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Everything posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. Yeah, Mika's very affectionate: Hugs, kisses, saying "much love" or "love, Mika..." I hope I get a hug, too.
  2. Thank you for uploading! I didn't know that Alan Cumming was an open bisexual. Clearly, this article is hinting at... "Wonder what Mika's sexuality is?" if he hanging out with open bisexual Alan Cumming. (No offense meant!)
  3. Hello and welcome to the MFC forum! I hope you enjoy your stay here! I share your love for Mika, as I'm sure all of us here do! BTW, I understand your English just fine. I'm curious, I like the "darling," did you get that from Freddie Mercury or did you have it before, either way, I'm cool with it--I love Freddie Mercury!
  4. Favorite Mika Quote:I dance terribly bad, but with a certain meaning. It may seem like free dance. It might not look very nice but it comes from the heart. Favorite Mika Mannerism:Touching or running his fingers through his hair OR the eyebrow waggle he does in Early Interview when he hits that high note on the piano OR the one after Alexa says about the song Lollipop "Quite filthy." as if to agree! Favorite Song on LICM: Originally, Love Today, Then Ring Ring, now Big Girl Favorite Lyric: "Carolina sits on 95/Give her a dollar and she'll make you smile" Favorite Unreleased Mika Song: Holy Johnny. We're not supposed to know about any others, yo. Favorite Mika Moment: At the Miami gig, because they were running late and one of the reasons was that the club had hosted a rave the night before, so they had to clean up: "You can do whatever you like... (stay as long as you like) at whomever's expense." OR when he picked up a Big Girl. OR when he said, "The gods were against us today."
  5. Thank you for posting! :-) Just to check, it was a farting teddy, right?
  6. 1. Cool. That's true devotion if I ever saw it. 2. So, he's affected your fashion/dress sense? Aw, that influential (and wonderful) Mika. You're kidding! Well, it must be a pet name. Haha. Because Mika as a boy's name is well, unheard of here.
  7. Thank you for posting, Caz! Do you know, I never seem to get e-mails from MikaSounds, and I'm certain I've subscribed at least 3 times. It's maddening! Any suggestions as to how to solve this problem would be *greatly* (excessively) appreciated!
  8. I think if she really wants to take geog, is determined and gets help to help overcome her dyslexia (since you said about the exam, I'm assuming she has trouble in it because of her dyslexia.) Of course, it is recommended that she take whatever she's best at. It sounds like no one at school can/is willing to help her. I repeat: I suggest going to another school that would understand her dyslexia and help her. Your school, no offense, does not seem to be at all accomodating to her different learning need(s). If she's good at art and cooking, much better than drama, then I think she should do her gcses (spelling error?) in them. I understand that the school is trying to help her in the best way they can. They don't know better, so they don't want her to try to take something they are sure she will not pass in. They're just trying to avoid it. Plus, if they don't tell her parents, and she does take it and fail, then her parents could get mad at the school with good cause since they didn't say that. But, if her parents let her take it, even knowing the school recc'd against it, then they assume full responsibility, basically. Maybe her parents and her can talk to someone who is an expert in dyslexia and see what s/he would recommend taking in terms of gsce, etc.
