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Everything posted by mellody

  1. Ah, so that's what he said, "memes" - I was looking up "mime" and it didn't make sense, lol! I always pronounce "memes" more like a German word, so it would sound like the French "mรชme", and I'm confused every time someone says memes with the e pronounced in English. ๐Ÿ˜… And then he says Goodbye with a French accent, I didn't understand that at first either. ๐Ÿ™ˆ I did see Nathalie's meme about asparagus and strings - guess he confused English and French? Well, I didn't hear that part, I hope it was funny for him and not them making fun OF him. I think there are nice & funny memes, and mean ones - and yes, I hope people don't make mean ones. And I hope Mika doesn't mind the nice ones... it's a great way of free promo, if they are funny enough to get shared a lot.
  2. You mean the one/s who kept writing ANDREAS? I'm not sure if they meant Andy or another Andreas. Just watched again & read the comments, but can't really make sense of them. Mika's spoken French is easier for me to understand than Tikok comments French. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ˆ
  3. Do you think it's the same interview they will air tomorrow? I thought there was the one for Tiktok today and another one for radio that's recorded today but will only be aired tomorrow.
  4. Here is my recording of the last 4 minutes, I hope we'll get a complete one soon! Screen_Recording_20240118_151703_TikTok.mp4
  5. Mika just did a Tiktok live interview for Radio Scoop. Not sure if he knew that he was live on Tiktok, lol! ๐Ÿ˜… Did anyone watch it all? I think I missed most of it, only heard the last question & part of his reply to the previous one. I screen recorded this bit, in case we're not getting a better version. If I understood it right, the radio interview will be aired tomorrow. First of all, IG stories by Radio Scoop: GH1r1QKLiSfhwzoDAG0uK9GxXZsAbpR1AAAF.mp4 GJ4d5RNLTSsFVlgLAHUj7Gz9gmdvbpR1AAAF.mp4
  6. It's still winter, the flowers need some time to grow from the head through the hair.
  7. While we were talking about Mika being taller than us (I don't remember now on what thread that was), I noticed in my Paris pictures that apparently he himself underestimates the height of his hair. I assume he wanted to make the rose look like it was blooming from his head, but the way it looks on my photo he's just hiding it behind his hair that Geraldine has styled so carefully. Maybe it looks different on the fans' picture, but I thought it was cute and funny when I saw this. I'm currently sorting my pictures to upload them in my gallery, but won't upload this one there, as it's blurry.
  8. Btw, this gives me another "costumes fanaction" idea - for some of the gigs we could all dress as the different Mika albums? I remember the girl with the clouds suit from the Paris signing, that'd be one great example for QTTFT. My space costume is for TBWKTM, and I remember seeing some fantastic LICM designed jackets / outfits over the years too. MNIMH is a bit harder maybe... or very easy, with just a face painting. I remember for some of the Revelation tour gigs, some had their names written on their cheeks like it is on Mika's album cover.
  9. Well, you just need very sharp scissors to do it, no chance with normal paper scissors. My 2010 space costume skirt was made of Organza, that's how know, lol! ๐Ÿ˜… I guess I still have some of the fabric left somewhere, so I can use that for flowers. Thanks for the video tutorials! And also for the tip that it stops fraying when you tear it and remove a few threads - I like the fluffy effect!
  10. I hadn't even thought that the guy referred to the people behind the barrier when he talked with Mika, but now that you say it... but maybe he just said that Mika is only allowed to sign CDs? However, he does look a bit like ๐Ÿ™„ when Mika goes there, so maybe you're right. It'd totally look like Mika to ignore someone who's telling him that he can't meet his fans. One more reason (of many) to love him.
  11. Yeah right? The cardboard sleeve looks so empty, not even the song titles are printed on it. That's why I asked Mika to sign it in Paris, and I told him exactly that, that it looks so empty. He said that's good, but we didn't get to talk about why he thinks so. Maybe because it leaves room for thoughts and creativity? Anyway, apparently it's intended.
