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Everything posted by afazza

  1. ... *melts when looks at eyes..*
  2. OMG haha this is awesome! Can he look any more gorgeous? *melts into a puddle* I love his accent! Its an awesome mix!
  3. Hey.. I was just wondering if he has his ears pierced. I know you guys are able to help me! I was just curious...
  4. Haha I just read like.. 150 pages of this thread... now I feel all funny inside xxxx
  5. Haha I do that pretty much all of the time after I bought LICM. I just have to see it in every shop. My friends think I'm crazy though, but I just have to see it and KNOW that he is rockin all these music shops haha.
  6. Yeah... but if you look at his calendar he has a gig every day. Don't you think he needs a break?
  7. Aw Thanks guys! Pfft. Non-Mika-fans, saying he didn't write his own songs. Argh. Disgraceful.
  8. Yeah.. I told them to research it and give me the references tomorrow. I am deadly serious about this debate! ARGHH!
  9. Yeah I know! I got really angry at them and I was having a debate in class. (Sorry Renny and Kimmy reading this. But I'm right)
  10. Hey guys, I was wondering, my friends sad that 'Grace Kelly' was not Mika's own work, and that their parents had heard it before, ages ago, and that he was a fraud! Please help me, because I do NOT want to believe them, and I need proof that they are lying! All help appreciated! I'm printing out this thread and showing them tomorrow. Argh! xx
  11. So talented... I wish I could make them TEACH MEE
  12. Aw! I'm glad I was there to witness it! <3 But you guys can see him live..
  13. Ooh Can I join?? I love his marshmellows... xx
  14. Aw I love him... I love his sunnies!
  15. Sorry people lol.. http://publish.vx.roo.com/tendigital/music/thumblistgrid.aspx?siteId=35b202c6-5eda-47ad-881c-c35f788e1cd9&v=795&channel=NATHAN&format=wmp&bitrate=300&typecode=&startPosition=1# Its number 5!
  16. I want one.. I want Mika's one..
  17. FOUND IT!! http://ten.com.au/ten/videohits-video.html YAY MEEE
  18. http://ten.com.au/ten/videohits-video.html Mika eats Marshmellows with the host of Video Hits, Fuzzy. Awesome vid lol.
  19. I'm gonna search it... Hold on..
  20. Argh.. I wish I taped it... I'm angry now
  21. Did anyone from Australia watch Mika on Video Hits on channel 10 this morning? He was on all day! He was wearing leapord print sunglasses....xx:wub2: The Presenter gave him a giant Chupa Chup at the end of the interview, and he unwrapped it and licked it... you had to watch it! Aww, I should have taped it.. EDIT: Got it! http://publish.vx.roo.com/tendigital/music/thumblistgrid.aspx?siteId=35b202c6-5eda-47ad-881c-c35f788e1cd9&v=795&channel=NATHAN&format=wmp&bitrate=300&typecode=&startPosition=1# NUMBER 5 xx
  22. http://www.emodb.com/PIANO/GRACEKELLY.pdf There you go. Easy version of Grace Kelly! I wouldn't mind Stuck in the Middle though... xxxxxxx
  23. afazza


    I have two rats! xx
  24. I was sat at home in Perth wondering whether I should've bought tickets because I was planning on going, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I'm going to watch him on Rove tonight though. Lucky you.
  25. He is in Sydney now! Argh! Why do I have to live in Perth? Argh. He has a concert there tomorrow. Bah.
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