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Everything posted by lilmot

  1. It's snowing during the drum solo? I love it how Mika hangs the flowers over Saranayde's head during "Just Can't Get Enough".
  2. This is certainly a late-night-gig thread, huh? You could work for Perez with your talent!!! That is a lot of secret messages!! Caz might have to decode some of them in her scripts. Hmmmm, I never would have thought of that....how interesting.
  3. Not know how to type? C'mon....us oldlings invented the typewriter (you know that thing you have probably seen in a museum or something --- cough - cough) We all got drunk one night and came up with the QWERTY keyboard...thinking "ha ha, that'll teach those young'uns!!!" Of course, in our typing classes we didn't learn how to search the web or anything (since it didn't exist).....but we do know typing :naughty: And I, for one, appreciate how helpful all the MFCers have been to me. Thank you. I especially like how quickly you can change your siggies alerting me that I need to go find a new video. Although, at times, I just become hypnotized by them....
  4. You siggy sends me into a space. I couldn't even go watch the new video for awhile....I was just in a trance. Finally broke free and now here you are again. That smile is a real killer, isn't it?
  5. Hmmm, no Mika photos yet from the festival website. Their Mika promo was interesting....."Mikahil Holbrook Penniman Ismaili, a.k.a. Mika" "He claims to be an admirer, in equal parts, of Wagner, Freddie Mercury, Serge Gainsbourg and Prince, from whom he has borrowed certain features in creating his own dramatic personal flair, which makes his music a thrilling celebration. Mikahil Holbrook Penniman Ismaili, a.k.a. Mika, has quickly climbed to the top, and his pop music has reached out and enveloped his audiences, taking them to a place from whence there is no returning. “Life in Cartoon Motion” (2007) has enough brilliant and inspired moments on it to win over anyone who has had the luck to drink from this potent musical cocktail. Some of its highlights are songs like “Grace Kelly”, “Relax, Take It Easy”, “Lollipop”, “Billy Brown” and “Happy Ending” – all emphatic examples of the outrageous pop Mika will be bringing to the Festival, and with which he has conquered the hearts of a vast legion of fans." http://fiberfib.com/en/artist/mika-en/ So, which one of you has been drinking from the potent cocktail? He did take us to a place where there is no returning (the MFC??) giggle
  6. Aurelien, it was fantastic!!! Thank you so much for sharing it! The music in it was perfect too! I agree that you should share it with Mikasounds, once they figure out how to do it. Right now you can leave video responses to the MikaSoundsBlog on YouTube....that would be a fun place to put it also???
  7. a GREAT suggestion, and apparently Mika thought so too.
  8. You're Welcome! Well, I'm not as talented as some google-wh*res, but I've been known to find a song or two.... ...But, thanks to FmBm, we don't have too anymore! She pestered Mika (or someone) into listing them for us!! Good job! I'm happy too, because I love to check out the music!
  9. Awww...I love it!! Thanks for sharing. I see there are more videos out there now too!!! EDIT: I know it is not the best quality but I really like this Love Today one. Especially at about 23 secs into it where he is jumping and the Mika on the screen is jumping behind him, but not quite at the same time. Like a pogo contest (with himself). Ok, I'm a freak!! http://dailymotion.alice.it/tmath6/video/x65jho_mika-love-today-aux-francos-de-la-r_music (and the crowd really does love him) <sigh>
  10. Very nice! I like. If you like the music.....here you go.... Edit: note for Blue Sky
  11. How about this? Any Other World at Arcachon. (one of my favorites)
  12. Dani....I LOVE your report. Thank you so much!!! "RED BEAUTY in action" indeed.....and then you post those pics of the action!!! :wub2: Thank you for taking the time to share!!!
  13. Mirtilla....your photos are amazing!!! Can't believe that you took such great ones in that rain!!! Thank you. And thanks to all for sharing the group photo with Mika. It is awesome.
  14. Thanks, Wendy. I love photos of the MFCers, and yours are great!
  15. No, it's not you, it is my deviant mind . I was just wondering if Mika was checking out the tee or checking out sienna, hence the: I agree with violetunderscoresky, I mean, Earl Grey, three teabags at a time, receives my blessing......:bow:
  16. Louiza, Thank you...it is lovely to see them all! Mwahhahahhha.....loved yours as well! JoseOle.....that is soooooo beautiful. Wow, couldn't say no to that, could you?
  17. Wow!! England, thanks for posting all those photos. It looks like Humphrey had a grand ol' time with you! I love his new converse shoes!!
  18. It's funny coz Kanye is my son's favorite rapper. He is always going on and on about him. For the last few weeks my son has been telling me how much Kanye likes Mika's music. I thought my son was just pulling my leg....but I guess he knew something that I didn't. I knew that they had met and talked, but I didn't know Kanye was a big fan. Thanks for sharing. I will show this to my son and he will say, "Yeah, I told you!"
  19. That sounds beautiful. Is there a photo of it somewhere? I would love to see it. Good job, everyone!
  20. Thank you for getting those up so quickly!!! Very nice. I really like his new song.
  21. Thank you, Rose. Your reports are always so wonderful!!! Hmmmm, we will get to see some of Andy's film, very soon???? That sounds like a nice surprise to me!
  22. Maybe it is life-size plushie Mika dolls for all the MFCers on this thread!! ARGHHHHH!!! This thread has corrupted me this afternoon, can you tell? Thanks for all the entertainment and I agree..... I can't wait!!!! It is too mind-boggling.
  23. I'm lovin' your reports, Rose. , MFCers at the front! And I am happy for Wendy.
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