  12. I still have one spare standing ticket for Berlin (e-mail ticket).
  13. Thanks @camille* and @crazyaboutmika for sharing your interpretations. Well, I know very well what you're talking about, people in Germany only know Mika as the Grace Kelly guy, if at all... I'm surprised it's the same in France, because he has been doing The Voice kinda like forever (or so it feels), and tons of interviews too, so wouldn't they be familiar with seeing him on the media? Or could it be BECAUSE he's on The Voice? I often get the impression (in Germany) that artists who judge these casting shows or go on shows like Masked Singer or Jungle camp have stopped being successful with their art, and that's why they do these shows. I don't know how it is in France - it seems Vianney and BigFlo&Oli are quite successful, so maybe the impression people get from it is different and it's just one of many promo tools for the artists. However, writing in an article that some people see him as a has-been, whether that is true or not, is unnecessary imo, because people tend to keep the negative things in mind of what they read, and not the "but it's not true". Especially, as Anne says, if it's connected with praise about his early success. Well, if journalists in France tend to do that, maybe it's not this specific writer then, but still I find it annoying.
  14. Sorry, I had planned to upload my videos, but forgot in the usual pre-Christmas bustle. I guess most are not that interesting, just Mika signing and signing and signing more.... but maybe some fans can spot themselves and would like to have a video of their moment with Mika. This is the one I filmed in the queue for the MFC Tiktok: 20231216_135554.mp4 20231216_162104.mp4 20231216_162757.mp4 20231216_163038.mp4 20231216_163825.mp4 20231216_164355.mp4 20231216_164506.mp4 20231216_164739_1.mp4 20231216_165845.mp4 20231216_170144.mp4 20231216_173144.mp4 20231216_174135.mp4 20231216_175317.mp4 20231216_175509.mp4 20231216_175639.mp4 20231216_175747.mp4
  15. I gotta say tho, as nice as that photo is, I find the writer of this article quite annoying. First thing is this "ringard". I'm not sure how to understand it, but the first translation it gives me is something like "outdated", and wtf?! Yeah, they say "no he isn't", but why even mention that in the first place?! People might say a lot about Mika, but I never heard anyone say that he's outdated. He keeps reinventing himself and surprising his audience. Anyway, maybe one of the French speakers has a better idea of what they mean with this expression? I also saw translations that say something like "nerdy", maybe that's why they added this quote about weirdness. Anyway, it's not just that but also that she tries to depict him as super eccentric - or maybe he did that himself because that was the only way this woman would accept him? Like, I wonder where those 30,000 tickets for London came from... And also in the last part, where she gives her opinion on what he says about the war in Middle East. "Not very original" and "at least points out that Hamas is a terrorist organization". I'm kinda glad he's not clearer about it, this woman sounds like she would have roasted him otherwise. It's a dangerous topic and Mika did really well in voicing his opinion in a very diplomatic way. It's wrong what's happening in Gaza, and imo the Israeli government is at least as much terrorizing the civilians in Gaza as Hamas was/is terrorizing the civilians in Israel, and yes, as Mika says, it has to stop.
  16. Ooops sorry, I hadn't seen that the posts about this were in the 2023 thread! Moved it here.
  17. nice picture! sadly the article is for subscribers only. can anyone who can read it copy it here please?
  18. I have one spare standing ticket, and I think I saw others offered on the extra ticket thread as well, if you need a second one... but there are also still standing tickets available on the dodotickets shop (I just don't know how it is on that website with e-mail tickets, shipping costs, buying from abroad, etc.) https://www.dodotickets.de/10905/mika
  19. Ah, good to see that there'll be more NEW interviews soon! (I really need to start catching up on the ones from last year! ๐Ÿ˜…). Where in France is their studio? The station seems to be for several regions in the south of France?
  20. E.Leclerc interview, recorded last year, published today. (found by @Kumazzz)
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