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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. When I listen to relax I can see this whole story of him in an old, dodgy train station, with graffiti and ancient theatre posters on the walls and I train going past and the lights flashing through the window gaps and he is walking down the side platform. and then when it gets to the "It's as if I'm scared" part I can see him in a totally black room with a green light on his face and he is standing sideways looking over his shoulder right into the camera... I have a very active imagination...
  2. Oh... I gave up.. as I was loading the DVD I was saying I'm going to cry! I know I'm going to cry....
  3. *Sigh* I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me.....
  4. Sheesh.... short lived celebration.....lol
  5. YAY!!! :woot_jump:celebration... Drinks all around
  6. Where'd everybody go? *singing* I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me...
  7. Yeah, I know... I'm just unloved..... :roftl:
  8. I have it too... but I haven't actually managed to watch it all the way through yet... I keep trying but as the end draws nearer I just breakdown!!! Especially when they interview his mum...
  9. YES!!! Even though my name isn't on the list (yet....?)
  10. Hey Kate, FANTASTIC idea!!!! I loved my day... I know I know... small things amuse small minds... but that's why the atom amused Einstein:bleh:
  11. ha ha ha.... Hi Freddie!!! like the hyperlink, gotta love Garfield!
  12. I feel bad, since you're so over worked already:wink2: but can you write my nickname in Georgian?
  13. David Bowie creeped me out... a lot...(no offense)
  14. I have a thing for British guys full stop!
  15. Can I be a youngling too? My name's Natalie, I'm 16 and I adore Mika's music! It's an instant injection of HAPPY!!! I've been looking for this thread for ages, but I either get distracted or lost or a combination of the two and give up.... I like horseriding and drama and Orlando Bloom... and all my friends think I'm a fruitcake because I get so excited about everything.... But anyways... Can I join please?
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