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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=EVYgRPfC9nQ Yay! Instant pick-me-up!!!
  2. Oh hell! Now I'm all sad again!!! I think I'm having one of those days.....
  3. OMG!!! I love this song!!!! When was this done?
  4. And you can't do much about it...... damn and bugger!!! Ok ok... happier thoughts please!!!!
  5. Pleasure... sigh... i wish I could have been there!!!!
  6. I love his facial expressions! They are so big and over the top....quite fitting... Thank you Freddie.... umm... FREDDIESDOUBLE Freddie....
  7. That was really depressing..... Which is ironic cos you can see it wasn't intended to be, but it is!!!
  8. I dunno why I watched that! I knew I would cry!!!! Oh well....
  9. Can I chip in my 2cents as well.... The same thing happened to Orlando Bloom... He got teased for being dyslexic and overweight and he became like a recluse and didn't speak to anybody... except his mum....
  10. What's ^^^THAT meant to mean..... Anyways... Hey and welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!
  11. Hey there! Welcome to your second home... I also love NCIS... but I always have to record it because it's on at like 11pm here! But anyway... Hope you enjoy it here!
  12. LMAO!!! he has bushbaby feet... or like Gollum from Lord of the Rings!!!! But I'm sure it's just the angle
  13. Ha ha ha I was thinking the same thing! dum dum dum......
  14. Yeah Freddie's double (written FREDDIESDOUBLE) is one of us! But he sort of runs the show here and keeps us in check. But Freddie Mercury is a big feature here too:biggrin2: The only way to tell the difference is to read the threads and see what everyone is talking about.
  15. They were the greatest musicians of their era I think!
  16. LMAO!!! But seriously! Freddie and Mika are perfect examples are they not?
  17. It looks like a screwy combo of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Mozart and the Whale and War of the Worlds! Very odd........
  18. Very! Makes you feel good inside to know they weren't just your typical band!!!! ( not that they could ever have been typical anyway!)
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