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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. If people genuinely didn't realise (which shouldn't be the case as you are agreing that you have read the terms and conditions when you enter...but that's another topic...) then I'm not going to hound them. But it seems clear to me that some people have entered knowlinly breaking the T&C's, which I am upset by. They don't ask for an address just an email so how are they to know? T&C's are there for a reason, they are legally binding, it's the enterants responsibility to obey them. End rant.
  2. I'm not going to turn this thread into another long debate but I really don't think that entering (knowlingly) against the T&C's is appropriate. I've entered...so there will be a gig on the 18th of Novemeber? Time to book train tickets perhaps?
  3. Would really like a more accurate translation if we can please! My head hurts trying to read that! Lol! Thanks for posting tho, really nice interview.
  4. Hey daysleeper welcome to the MFC. Very lucky to have that as your first gig! Would love to do more gigs in such an intimate venue.
  5. I don't think i ever got round to posting my pics... Let me go find them..
  6. I don't think anyone is majorly bothered about what number they get (well I'm not anyway) I'd just like to know how many there are out there.
  7. Pfft! You've got ALOT of making up to do! I'm going to hide the thing!!
  8. I know I kinda chopped it off, I'm sorry! I wasn't even aware I'd filmed it until I got home! Lol!
  9. Okay peeps uploading SITM..it may take a lttle while. Will post link when done
  10. I've got a fairly good vid of SITM form Friday, should I upload it? Not sure I can be ****ed but will if it's wanted!
  11. Katie you didn't even go to the bloody gig! You totally stood me up!
  12. For me it wasn't coming out but it was a nod saying "I'm not saying it but you all know what I mean" sort of thing. I wasn't just about what he said or didn't say, it was his whole persona that night. I can't put it into words, if you were there I'm sure you'll know what i mean. Writing this very quickly from my phone, forive any mistakes!
  13. Pleased and disappointed at the same time! #4 is fab but I still think it should be number 1!!
  14. It's karma for all the work you do for us Fred. I'm hugely pleased for you:thumb_yello:
  15. Oh I almost forgot! Does anyone have a good pic of Saranayde's Muppet dress? I'm totally in love with it!
  16. They don't usually hole Popstarz at La Scala anyway do they? They were "going back to our old home" for that one night...so it has previously been held there but isn't usually anymore...
  17. Wow, lots of pages and discussion going on! I've been home about 30 mins and needed that to catch up. Sadly I don't have any good pics or vids to add because I pretty much forgot about my camera once the gig had started and Viv was filming right next to me so decided I'd just steal her's later! Lol! Two main things I want to contribute: Stage invasion: I'm not a fan of stage invasions, never have been because I always end up getting squished! I think one day something is going to go wron and Mika or one of the fans are going to get hurt. But that isn't really the issue I want to talk about. From where I was standing, next to Sara, I think he did actually start the dive (with incouragement) himself, he didn't look alarmed until he started to fall a bit, it was the kind of "Oh ****" look you get when you realise you miss judged something. He was very quickly smiling and happy again. Front row/feeling out of place: This is a tricky issue. I admit that yes, I did feel a bit guilty about being in the front row, and I did think several times about moving but I didn't for personnal reasons to do with my balance and my hearing. This was the first gig I have ever been to when I heard every word Mika said, I didn't have to rely on anyone else to tell me what he was saying in between songs, that for me was amazing. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but trust me when you have hearing problems like I do it is. Had I not had these issues, i probably would have moved up to the balcony, not that I'm saying anyone else should have done.
  18. Too tired to fully report now, and this gig really does require a full report. Basics: front row, slightly to the right. Very high energy gig, manic would be a good word. Stage invasion/crowd issues. Very brief M&G. Sexy sweaty shirtless. Jeweled face. Sore feet. Camera he used was Vix's (Bumblebee). That all for now.
  19. Just a quick last minute check for updates before I leave to catch my coach. It's 5.30am. Why am I doing this again? See everybody later!
  20. You know I haven't had PMD either? I don't know if it's because I'll be seein him again or just the way that it all came to an end in such a pleasing manner. I've watched on the red button and online too many times! Lol. I phoned my mum and told her to put onn the BBc and press the red button! Hehehe.
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