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Everything posted by mellody

  1. More chaotic than the Chubby Bunny interview? πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ I'll watch later.
  2. Oh my, he looks gorgeous in that interview! It's kind of a summary of his life. He says at the beginning that he's awkward in conversations, that it makes him anxious to meet stars, and that when someone acts aggressive on the street or in the supermarket he doesn't know how to deal with it and wants to become invisible , but that as soon as he's on a stage, he's not afraid. He talks about his Dad beig stuck in Kuwait and when they had to flee Paris that his Mum was pregnant with FortunΓ©. Then he talks abot his abusive teacher and that he wanted to become invisible. They say that then he had lots of jobs in music and was traveling through Europe, but when he was 15 his voice changed and he lost all his jobs. He tried to get in to several music conservatories but was rejected everywhere. Then his parents signed him up for the London school of Economics, and he says how he was sure that if he stayed there, he'd never work in music again. And so he went to the Royal College of music and waited for their boss until late in the evening, like for a celebrity, and begged him to give him another chance for an audition. He said, you have one month. Then he talks a bit about his first album, how it allowed him to talk about things that he's too scared to talk about in everyday life, about what cooking means to him, and about writing in French, nothing new there. But I loved hearing all those little details about things we already know, like how he went after the car of that Royal College of Music guy, or that his Mum was pregnant when they left Paris. And that he still finds himself awkward in conversations... he has become so good at it, like, look how eloquent he was at this anti bullying event! Well ok maybe that falls under the category of "stage" - I hope he'll find this courage that he has on stage also in his everyday life... he has the abilities, it's just the trust in himself that's missing, imo.
  3. I think this hasn't been posted yet? https://www.sudouest.fr/culture/musique/mika-j-adore-l-idee-de-l-amour-engage-17738441.php I can only read the first part tho, the rest is for subscribers.
  4. Thanks. Pfft, that old guy apparently wasn't the right one to ask. πŸ™„ It's true tho that this permission is not something you get from others or that automatically comes with age. You have to give yourself permission to be who you want to be. Sad for the guy that at his old age he still doesn't seem to have figured this out. I hope Mika will - and I believe that he will. Through his songs I think he already says a lot of things that this guy has never dared to say in his life (who is he, btw?). And also, who teaches you to be an adult?! And adults trying to teach children how to be children also isn't very constructive. You have to figure it out yourself, in every phase of your life. And I guess the best way to do that is by staying curious, as Mika keeps saying. I love this version with the acoustic start! Poor Mika, you can tell how tired he is, he really needs some rest... but he did well, even singing some harmonies. I loved the song from when we first heard it, but also love how it evolves now over time.
  5. Mikainstagram story from RTL radio E74E743468A6CAA24769FD721C7941AA_video_dashinit.mp4
  6. Thanks, I had forgotten that he had posted this. Well... she might have been sick then, but it definitely was before the tumor affected her brain so severely that she wasn't able to do much anymore, as Mika says now. He said in the 2019 interviews that she had heart surgery at some point before her tumor diagnosis, and some complications after that. I remember seeing her at the filming of Casa Mika in Fall 2017, she needed a walking stick, it was obvious that she wasn't well, but she was working there with Mika. From what I remember from his interviews (I might mix up things tho...?), that was after her heart surgery, and he wanted her to rest but she didn't listen. So maybe she was in hospital for that when she drew this for him in 2017? The first time that he almost lost her, and surely very destabilizing for all of them. But not the final stages of her brain tumor. Anyway, he tells a different story now about the drawing. Maybe he wants to test us, if we pay attention.
  7. Thanks. Just watched it. I don't understand much of what he says at the beginning, I get they talk about Jane Birkin, and then about ageing - what does Mika say to the older man next to him? That something becomes better with age but the guy sees that differently, from what I understand... I just don't understand what it is that they're talking about, lol! He also talks about the album title and his Mum's design ... but I gotta say, this is something that has been bothering me for a while - I think he keeps saying that she drew this when she was so ill that she couldn't write anymore? Which doesn't make sense, as she actually did write "May your head always bloom" on it?! In the 2019 Paris Match interview he told the story differently - that she drew this for him on his birthday when he was about to finish the recordings for MNIMH (so that must have been in 2018) and he had a fight with her on the phone but when he saw the flowers and the drawing and tried to call her back, his family told him she was having a stroke. It was a very emotional situation he told in this interview, maybe it's too long and complex for all those album interviews, or too personal, but that now he keeps saying that she was too ill to write when she drew this for him, just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe something gets lost in translation for me, but I've heard and read this in several interviews now, I just can't bring it together with how he described it in 2019. They also ask him about bullying and he tells the story about his abusive teacher and he gets tears in his eyes while talking about it. And he repeats some of the things he has said at this anti bullying event, that he wanted to disappear, had no sense of value, and that he wouldn't be here today, talking about ageing, if it wasn't for music. And he also mentioned that at that time he started talking about himself in the 3rd person, to detach. I think he keeps using "I" more now, but for the longest time he said "we" when he talked about himself, and it's actually heartbreaking to learn that this is where it came from, this feeling of having no value, and that despite music and success this stuck with him for so long, maybe still does.
  8. I can't keep up with him, and all those interviews he's doing. I get to watch one, and he's doing 3 new ones. Kinda hope that he'll have a little interview break over Christmas time, so I can catch up. πŸ˜… Then again, it's so nice to see him everywhere, and although his schedule must be exhausting, he looks better and better! That little video at the piano yesterday, I can't stop watching and listening to that!
