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Status Updates posted by Ruth

  1. He has so much going for him hasn't he? Have you managed to see him live? He's not around the uk any more and I miss him but I've promised myself not to travel abroad any more.

  2. Hi, I hope you are enjoying finding your way around the site. Have you been a Mika fan for long?

  3. Hi :)

    I get the impression that the contraption isn't as common as I'd thought. My French teacher hadn't heard of it. Never mind; we're going on to rivers and streams next!

    But thanks for the offer.

  4. Well done you! I've had some odd experiences with an array of foster parents for one of my (school) children who, sadly, ended up in a care home forever at only 10.

    I wonder if they could 'up' the price by mentioning the apartment in there sales bumf. I'll have to tell Fliss's mum :)

  5. Ruth

    I really loved Nice and I'm sad I haven't been back yet. Worse still, Fliss's parents are trying to sell the appartment. Luckily no-one's buying atm. It sounds like a considerably shorter walk back than we had to do! Glad you enjoyed it.

    So you've got a school-age child? Or more than one. Not a teenager?

    Good luck with that.

    Love Ruth


  6. Ruth

    Fostering? Brilliant. Challenging though, I bet. But it sounds ideal for you.

    I have retired - or will have done by the end of August.

    I did think about Nice but I've decided not to travel again - until Munich came up - which is where my son, d-i-l and grandson have gone to work for 3 years, so I've made an exception.

  7. Ruth

    Hi Kath, did you manage to d/l Ingie's story? My computer isn't happy about sendspace and has blocked it. Could you e-mail me the story please. (ruth_levey@yahoo.co.uk) Thanks :-)

    And ps how are you? How are things in your new house and have you got the hot tub working?



  8. Hi, I thought I'd update you: my son and his wife had a baby boy on Dec 27th. She's trying to breat feed: it all looks great to me, but he hasn't regained his birth weight and lost 2 oz this week. Are you in London? Do you come on FaceBook?

  9. Thanks, I'm off now.


    Night ~x~

  10. Ruth

    Oh, and Nell's doing well too (at Sandhurst) It's all very hard and exhausting, but she seems to love it.

  11. Ruth

    December 15th. Really not long now! It's flown by even though I thought it would drag. We have a bag of stuff and a car seat in our spare room, but they have a veritable mountain of baby clutter :-)

    Fliss is doing well too, it's been a better pregnancy than I'd dared hope for.


  12. Ruth

    Hi Kath, yes, it's getting to be a rare event that we're on-line together. I feel a little out of it in the Oldlings. But, yes, I'd seen the date for the meet up, think it sounds brilliant but I'll be seeing We Will Rock You in Feb with Rob's school and won't be able to make it down to London.

    So sorry.



  13. Glad you've got your tickets. I'm really excited too.

    I've never been to a gig with so many MFCers.

  14. Hi.

    Sorry I've not been around for a while - busy at work.


    You may, by now, have found out that there isn't a specific English thread. That means that all threads are good for us. So many of our foreign members write so well in English that we all mix in together, but the specific language threads are for those who want to, or need to use their first language.

  15. Sorry, I've not been here for a while and I missed your message. I hope you've got your tickets now. Let me know.

    It's so exciting :)

  16. Hi Mellody,

    Do you remember that I took a photo of you putting on your blue star makeup in the queue in Dublin, in February?

    You asked me not to put it on-line, so of course I haven't. But today I noticed that Monie is asking for pictures in the queues and I wondered if you'd like me to send the photo to you and you could decide if you wanted to share it. It does catch the atmosphere. So send me your e-mail address if you want it.



  17. Mana, I don't know how I'd missed that! Not just the Abba, but the magic trick too. I'd seen some of the prog but I guess I didn't stick with it. Brilliant, thanks for the heads up ~x~

  18. And so to bed!

  19. Thankyou for the comments. The French was great, I can't wait to report back to my Teacher and the class!

  20. Thanks again.

    Not long till Nice. I'm excited but nervous about my flight.

    Night :)

  21. Thanks mari, my download won't convert, it says the mp4 file is corrupted, so you are - again - a Godsend! Thanks :-)

  22. NO. I wish. But no. Work tomorrow. And conversational French - and I've done my homework :)


    Have a brilliant time, (without me) and post a report!

  23. Hi. I thought manny culpena might be you. Thanks for the photo link. You've got some lovely pictures. It was Bianca (Biekje) who remembered about the Litton Lane pictures. Can I share the link with her?

  24. Hi Chantelle, yes you can use any of my photos, it's nice if I get credit too :)



  25. Thankyou. That's really kind. I've just posted about Sheffield if you're interested....


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