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Everything posted by mariposa

  1. My computer just crashed, too tired to do my whole review one more time tonight... So I would just like to say that I am happy I did this Basel gig at the end of my Mika-Germany tour. Mika was perfoming amazingly well (you could tell that he is ill, but still the Mika magic was working again). After the little chaos with the collection of sandbag tickets at the box office everything went smoothly. I had a lot of fun during the gig. The band stayed on stage for almost the entire "Kick ass" song. All in all the atmosphere was better than at some of the German venues. Mika messed up TB (forgot the lyrics) - such a cute moment. I think mellody caught it on video. Hasi just twittered a pic of our superhero-inspired costumes. U like? http://twitpic.com/1chy2q - and all of us http://twitpic.com/1ci0aw Will be back for a more detailed review later this week.
  2. @Bubbles & Mrs.Deer: Didn't know it was you who were BGs with Mellody - didn't bother giving up my lovely spot in the Q when John came out to look for Lps and BGs since I wanted to enjoy the show from the audience this time. You know who I am? I guess we know each other from another forum and met at Katy's gig? My nick's the same anyway...
  3. I just found this interview - done in Vienna. Don't know if posted already... http://www.puls4.com/cafepuls/Popstar-Mika-in-Wien/community_/cafepuls/bericht/3162 I don't have time to translate it. So if someone German-speaking wants to give it a try - there you go!
  4. Les premières personnes en ligne vont normalement commencer une liste et distribuer des numéros. Je crois qu'arriver à 15:00 sera assez tôt. We don't hava a choice, do we Ahhh, looking forwards to meeting you again - and everybody else. Let the party begin! I didn't understand their mail either. But I got back to them and they explained that it was only the shipping fee that is refunded. The tickets still have to be collected from the box office. Tomorrow 5pm. So don't forget printing your order confirmation and you'll be fine. What? You're talking about these white things falling down from heaven? Luckily we come with a car Graciosa is here with me atm...she says hi to everyone So who's in for the superhero theme motto tomorrow? We're just thinking of how to do masks @Emerald: We're in if you wanna practise the BIOTG routine, though we don't know anything about it yet lol. But it will be fun for sure and help us warm up!
  5. Some pix from the Stuttgarter Zeitung - I know I don't look very impressed http://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/stz/page/2439249_0_2147_-mika-in-stuttgart-ein-buntes-popvoegelchen.html
  6. Exactly. What does "for a long time" mean? I hope not THAT long. I hope so, too. I was fun Qing with you in Berlin! Yep, Violet was front row this time If he wasn't doing any European gigs next year - but was only touring places he's never been so far that would be 1000000% fine with me. I bet there are hidden Mika fans under every stone in any place in this world! Thanks for your pix, Miri! That's my fave. The two of them are the reason why I always prefer being more on the right of the stage. They are just so adorable together!
  7. Thanx. Had to do it before going to bed. :D

    So far, I will be in Basel, Stasbourg, Amsterdam and Luxembourg. Will you be doing any of them?