  9. That is a difficult situation. I don't know! I mean, looking from Mika's case, he moved to another school that could teach dyslexics (and probably people with other learning disabilities). I agree, teachers aren't much help. I was bullied, too, by classmates and teachers, and teachers pretend it's not happening or it's just a normal part of growing up (just like Mika said). It's not teasing, I mean anyone could sort of ignore that. Does your friend recognize that s/he has a learning disability? Because I think this is really key. Otherwise, she might just think she's stupid. She doesn't seem like it to me. Have you told her Mika's story? Maybe it might help. I think I would definitely mention it to a parent, close adult friend or someone you trust that would do something about it, someone who can be really diplomatic and break it to her parents. Because I think that's really important. If the parent's understand that it's something that *must* be dealt with, then I'm sure they'll do something about it. Maybe move to a new school where they can help her learn with her dyslexia and she could start anew. I'm truly sorry to be recommending your friend should go to another school, but it seemed to work for Mika, at least grade-wise. According to an interview, after they taught him a different way, he became a straight A student (be sure to mention this to your friend, as I imagine she must be quite discouraged!) I'm sure she could do well in school just like Mika. (Be inspired by Mika!) :-) So, the key things I think are: 1.) Make sure your friend knows that she's dyslexic. If not, mention that you think she might be. She might suspect something, too. Realize she might get defensive or just say that she's stupid (as I'm sure the bullies have insinutated or called her.) Reassure her that she's not (stupid), she's smart. It's not really a learning disability, anyway, it's just a different way of learning in my humble opinion. And there were some really talented dyslexic people like Leonardo da Vinci was supposed to be one. Suggest taking an exam to see whether or not she's dyslexic. There are some online ones. Read up together about it to show you support her/aren't ashamed/embarrassed about her. (I'm sure you're not, but to prove it...) 2.) Get her to talk to her parents about that she thinks she's dyslexic ==that the way the school is teaching is not working for her and/or to find another school. I advise not to mention the bullying because then they might think she just wants to get out because of the bullying, when in reality, it's sort of caused by her dyslexia. Dealing with the dsylexia should fix it for the most part, at least. Worse, they might think it's regular teasing and insist she live through it as a "normal part of growing up." It's not worth the risk. 3) Be focused on getting a new school/some other way to learn. Really try to stick with your friend, even if she can get on your nerves at times, to get it done. Really, I think she must move schools because those old bullies will be there. U_U A fresh start would be ideal. Love on your friend and she will see that you have her best interests at heart. I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please do not hesistate to ask me. Please PM them! And please ask them *BEFORE* you talk to your friend about this. It'll all work out, just like it did for Mika. It gets better.
  10. This may sound strange and hard to believe, but I sincerely like the name "Mikaela" for a girl. Seriously! I like the name Jasmin/Jasmine, too, but... Mikaela is more my style, I think.
  11. Totally agree! I'm definitely a fan! When I first heard the Mika band, I thought, "I like the drums, I mean, I really like the drums," and I wanted immediately to know who it was. Then, when I saw her, I thought, "She's gorgeous!" and it's a she??? I hadn't expected it. But, she really astonished me. I always love her outfits, make-up, hair, drumming, expressions. She's EXCELLENT! This is just the beginning for her.
  12. I don't think you sound like a nut. :-) I'm a bit the same about As. I don't think I have OCD, but if I do, it's probably very mild. I've just realized that when I was a little girl, I would keep all my color pencils in the same order that I bought them. Like, if I took one, I would place something there, like another pencil and then make sure I put the color pencil I took out, back where it originally was. I never gave it a second thought until someone looked at me strangely about it and mentioned it. I was thought everyone was the same. Once, I lent my color pencils to someone and he spilled out all my pencils. I got teary-eyed and I think I cried a bit. It really bothered me and I wanted new pencils that were "in order" because I thought mine were messed up and it really did cause me anxiety and I think even worry. I have to have the body balanced, too, but only a bit I think. Like, once I noticed I was favoring my right foot for everything so I stood on my left one for awhile until I "felt" that I had stayed approximately the same amount of time on it that I had on my right foot. And if I wear jewelry, it has to balance out as well. Like if I wear a bracelet, I feel I should wear something on the other wrist, too. I think I know someone who has it worse. He has the false idea that a part of his body is deformed (it isn't)--he actually asked me if he could surgically fix it--I said no, because it involved his spine--my mom called him crazy for this, showers for an abnormally long amount of time, uses much more product than he needs to, and flicks off the light switch in a particular rhythm and if he doesn't get it right, he has to do it at least twice the "right" way. He's also very afraid of germs and once would brush his teeth like 8 times a day. Ironically mine were cleaner than his and I brush less, but it was his technique. He also sees "deformities" about my body that he thinks needs urgent fixing or really bother him. I'm like, "If it bothers you, then don't look!" But, then I catch him staring at it. He really must feel clean. He showers too often. Plus, I think he's a bit dyslexic because he's much smarter than his spelling and his reading comprehension. But, he seems to be able to cope. He must do certain things "perfectly," and it really aggravates him when he can't/doesn't. Anxiety, too. I wonder if I should mention it? Should I get him to see someone? I had the same thing about someone ruining something I had perfectly: I would cry/become really upset.
