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Everything posted by nikjass

  1. hello folks.. i miss you all... again i can't stay... will be back to the forum pretty soon.. Hope you are all keeping well
  2. Yup... hopefully soon.. I shouldn't complain really.. cause work's going good, but just missing things like MFC in my life.. I better go now.. take care hope to drop by again soon
  3. Hello anyone here??? God I miss this place... I don't have time to come in here anymore except for a quick run through...*sigh* Missing everyone!!
  4. Hello!!! Selamat datang.. well I am from Malaysia!!!! There are two others, but they're kind a quiet... you'll see them now and again.. I'm not here often lately.. lots of work.. but welcome and enjoy.. let me warn you.. if you love mika.. you'll get hooked.. have fun!!
  5. What a funtastic idea!! Really clever hope this catches
  6. I've been away only for a bit and suddenly Fred's a hottie!! Wow.. how did that happen Just to say I respect Freddie too...
  7. Hey Jenny, Welcome .. really cute story. You put a smile on my face That's the first I heard of Mika asking for stories.. that's great!! I actually gave him a story when I met him in HK months ago and it's good to know that he appreciates stuff like that. Both of you must have looked really adorable.. post a bigger photo for us all will you.. thanks for sharing
  8. Love your story.... Mika is haunting you... he is everywhere!! Glad that he's gaining more fans, but yeah..you're right it'll be even more difficult to fight to the front row at gigs now
  9. :roftl: I can't believe people are still falling for this Well done enfa:biggrin2: This is the longest running April fool's joke ever!
  10. Hey Cynthia, First of all.. i have to say i completely love your new signature.. that's really good work... and secondly.. I shall say yes to the project...
  11. Yeah... everyone on it ROCK big time!! That includes you RAK1 for carrying it from your tent to the dressing room
  12. Soooo many of them... I'm still looking at them since just now... it's mad... love them all.. i think i'll reserve the rest for next time... You guys are amazing fans!!
  13. Ahah.. this is the new competition you mentioned,.. i'll be looking out for interesting locations, count me in!!
  14. WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Excellent!! Well done everyone!!
  15. Excellent stuff guys... I remember I was there in the picture caption thread when the discussion went on about doing this mag and now it's here!! You guys really amaze me... so many creative and talented ppl in this place... well done!!! I love it!
  16. Loving it! This is awesome two of my favourite stuff together...
  17. Cynthia, I have just finished reading the last bit, and all I can say is that it is really incredible that you are in high spirit even after all that had happened. It is a hell of an experience... and if that were to happen to me I wouldn't be in the mood to write it out at all. So, I thank you for sharing it with us. For Mika's sake i'm glad that you're not judging him through this experience. I hope you will still go to England in November for the gigs... would love to meet you then.
  18. Thanks again Cynthia... will read more when i get up.. it's late here..
  19. Good thinking Showtunes... now I can find all the updates from one thread!
  20. Don't forget to post a pic of the clothing you're making.. i can't imagine what they'd be like... how comfortable are these clothings?? Good luck with it!
  21. Oh... that's disheartening...sorry for those who didn't get in, and you for having to tell them they were'nt getting in,hope those managed to go to the free gig
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