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Everything posted by Ruth

  1. With sky you can watch while it's recording; it's Tina and Chandi, now.
  2. I know, but by recording it we can cut the ads. We'll catch up with live before the end. It's a good strategy as I hate the ads and the waffle!
  3. I thought you were very quick - then I realised; I'm watching it recorded so we can whizz through the adverts. As you say: Happy Ending
  4. Thanks for the reports Emerald, yours was so detailed and exciting. Loved it
  5. Because I started this thread, I thought I'd trail through and collect all the links into the first post. But I must have had a major senior moment because it's petty well up to date and even in alphabetical order! Gosh, I'm good
  6. Hi Mellody,

    Do you remember that I took a photo of you putting on your blue star makeup in the queue in Dublin, in February?

    You asked me not to put it on-line, so of course I haven't. But today I noticed that Monie is asking for pictures in the queues and I wondered if you'd like me to send the photo to you and you could decide if you wanted to share it. It does catch the atmosphere. So send me your e-mail address if you want it.



  7. Absolutely, Mikaish. Although maybe 'you' had too much power and used it wrongly over 'me' - like a kid with a crown. And very for here. No YT vids? I remember it because I was there My avi is from that day.
  8. The crayon idea is new to me - but Mika wore a crown at the Vodafone tba gig, so I think it really is crown. And so, the idea of a kid with too much power is a good image. No idea if it's intended in the song ....
  9. Mana, I don't know how I'd missed that! Not just the Abba, but the magic trick too. I'd seen some of the prog but I guess I didn't stick with it. Brilliant, thanks for the heads up ~x~

  10. So No 5 is just stills? Nice though. Is there a downloadable No 4 - Abba? I NEVER thought I'd hear Mika do Abba
  11. I know all about this: I'm sitting on a pregnancy story that I can't share on-line until 12 weeks have passed. NOT ME, I hasten to add That's the problem: some know others don't, but they mustn't find out till the official telling. Brilliant news. Pretty good timing too, to do the hard labour during the day and get something of a night's sleep after the event...... maybe.....
  12. Excellent, not just the misheard lyrics, but the conversation!
  13. It doesn't take many notes, even at low volume to click your brain into Mika-alert does it? Just what I was going to post. Plenty of it, too.
  14. I'm glad if she doesn't have to wait till the 17th
  15. I love the talking. Adore it. But I think I prefer La Solitude in Nice, if only because of the piano accordian accompaniment. But in Luxembourg he reads the words less obviously
  16. Yes, yes, I was overdoing it with last minute shopping for the boys before the baby came Another mind trick is about the labour having a purpose and each contraction is one less - you'll never have that one again - and one nearer to getting that baby into your arms. I found that advice very helpful. I didn't ever have period pains, but I have heard that a pregnancy and delivery sorts a lot of that out for you ...
  17. And absolutely NEVER should of, might of, could of etc., no matter what people sound as if they're saying; it's always 've (have) And my eyes filled in 'hair' for what was cut off.....
  18. Oh, I did that with number 3 because she was due at Christmas and I din't want to be in hospital away from the boys. So Ihad a bad fall but that didn't work, a hot curry but it was beautiful and it didn't tickle me into labour. What did work was what we euphamistically called seduction induction (and propping my hips up on a pillow after) Worked very well.
  19. It must be hard when you've had an expected date in your mind for so long and then not to deliver on that date. But before long she will be in your arms which will be wonderful. Thanks for showing us her nursery, it looks so inviting and perfect. Good luck - keep breathing through that labour!
  20. Congratulations, I'm so dopey, I didn't know about this baby!
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