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Everything posted by AKateisaKate

  1. All those watermarked ones are unwatermarked at katy-perry.net. *Sticks tongue out like Mika*
  2. As mentioned, Katy is in a very stable relationship with Travis McCoy of Gym Class Heroes.
  3. It looks like Mika is carrying her to the car, and I'm glad he can sympathize with a girl's hurting feet; I myself being a whore for killer shoes as well.
  4. OMG MORE!! More: http://katy-perry.net/pix/thumbnails.php?album=274 And http://katy-perry.net/pix/thumbnails.php?album=271
  5. She's not engaged, just in a serious relationship with Travis from GCH.
  6. If he's got time to get all dolled up, he's got time to blog!
  7. katy-perry.net is getting them watermark free coming soon, looks like.
  8. I just saw this about 10 minutes ago. LOVE IT. Let's not turn this into another Adele thing though, please?
  9. No signs of a new blog yet. Have we considered renaming this thread? "Don't bother to Go to Mikasounds!" Seriously, sooner or later we'll have more of these threads than Mika has blogs total.
  10. Sorry to pop in, and I know I'm missing something obvious and being annoying, but would somebody be able to please tell me what the new pic is from? Out of tha loop. Thank you!
  11. It's all in the consistency. If you tried to study somewhere else suddenly, I bet it wouldnt be so productive. Now you can never leave home!
  12. I commented with some yet-to-be-approved tough love today: ...Woops, excuse the pun when I wrote "love today." Not intended.
  13. He was talking about how he was in LA a couple weeks ago on the blog right? The whole Beverly Hills dog thing. Hopefully he's geting some LICM vibes from recording in LA again. You know how they say you think best in the same environment and location where you first learned something? Like if you sit in the same spot in the room when you take test as to where you studied and discussed in class... My high school English teacher was a big believer in that. Make it happen, Mika!
  14. I'd love it if it were one of the story ones that have a line at the bottom of every page. Likeso: Then came a funny creature who wasn't so friendly. Big Girl said to Lollipop Girl, "Don't be deceived by the top hat!" (According illustration above) Next page: "...Then Chew Chew ate her." (According illustration) A story coloring book would be brilliant! Haha.
  15. That is actually brilliant. Market market market!
  16. I bet you our power will go out all day tomorrow when theres a blog. Doh!
  17. "Simple" was written before she knew Mika, we're pretty sure. This intrview was originally form a really old interview with Out.com- maybe from like last summer.
  18. That was embarassing. I was singing my heart out. And I liked it. Picturez! They're not very good because I suck, but my friends got better ones. http://picasaweb.google.com/AKateisaKateisaKate/KATY
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