, haven't forgotten. Maybe I should change it to the "sold my soul" line...

    3. Christine


      Or sanity perhaps?

  6. Lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky MIKA fan...

    1. Christine


      Hmmm whatever could you be talking about? :teehee:

  7. New York, New York!

  8. Now the post-gig depression sets in. :(

  9. Verboten tomorrow! Webster Hall Monday! :)

  10. Seeing Mika a week from today! Wheeeee!

    1. Xine


      Not to mention seeing me!

    2. dcdeb


      The icing on the cake, to be sure! Along with going for late-night pierogies!

  11. Hi! Have you gotten your tickets for the Belasco yet? Here's the link if you haven't:


  12. Hi! Mika is very good about coming outside to talk to fans after most of his shows, so chances are good that if you wait long enough you can meet him. Unfortunately, we are not able to arrange private meet & greets for every show. When we can arrange a meet & greet, though, it is usually with very short notice. If you want to be included in any meet like that, be sure to RSVP to the appropriate gig thread to let us know you will be there. That list is the list we use to know how many fans and which fans will be there. If you have other questions about this, please contact our moderator guylainem123 -- she speaks French and may be better able to explain this to you. :original:

  13. I'm glad that Renate could help, Anne. As I told Jolien on FB, I've been in the same stressful position of having to pick up tickets at the box office right before the gig. But I have never used See tickets, so I don't know how they do things.

  14. OK, Muriel. Thank you! X

  15. Hi Anne, I don't know how I can help more than the actual ticket seller. They are your best source for answers to your questions. When they ordered the tickets, I'm sure it said somewhere how, when and where to pick up tickets -- it probably says on the email receipt they received as well. Since I don't speak French and since I'm not the ticket vendor, really, they ought to go directly to SEE tickets or to the venue. Sorry I'm not able to help more.

  16. Hi and :welcomeani:


    I explain the procedure in this thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34417&page=8


    I think it's fairly easy to understand. Good luck tomorrow! :)

  17. Congratulations, Yukari! So happy to see you here! Enjoy the concert! :)

  18. No worries! I've asked Guylaine and she's going to check her list when she gets a chance! Sorry for the confusion, Muriel! Hope we sort this out soon! X

  19. Hi Muriel, I have you on my list as having won a set of MFC stickers, not buttons. Guylaine was supposed to be sending those out, so I'll check with her on the status. Sorry for the delay. And yes, I really am looking forward to the new album also!

  20. Yes, indeed, we are going to have a few. The MFC 8th anniversary is actually tomorrow, January 5, so look for our announcement then! :thumb_yello:

  21. Thanks, Anne. Very sweet of you! :hug:

  22. Hi, you can buy the MFC badges from our Zazzle shop -- the link is in our top navigation bar up above ^^ under Mika's photo in the banner. :)

  23. Yes, it was a typo. I just fixed it. :doh:

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