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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Listening to my anti-love playlist on my iPod, not having to go anywhere further than down the road to get my dinner, and feeling full and satisfied after having eaten a rather delicious mushroomy bento.
  2. Whenever I do something, I have to make sure I do it exactly right (by my standards), or else it won't get done at all. This includes speaking foreign languages in public (and actually, I've recently started teaching myself Spanish from scratch after having learned that my family and I will be going on holiday to Spain, because I can't bear the thought of going to a country whose language I can't speak), writing essays/forum posts/even Facebook messages (especially if I'm stating some sort of fact, which can require HOURS of research for verification, even if I'm fairly sure I'm correct, and then I doubt whether it's correct or not even after having researched it and verified it), or even standing up after having sat down on a train or bus (which means that I avoid buses at all costs and pretty much always stay standing on trains unless I'm sure I can sit somewhere where I can get up 'properly' when I need to). Heck, I once had a miniature panic attack when a friend of mine tried to get me to play pool, because I've never played it before and was terrified I'd do it 'wrong'! I'm also terrified of upsetting people, and have had times where I've panicked and withdrawn completely from society for days, weeks or even months at a time because I thought I'd upset someone. ... LOL I'm a nutcase Edit: Ooooh, I have 1111 posts =D *does a happy dance*
  3. Artist: System of a Down 1. Are you a man or a woman? Question! 2. Describe yourself. Psycho 3. Describe your relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend [actual or past] Violent Pornography 4. Where would you like to be right now? Lost in Hollywood 5. Who do you admire? Jet Pilot 6. If someone could make your dream come true... what would it be? Stealing Society 7. A phrase you'd say to make you famous. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm on This Song
  4. Jeff Buckley - Corpus Christi Carol It's a frickin' crime that I hadn't listened to this guy's music much until now. What a voice...
  5. I don't like: - Natto. I wouldn't mind the strange taste or the strange smell if it wasn't for the fact that it's slimy like something I might cough up when I have a bad cold. Yuck. - People who try to dictate what you 'should' and 'shouldn't' listen to. Last time I checked, m'dears, music was music, not a frickin' fashion contest. - When my internet cuts out. GRAAAAHHHHH. (It actually makes me really upset, being the internet addict that I am. LOL.) - The fact that it's pretty much impossible to laugh about something/anything without offending at least one oversensitive twat. I seriously wonder sometimes if people actively try to get offended about funny shiz because they're bored or something. - Getting an achey behind from sitting for too long on this hard chair. Owww. - How people accuse you of feeling sorry for yourself (or, even worse, of being 'emo') if you dare to express the slightest bit of less-than-happy emotion, and then go on to remind you that there are children starving in Africa, which obviously means that you have no right to be anything other than insanely happy because ohnoes you have money you evil evil person. - The fact that I still don't own any Otto Dix CDs =( And many, many other things that I couldn't be bothered to think of right now.
  6. MMMMMM OH YES OH YES OH YES It's been way too long since I last had one of these
  7. Coming from a family that seems to have a history of crazy paranormal experiences, it wouldn't make much sense if I didn't believe in ghosts. My mum and my aunts and uncle all lived in a house that was rife with paranormal activity when they were young, and the things that happened in there were so f***ed up that my mum won't let things like ouija boards or voodoo dolls in the house letalone let me and my brother use them. She also gets really freaked out by ouija board stories, probably because it was a ouija board session that caused the paranormal activity in that old house to go from just plain freaky to totally insane. It's also been said that my great grandmother (on my mum's side) was a medium of some sort, and that my grandma had some odd experiences connected with that.
  8. Hey, people! Just to let you know, the people at VitasUSA have this little Vitas Live Chat thingummywotsit, which is here: http://xatlinks.com/aHR0cDovL3d3dy54YXQuY29tL1ZpdGFz Go chat!
  9. Listening to Muse's 'Black Holes & Revelations' and being in awe of its brilliance. Loads of Muse fans hated the new sound they adopted for this album when it came out, but I think it's amazing.
  10. Some fabulous tracks in this thread, I'll have to check out some of these artists Here's one that I find to be unusual and rather fascinating: Laurie Anderson - O Superman (For Massenet)
  11. Ooh, some nice ones in here already! I discovered this yesterday. It's adorable and hilarious XD : Mal Blum - Ode to Kulele
  12. I knowwww! It was early last year that I bought Vitas' album 'Mama'... crazy! Vitas still rocks my socks, though
  13. Saw a thread like this on another forum, and thought it would be interesting to see what people come up with on here. I'll start:
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