  8. Ok, so I might try to write a short review... Like mellody already told you, it was a fun gig. Mika was so chatty and talking and laughing a lot. - just like in Munich, he didn't "catch" the Dr John coat with his suitcase, but it fell next to it , he then threw the bag over Martin - at one point his mic stopped working ("Es ist kaputt!" - it's broken) - toyboy wasn't falling down - the only thing that didn't get messed up today according to Mika. - he was again testing his German swear word vocabulary - Mika said in German "Ich bin kaputt." (I'm a mess.) - When he introduced the band he called Cherisse "Bam-Bam" again (not part of the funny list things - not that it would be very serious - just a remark, but it seemed to me that at this gig Jimmy was getting most of the applause of the band) The Qing was fun, too. Until 5:30 pm we had only given out 25 numbers, so the waiting was pretty much relaxing and chatting to everyone was fun (as always). Love it! John & the band arrived when there were only 3 people in the Q! John came outside several more times to chat to us. I arrived later than planned. Didn't hear my alarm bell in the morning so I didn't drive with Miri, but took the train at 10 - to arrive at the venue around 12:15 - I was still number 7 though You see, nothing compared to other gigs of this tour. It was already amazing to be taken in earlier than the non-numbered people. It was actually about to rain so we numbers were let in early and could assist at the soundcheck of Roman and Co It was great to be all "save" in the warm and dry! I ended up standing in between Miri (Hassibobberle) and Violet_Sky which was a great spot - again more towards the right side of the stage (though given the size of the stage this didn't really matter) The atmosphere was already brilliant for the supporting act (Roman Fischer and band). Have seen them 3 times opening for Mika now - and I have to say that I absolutely love them. Finally managed to talk to them after the gig, bought their cd (one of them) and had my pic taken with all of them Ok, I admit, I had a very fangurlish moment. (@SilkeHH: Would you please send to to me somehow? Thanks.) They asked me why I did all of the 6 German Mika gigs - and I answered: "To see you!" They are really nice guys. Many of us German MFCers decided to go and see them for their June tour... Wellwell, now, Mika. I hadn't planned to do this gig in the beginning. But thought I might just go anyway - which was a very good and wise decision! Who knows when Mika will be back in Germany? He said that he won't be in Germany for a looooong time (luckily I still got a few foreign gigs ahead of me...) But still. I LOVE it when he's talking German! And IMO he got so much better at it since 2007 - even though he says he didn't. All of the about 1500 people (sold out) saw the Mika show they were waiting for. And I still love Over my shoulder - even though I know some people still don't... The lt intro was skipped - not enough room on stage I suppose, so mellody and the two male and female bgs only showed up for the lp finale. And then Kick ass again - I would really really LOVE to see Mika perfom this song live. It's just so much fun! Still got hope So after the gig I talked briefly to a friend of mine who goes to university with me - and she said she loved the gig - even though she and her friendwere standing in the middle of the hall, and not like us in the front. So this proves that the atmosphere wasn't only good in the front - but everywhere. Mika never fails to set the place on fire. The m&g afterwards was again very civilised. Mika took his time and then went to the bus. I don't know if I just saw things but it looked to me as if he was hobbling a bit when walking back to the bus?! The band came shortly before Mika when everybody was already waiting in line for Mika - but they walked straight to the bus. I really hope they will all have their well-deserved day off today before the Basel gig. Many of the people who were at the Stuttgart gig will also be in Switzerland - not too far away. So I'm really looking forwards to meeting you there again. love love mariposa x edit: just remembered s.th. else. Before Dr John. The suitcase wouldn't open. Mika had to try for at least one minute to open it. That was a really funny moment. edit2: just posted a pic of Mika after the gig on twitter http://twitpic.com/1c48l1 and another one http://twitpic.com/1c4afe
  9. You're probably right, mellody Just had a look on the weather forecast for tomorrow. looks like it's gonna be pretty warm (up to 17 degrees in the afternoon ), might be raining in the evening (let's hope not). http://www.wetter.com/wetter_aktuell/wettervorhersage/wettervorhersage_details/?id=DE0010287&d=1&prev=3days The stage looks pretty small...similar to the one in Wiesbaden I think. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=373907690&albumID=410906&imageID=22294334 Excited now!
  10. I have no idea how big the stage is, or in other words, how many people will be front row. But I guess that you don't have to arrive before 10 am. But probably before 2 pm...That's what I would say looking at the times people were arriving at the other German gigs. Dunno yet what time I'll be there...But since it's in the week most people will be working in the morning probably I suppose. Great to read it's sold out btw!
  11. I don't really share the article author's opinion. For me personally OMS is definitely one of the highlights of the show. You can literally feels the amount of emotion Mika puts in this song and it never fails to give me goosebumps. And I have to admit that in Munich, since I was so much into the show, I was almost crying during the song. I don't think the atmosphere became worse while Mika sang this song at all - there was so much applause after he sang it. Besides, I actually need some slow songs in between all the jumping etc. otherwise I don't know how I could make it through a whole Mika concert.
  12. Lovely pix, Noa. I know I said I was gonna write mine tonight but seeing that so many detailed reviews have already been posted I postpone mine to tomorrow. Need to catch some sleep now.
  13. yeah, they look pretty amazing. Antoine did them all. I wish I was only half as artistic as him & kanni! I just couldn't stop gawp at kanni's costumes yesterday - they were just so lovely! Will write a proper report in the next few hours. So many thoughts to put together... It was an absolutely amazing gig! The crowd was so energetic. Hadn't seen that at any other German Mika gig so far And this energy was obviously transmitted to Mika and his band. It was so much fun to have the audience parted in two for "Blame it on the girls".
  14. ja, ich werde auch in Bsel sein! Hab ich schon bei Céline gelesen, dass du auch kommst (I'm a stalker ), freut mich, dass wir nun endlich doch mal ne Chance haben, uns zu treffen
  15. Btw, booked a bed in the same hostel you're in. Gonna write you an email tomorrow night once I'm back in Freiburg. In a hurry today... Anyway, the magic chicken theme is purrfect! Looking forwards to it!
  16. Oh Gott ja, die Tour rückt näher! We're so gonna kick ass!
  17. Heyho!


    What's up? Le Lux s'approche. :)

    Can't wait!

  18. Hello!


    Freu mich, dich bald mal wieder zu sehen! :)

    Btw, ta soeur et toi, vous avez encore une fois réfléchi si vous allez faire Bâle?

    N'hésitez pas de me contacter si oui. D'accord?



  19. Well, from what it looks like here http://www.wetter.com/wetter_aktuell/wettervorhersage/16_tagesvorhersage/?id=DE0001855 there won't be any snow. It only says it's gonna be cloudy and from 5-9 degrees. We have to wait a bit more to have a detailed wetaher forecast.
  20. I just checked on http://www.vrr.de. So first you need to take an S-Bahn or to the central train station (Düsseldorf Hbf), for example S1, S6, S11...And then take S6 direction Nippes or S1 direction Solingen Hbf and get off at the stop "Oberbilk S / Philipshalle". Altogether it takes about 15-20 minutes. Looking forwards to meeting you again edit: you can find the most suitable conncetion for you here http://www.vrr.de/en/fahrplanauskunft/index.html
  21. I just found a such a booking site - and a train http://onlineboeken.nshispeed.nl/microtips/display On May 8, there is a connection from Amsterdam Centraal to Luxembourg which takes 06:46 hours. You only need to change trains once in Bruxelles. And it's only 58,60 euros which is pretty much ok given the distance. Station Time Train Amsterdam Centraal V 05:54 IC - Brussel 9212 Brussel-Centraal A 08:38 Brussel-Centraal V 09:37 ic 2109 Luxembourg A 12:40 What do you think? Should we go for it?
  22. Anybody knows if there's an online streaming of the Oscars? Would love to watch them.
  23. mellody, tbh I have no idea yet HOW i'm gonna get from Amsterdam to Luxembourg... hopefully I will sort it out until the gig. lol, but looks ike you're officially crazy - one more gig on your list will try to translate what Mika will be saying, but I suppose it will be about the same as for the rest of the tour?! cath, I'm really looking forwards to meet you again...it's been ages! time is flying. btw, I have some people from Luxembourg in my study programme. So I get to hear Luxembourgish quite often
  24. I think so. In Luxembourg it's also a band that is only doing this gig... But so we get the chance to get to know many different bands - not bad either. Will have a look at their ms now... edit: just looking at their pics - OMG - they are soooooooooo young! wow!
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