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Everything posted by jassisa

  1. I think my heart just skipped a beat too reading this from you! I'm so lucky that I get to see him now on Friday *skipps around extatic* and since he's doing the opening of the RixFm festival he just HAS to start with Relax! I'll be jumping so high and screaming so loud that I'll be exhausted afterwards
  2. Wow couldn't agree more! Tell that to my stubborn friend in school.. Well I told her that Mika had said that you either love or hate his music, she agreed *lol* There is no Stuck in the middle opinion about his music
  3. Ooh great job Lovely trousers Mika will absolutely adore them! Hope you'll have a wonderful Mikamagical time today
  4. room for improvement Go to Mika's concert or get a 5min interview with him?
  5. Thanx I love them to Think that to. You can always hope for the good news but nothing is confirmed until Mika says something.
  6. Yes agree, that sucks Why can't people just get along and live with each other in peace?
  7. That's ok hun I understand, just got excited (still am). We'll get our chance in Gbg Thank you cube Yes if I get to meet him I'll tell him about the lebanese thread and all you guys sending him love and kisses! I will and what a great idea to ask him if he wants the #1 spot, haha if that happens then we would officially become the coolest thread on MFC Lebanon Power
  8. Don't get me more excited then what I already am! *the neeeeeeerves
  9. That's quite irritating right?! I lived in Malmö before, love Denmark Really hope you can come, then we could meet up
  10. Yeah that's sick! Got to know only 4 days before Never thought my dream would come true that fast!
  11. Thnx dear! Yes I probably could but I'm not god att finding the jobs, don't know where to go I've only had prao in kindergarden, but it was sooo much fun Strange how you get attached to those little buggers
  12. Thanks to zeima I just found out that Mika's gonna play on Rix Fm festival in Stockholm on Friday! It's the biggest free concert in Scandinavia. Four hours in train away from me *yay* and the place is only 5-10 min from the trainstation..... Plus I have Mikas album never used before just waiting to be signed *prays* Talked to hotdlp and she had also met him in a free gig in London So I have hope! (Imagine if I get to hug Mika and take a photo, I would probably faint before taken a step against him) LOL I AM SO NERVOUS!! Now I really understand how the girls winning his competition were/are really feeling. OMM how am I going to be able to sleep tonight or function the coming days?? (copied from another thread)
  13. Ok hunny The tickets are bought (574kr!) I will have a great time for you and take pictures (If I can stand still and don't get squeezed to death in the crowd) (Mika's going to do the opening of the concert) I'm just in shock right now because I never thought that my dream would come true THAT fast Hell yaah Gothenburg next, me and you against the world *LOL*!! Sorry if I sounded a bit mad before but I easily get over enthusiastic esp now that it's about Mika... Oh and I remembered an old classmate that now lives in Stkhm I can give her a call today, hope it's the same phonenumber. That dream sounded amazing! I've had similiar dreams with the way you described the connection, to just have someone near you But it was before Mika (with some other boy) .
  14. Monshi maybe last-minute tickets?? there's always some *pwetty plzz make it happen!!! Want you there so bad !!
  15. NOOOOOOOOO Monshi I searched tickets for the wrong city *douhh* Why is this happening?? So unfair.......... don't you have a car??? *desperate* This is sooo sad........really wanted to go with you...... And seeeee your dream is a proof that you just couldn't stop thinking about him.... O WHY cruel world it all seemed so perfect.....it WAS to good to be true....
  16. Mee toooooo YAY MY 300TH POST!!!
  17. Thanks for the article Sunshine! Could understand much of it Does Mika want to compete in ESC (talk about setting the standards)??? That would be so great I would actually watch the whole contest for the first time And representing Lebanon OMM I would be soooo proud of you Hope he gets to do that if that's what he really wants
  18. I just finished reading the whole thread to, made me upset to read about how nasty and rude some people can get Glad it all got sorted out and that you'll see Mika on Thursday Yeah trying to get Monshi to go with me *prays she can* That would be awesome, you guys get to see him on Thursday and we on Friday Mika is all over the place, poor baby a whole week of touring non-stop Hope he will get some rest after that and recover if he's still ill
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