  9. I also first thought it was about his Mum, but the first part of the second verse doesn't fit to that. Some interesting thoughts here in this thread. It could be Mika's younger self / ma jeunesse. Or it could be about someone who died of suicide. That actually feels like it might be true, when 'm reading the lyrics, and also re. what he said in that interview. Maybe it's the person he sings about in "By the Time"? He said that it's a song about suicide, but he never told any details about it. Whether it was his own struggles with it, sort of an "what if...", or a true story about someone he knew. The part of "she didn't show anything" also reminds me of what he sings in Paloma - also "she fell" in the first verse could refer to his sister. I think he also once said that Paloma wanted to be an actress but couldn't because of her disability, that would be the reaching for the moon. But "one day she left without telling anyone" doesn't fit in with that theory. Unless maybe if she has stopped working for Mika, as she used to? Not sure when I've seen her the last time in one of his photos / videos, that she was taking care of his outfits. She made his Polka Dot suit that he wore in 2019/2020, but since then... He has his atelier now - maybe she didn't want to take over their mother's job? Maybe she didn't feel up to the challenge? And her disability forces her to go slowly. But still I think she leads a good and happy life, so maybe with this song Mika wants to remind himself of that, when he's unhappy with his life.
  10. Google translation: She wanted to touch the sky and the sun I understand it, you know I already did the same And then she fell Without picking up the moon She believed in it so much, it's true But there is only one So breathe everything will be okay To go faster, we don't go further Just think of her Take it slow, slow, slow Go slowly Slowly, softly, softly Stop time Don't ask me why The world turns better like this Slowly, gently, gently Stop time Gently One day she left Without telling anyone She didn't have that many friends In his phone And she didn't show anything, Like we cry in the rain To hide our sorrow I know how to do it too
  11. Thought I'd start a reports thread for the album signings this month... there was the cancelled one in Paris on December 2nd, I think we can report here about our meeting with Mika after the Star Academy filming. There was the one in Brussels on December 5, and there will be the one in Paris that has been postponed from December 2nd, on December 16.
  12. Here is that specific part with (French) subtitles:
  13. Looks like it's gone now, they only seem to have the replays of the same day?
  14. A symphonic show in Orange, France, on 23 June: https://www.ledauphine.com/culture-loisirs/2023/12/06/mika-en-concert-symphonique-le-23-juin-au-theatre-antique ... wow, if that is true, that's another one I'd LOVE to see!
  15. Same, it works fine for me. It's an interesting setting, the interviewer is just talking with him through a speaker, he's alone in the room. Maybe that allowed him to be more open. He got quite emotional when he talked about how the English press treated him at the beginning, you can tell that it still moves him. If I understood it correctly, he even said that he thought it was his fault that they wrote such homophobic things about him. And he tells the details about that meeting where his songs got rejected and how he wrote Grace Kelly about it. There is a photo in the end of the guestbook he signed, I tried to take a screenshot but it didn't work, only got a black screen. He wrote something like that it was very real and touching and thank you for this safe space. ❀️
  16. Maybe it's easier for him to sing it that way? Or for Max? I suddenly thought today, this "parfois beaucoup trop grand, parfois beaucoup trop petit" reminds me of the Tiny Love video: I wonder if there's a connection?
  17. Actually, when I got the limited vinyl today and saw Mika sitting on that cloud with those colours, suddenly this came to my mind: And a little bit the MFC background colours... haha, imagine if Mika saw on here and decided, yup, that's what I want my album cover to look like! He did say in one of the interviews that this album is for all the daydreamers. So although his face and posture on the cover don't really look like he's dreaming, maybe him on a cloud is a reference to that. Did he speak about it in one of the interviews? I'm sure I've missed a few, there were so many! πŸ™ˆ
  18. Sh*t, I had hoped for the 15th, as they told us after the Star Academy recording. On the 16th hubby is away, so I'm not sure I can make it, as someone has to take care of the kids.
  19. I like this part, it transports a feeling of intimacy. There was some interview of all those of the last few days where he said that he says a lot about himself in the songs, for example in JSQJT. So I can relate to the idea that it might be about "generational trauma", that also is true for him. This "hurting the ones who are trying to help her" reminds me in a way of Who's gonna love me now. And, as I said before, this "open your heart anyway" is his wish to be accepted, I think. In all the generational trauma. There is also something very sensual to this song, that's one reason why I first thought it's about Andy. It's like this song makes me feel all the possible emotions at the same time, and it's overwhelmingly beautiful.
  20. We will be collecting them in the comprehensive lyrics thread, but please give us a bit more time, we were away over the weekend and are only slowly catching up on things. πŸ˜…
  21. Yup, this. It was the French girls next to me who asked, and I just understood "mes fans" and that he replied to them "no, it's not Mylene Farmer", seems someone had asked that too. So I said half to myself, half to Nina, "ah, mes fans, that makes sense - so that's what MF means?" and then Mika looked at me, and I think he said something like "yeah, my fans!" - it seemed very genuine (he might be a bad actor, but he's a good liar! ), so I thought that was it, until the French girls told me the whole conversation later. πŸ™ˆ I assume it's Marc-Olivier Fogiel. Maybe he was the first to suggest that M does an album in French, and/or the most supportive of it?
  22. 59€ for unreserved seating, 69 for numbered tickets in Gold Circle
  23. Seems there's a replay here: https://www.radiocontact.be/la-grille-des-programmes/ ... but skipping through the 4 hour program I can't find Mika quickly... maybe someone has more time to search and record the bit with him?
  24. ah sorry, then I can't help, I'm still in the waiting line on the pac website. πŸ™ˆ
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