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Everything posted by Jamakkronic

  1. wow a scoop !!!!!!!!!!! lol (are you sure?)
  2. lol suuuuuuuuuure you made me laugh !!! And it was so easy lol
  3. OMG I'M NOT FRENCH and I didn't know lol or I'm 2/7th French lol but well I knew that as I'm 50% Spanish and 50% Flemish. Try to guess about the 2/7th lol and no it's not the moustache !!!
  4. Oh wow yes please do !!! That's an excellent idea !!! In fact, trying to meet him and give him the poster is an excellent idea and making a japanese branch for the Mika's Angel is too !!! And waiting for his in front of the backstage doors it seems a good idea, but please just make sure Iceman don't notice you or you won't be able to get closer. Then what about wearing a shirt or a T-shirt with the Mika's angel logo on it.... and about OFFERING HIM ONE !!!!! Sophie xxx
  5. Attention please !!!!!! Who wants some wings, I can have 8 pairs for you for 5€ plus the cost to send them!!! I only have until tomorrow morning french time to say if I want them or not !!!
  6. In France, in "Le Grand Journal de Canal +" they've managed to talk about Mika again this evening: in a interview, they were showing pictures to Alain Chabat for him to choose who he'd rather be and one was of Mika. They mention Mika almost everyday, they always find an opportunity to show or make people listen to him. And in every documentary there is at least the intro of one of his songs here and there!!! VIVE MIKA !!!
  7. Oooooooooohhh ben ça fait jamais que 7 à 8 heures de route !!!!!!!!!!!! Mais je tacherai de te faire un coucou quand je passerai près de chez toi, d'accord? Strasbourg.......... j'ai des souvenirs chez toi, des beaux. Bon ben je t'envoie au moins un bisou d'ici !! Sophie xxx
  8. I just love this one !!! I'm having a lesson to learn how to paint his eye, because it's something I really can't do. YOU can do this, just look at what you did !
  9. Second Life is a virtual place where businesses are built as in real life, you can have a free avatar and make it look however you want. A lot of french politicians and some artists have their own headquarters there. You may live without a house but most people buy some, and Islands or grounds. They build their own house or have it built. There are some murders too, not a lot, but it's like in real life. You can make friends and you have sort of a puppet you use to talk to others. I had one who looked like me (very similar) but now it looks a little like Mika. Real money is involved too, you can get a job, make real money. In fact there are lot of interactions between this virtual life and the real one.
  10. I guess I have less than you lol it's a free account too. Then we may camp to get some money, we can do that and leave the connection open. Then if someone knows how to make curly hair, I'm interested,, because I've tried to make my avatar look like Mika and I just couldn't manage this. Imagine if Mika comes and visits us there !!!!! I'll go somewhere and send you the address so we can meet there, ok? Then we'll see what we can do. Sophie xxx
  11. Oh I prefer to be your neighbor may I ? Yep I'll check if Mika has already done something on Second Life, but if not it may be great, we could buy an island together !!! If there is something, we can settle there and help.
  12. I've got my passeport, may I move in Paradise Square (As I'm his )? Is it already on Second Life? Because if not, we should make it there shouldn't we? Sophie xxx
  13. Well so he said, but then it could have been a joke. I'm not sure.
  14. Yeah you can find grey ones anywhere... but maybe not any (whatever the colour) his size I'm not to mention anything else or ask silly questions about it ... But maybe I'll keep on watching the videos, there are a couple of clues in them... Let's say white trousers are catching light a bit more than black ones... Sssssshhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!
  15. Oh but that's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute !!!!
  16. lol Well I did too, (with the aspirin too of course, thanks for the advice, Mika) I was at a friend's concert, do you think I'd run to his MySpace to leave a nice com? Naaaa I had something to do first: check what I had missed about Mika.
  17. Yep, that's Eir !!!! I wish I could draw like her, but nobody can do this but her !!! And I bet we could see Mika himself if we could have a look inside her head. Sophie xxx
  18. lol ...and their dog !!!!! Wow I'm impressed !!! Sophie xxx
  19. Yes it's legal, it just means you're a Mika's Dark Angel that's it !! Well as far as we are his angels... Sophie xxx
  20. Wwwwwooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Can we hear you do that? Please please please !!!!!!! Sophie xxx
  21. You know you're obesessed when you need metadone because your internet connection is down for a couple of days... and you realize you won't be able to find new stuff about Mika or be in touch with those who might meet him and tell, or just speak about him, or just speak with the only ones who can understand and think it's normal to be so obsessed !!! :wub2:
  22. Oh but I didn't realize soft toys could count too, so I have a huge collection of them. My favourite is a crimson hippopotamus. I had it as a present when I passed my first exam at university (lol I was 23) I need it when I'm sad, I hug it to get to sleep. My next favourite is a mouse. I call it Prince Charles because of it's huge red ears . This one has a story too, I had it for Christmas and was allowed to have it a little earlier because I was very ill. Sophie xxx
  23. Here is my dad's first car: a Dyna Panhard Junior (double clutching !!!!!!! ) and this one was mine , dangerous but I had so much fun challenging it: ...except it was purple/pink well exactly the same colour as Jay Kay's Diablo !!! I love cars !!! Sophie xxx
  24. Start to dig: I'm just on the opposit side of the planet: one of my friend has a yellow one here !!!! I just lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllove it !!!
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