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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. Hey, glad to see you finally came over to the dark side! (joking.....) You made a good decision though! nice to have you OFFICIALLY here!
  2. hahahahahaha! That's so random! But it's good!!
  3. That's what I always thought it was anyway!
  4. Me neither! Omg if you look him up on google it's like WOAH!!!!!!!
  5. Nah... well, I mean I'm not offended....but I wanna steal a school sign one day!!!
  6. That's better than our's "The perfect balance" gag me! They think the whole world is full of perfect all rounders! Some of us are athletically challenged....
  7. Ok totally off topic... but it's really funny... Ok most of the girls in my grade (i go to an all girls' school) think I'm a complete loser cos I LOVE Queen so much and they laugh at me a lot, but I don't mind cos I know it's an aquired taste ( ) but the other day we had a free lesson so I went on to te internet and found a really nice picture of Queen and set it as my background on the computer. Then I was trying to find something else to do and one of the girls who usually laughs at me walked past and, pointing to Roger in the picture, said "ooh, who's that? He's hot!" so I turned around and said "his name's Roger Taylor and he's the drummer from Queen." and you should have seen her face! I can't even describe it really, but you know when people say "her face fell"? well that's the perfect expression for her! Mwah ha ha ha ha.....
  8. The last thing I heard about this movie, before now, was that it's a weird hippyish movie which is like a weird combination of Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and some romance movie. Oh well, guess I will have to watch it and decide. Mind you, I really liked Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.....
  9. Shame! She's excited!Who can blame her? Anyway, welcome and enjoy yourself!
  10. "Loreal, because I'm worth it!" ha ha ha ha... I'm so corny! sorry....
  11. Sounds like more fun than mine was...!
  12. Yeah, that's what I thought. *sigh of relief*
  13. Same age as the youngest of my three older brothers.
  14. I hate that feeling!! Whoever came up with homework either was unmarried with no children, or a sadist with no empathy!!!!
  15. I really don't want to cause an uproar, but America is not my most favourite country. I don't want to travel there and I know I could never live there. The few Americans I have met have been really loud and obnoxious and narrow minded and I know not all of you are like that and every country, especially mine, has people who create a bad name for the others, but I've just been put off.... *braces for attack, please no*
  16. Cool! How old will she be? Me too!!!
  17. Yeah so I've heard! and that is deffinately a girl singing!!! Stupid bloody people!
  18. Yeah!! I'soo excited!!! Best birthday ever I think....
  19. That was cool! How does he find all this stuff? Too much free time I think:wink2: lol Edit: Sorry, late, that was about Freddie's little clip thing
  20. BIG party on the night of the 4th (my birthday) and deffinately some champagne!!!! And my friend emma is organising a Queen disco type thing for the 5th....
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