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Everything posted by AKateisaKate

  1. Everyone througohut this thread, periodically on all of the pages has been showing interest on various sections (since the thread was started way back when). So I guess we should wait for whoever's supervising us to give us assignments and materials or whatever. Personally, I originally got the impression we'd be doing layout after everyone turned everything in- I don't think our deadline is the 15th.
  2. Yop just showed tihs to me! Is that Lady Gaga? This appears to be THE fiercest house party ever. How does he do it?! I am jealous.
  3. I don't know, that's just what politicians do. Most of the time when they snickered or whatever, I think it was when the opponent was criticizing the other one (who in response refutes it by snickering). Yeah it's annoying, but politicians (not all of them) mostly are.
  4. The "Miss Congeniality" thing made me laugh. Although I don't think this debate changed many people's opinions. If you were for Obama before the debate, you still were. If you were for McCain, you still are after the debate. I'm really interested in seeing the VPs on Thursday.
  5. I have a really good idea but nowhere to go on Halloween.
  6. I heard about an hour ago! I was really involved at the Westport Playhouse, and before it was announced around the world, he really had cancer, it was so disappointing when he dropped out of directing Of Mice And Men last summer. Of Mice and Men starts showing next month, and it'll be sad- Would've been his directorial debut. I've seen him at the playhouse a couple times, and his wife is artistic director at WCP... And he is just everywhere on that playhouse. His adjoining restaurant, the refreshments, the scurtain onstage has his name all on it. I don't know if I'm gonig to go next month, but I can't imagine WCP without his influence. He did so much for the reovation and everything.
  7. Oh damn! I cleaned mine out today. But I'm sure it will fill up withins 24 hours, so I can dump it out for you all BREAKFAST CLUB style!!!
  8. STAR? Uh oh. He's creeping into the tabloids here. I guess we can blame that on Katy.
  9. I think he was just pulling words out of his ass like you do when you're 9. And I bet he ordered those huge bouquets for himself.
  10. I think... the ones started by Sunny Monkey don't work anymore.
  11. I suspect we'll get one tomorrow, because first it was 9 days in between blogs, then it took another ten for a blog to appear, and tomorrow will be 11 days since his last blog. See? He's slowly putting us down and eventually, he'll only have to blog every 365 days!
  12. Yahhh. And I was so oprtimistic it'd be within 3 days or so, because he posted that on like a Thursday or something.
  13. Yeah, he could have like a "wall" or something for fans to write random things on. Brilliant!
  14. True that. When the headshot from the opera came out, everyone ent absolutely crazy!
  15. Kate Hudson looks nice, but that is soooo entirely done by a stylist who's been following fall '08 fashion. Next to Mika's pics, there doesn't seem to be any personal connection to it at all. It looks like she got all worried and thought, "Oh no! It's fashion week!" So she got a stylist to do it for her. Just sayin'!
  16. How preppy! My mother would love it. 'Cept maybe the gold loafers. Just sayin'! Then again, my mom wears loafers too. As far as the fashion end, he could've done better with a naxy blue shoe to match the tie. Or if the sweater was a mustard gold it might've complimented the whole thing better with the gold shoes, his hair, and the blue tie would've made a stunning combination for fall colors.
  17. This isn't about the whereabouts, but I guess end of '08 is not gonig to happen after all? Both Kanye and Britney Spears are releasing albums by the end of the year, and their singles/ release dates are coming out now. And oh damn, I bet we're gonig to have to wait another two months for Mika's album overseas like last time?! OH NO!
  18. Haha, inneresting. I didn't even realize it was the "dodgy Holiday" tour back then, just the EP?
  19. I've heard that "prayer" session thing she did from a few solid sources, and I know they exist in reality. It's unfortunately all too common. But you don't want to get me started on Sarah Palin.
  20. I feel like I've seen Katy's dress in a store somewhere and I can't think of where...
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