  13. I think that only Mika's "Hey" in Grace Kelly sounds a bit like Freddie, but not enough to mistake/confuse the two. I actually had to listen to more of Freddie to see if it was true, and I still don't see any impersonation. Maybe a tiny bit alike. I agree with you: He's great at entertaining and his theatricality, but Mika is his own.
  14. I did! I missed it! Thank you so much for posting! I was wondering where the "Is Mika cool" quote came from. Now I know, haha.
  15. For me it was sometime after I clicked on his pic in this competition for the best newcomer of 2007 (music-related, of course) I saw his pic, loved his embroidered shirt and remembered that if I liked the packaging of a perfume, I would like the perfume (generally), so since I really liked his, one day I clicked on it. (I had been voting for Corbin Bleu because I love his singing voice.) So, I did. I watched the Grace Kelly video and I didn't like it--neither the music nor the vid. Then, I saw the "Love Today" vid and I instantly loved the song and I liked the video. So, I thought, I like his music but... Then, I asked a friend on Facebook who liked Mika. I think he joined a group called, "I'll trade you James Blunt for Mika" or something along those lines and I asked him what he thought about the CD, since I was considering purchasing it (the CD). He said every song was good and since he's not exactly easy to please, I took his word for it... Later, much later, I bought the CD and I like every song on it, which has never happened before except with (perhaps and not all) El Grupo Niche, but I can't think of any others. So, yes, it may take awhile to like a Mika song. I know I only liked Love Today at first, I didn't like Grace Kelly nor Relax, Take it Easy. Actually, I hated Relax, Take it Easy, but it grew on me and I had a couple of days where I played it constantly. I was reluctant to see any interviews/Mika live because frankly, some artists are excellent/good on the CD but crap when they perform live. A fact. So, I didn't want to face disappointment, but I saw one which wasn't so good and I thought: I shall give him another chance, because that's what I would like to be done to me *and* I suspect the one I saw was the worst performance of his. So, it wasn't horrible, but still... a bit bad. Sorry, Mika fans, but the truth must be spoken! The others that I saw were better and he seems to keep improving. Then, I fell in love with his outfit in that London interview (the one with the two scarves and the green shirt and his hair was shorter and curlier). Somehow I fell in love with him. My mom saw a pic of him (back when I was only into his music) and said: Who's he? He's cute. Me: Oh, he's a singer whose music I *really* like. Mom: Oh, he looks so tender (I don't think she really knows what this word means, but it's one of her favs and I'm not about to say....ahem) Me: Oh, I'm not attracted to him (would be a lie now!). I'm just into his music. Mom: Awww... Me: ??? I'm sure he's not sad that I'm not attracted to him, Mom! He doesn't even know I exist. Mom: Still. Me: OK. Now, my mom has a pic of Mika on her bulletin board of the Mika gig we went to in Miami. She really likes him and his music (she thought all the songs were good, and her fave is Billy Brown.) My Dad likes his music, too. My grandma loves his embroidered shirt like me... I think she's where I get my love/fascination for embroidery. She's half-Lebanese like Mika, and straight away she asked if he was too, because of the eyes and eyebrows. Like Mika, she also likes bright clothing.
  16. Amazing! (If you're reading Mika, congrats!) This is great news! THank you for posting!
  17. Yes, you're right! It reaches to everyone: Little kids, 12-year olds, 20 year-olds, your Dad, my parents... even grandparents! That's wonderful about your Dad! He sounds awesome!
  18. Thank you for posting! Aw, I have to be honest, even though I don't like the face he's making, I still like Mika and I *love* that he's willing to make faces.
  19. Thank you for posting! I'm so happy for Mika! *dances about excitedly* Then, To Mika!
  20. xD Thank you so much for the pics without watermarks! I really wanted them, too! I'm glad and grateful someone asked for them!
  21. I thought the same thing. I was gasping about his image then I noticed the damn text right across the middle of his face. I was so pissed. Does anyone know if there's a way to remove it?
  22. Yes, Mika's pretty fond of the word "love." I'm not surprised.
  23. He did that at the Miami gig, too! She looked delighted. I would be too if Mika picked me up! They were both grinning. And it wasn't a one-second thing, either. It was a good at least 5 second thing *and* a gentle drop, too. He didn't just let go all of a sudden. :-)
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