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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. Was hoping to do Paris or Amsterdamn but can't afford to buy tickets without knowing about the UK dates first...maybe I'll be lucky and be able to get some spare tickets closer to the dates...
  2. Hey Rogue, welcome to the MFC!
  3. "special yes but lucky ain't" This sucks, I et that yes it was important breaking news and everything but I can't help but feel that if it had been a more recognised US artist that effort could have been made to include it at some point. Or maybe I'm just annoyed!
  4. Wow this so so fab!!! Good luck to everyone entering. I'm trying to imagine what Mika would say about my attempts to play the piano, my music teacher gave up trying to get me to play anything on he keyboard when i was at school. The triange was about the limit of my musical skills!!!
  5. Oooo, sounds fab. Thanks for posting about it in the Blackpool thread, i wouldn't have noticed it otherwise! Glad we know about it in plenty of time! I've registered to buy tickets.
  6. My signed copy arrived this morning! So i have both now, I'm very pleased!
  7. I voted for Dr John but today I'm in love with Touches You! Think it changes with my mood! Lol. It's interesting that WAG has so few votes but is it simply because it's not as new to us as the others are perhaps?
  8. It was supposed to be Any Other World, which is one of my fav songs! Grrr! It was so funny tho! The gum comment was in reference to all the silver confetti strips covering the stage, they look like the silver wrapper you get around gum.
  9. Another bottle of diet coke! lmao...isn't my life interesting? oh no wait, i bought a book! State of Fear by Michael Crichton from the book stall at the market. 75p! Bargin!
  10. Wow, thanks for all the wonderful reports and adorable pictures:wub2: So glad everyone had a fab time despite some rude fans, good for those people who said something to them. Feeling kinda glad I wasn't there, i really get very annoyed but that kind of behaviour and could probably have got thrown out for decking one of them!
  11. Thanks for all the wonderful pics and reports, looking forwards to more tomorrow but for now am off to bed!
  12. Same as Scala then I think... Wristband is pretty!!! Was expectin more new songs tho... I'm just greedy!
  13. Lol, I have nothing aainst Pixie Lott, infact I think she's really good and will probably buy her album at some point, but a choice between Mika and...well...just about anyone else (the possible exception being MJ) and there is simply no contest!!
  14. Getting calls for 3 interviews next week, hearing Dr John in HMV and encouraging a girl to buy TBWKTM, Mika on Paul O' Grady, almost beating Craig at Scrabble, getting my Paolo Nutini tickets....so may things today!
  15. Mika, that day is my 25th....how are you going to come out for drinks with me if you are in Italy!?! Sorry you are going to have to re-arrange this!
  16. D John is still my fav right now, I think it's partly because it's also sooo good live. I'm sure this will be subject to change over the next few weeks! I love Blue eyes but think you're riht kinda used to it now I guess.
  17. Pixie Lott of course! She didn't need much encouraging, she asked if the deluxe copy was worth it, I said yep, the gig was amazing and he is so good live, so she bought a deluxe copy! I should so get paid for my promo work!
  18. Thanks for all the reports, it sounds kinda hetic but happy that most people seemed to have a good time. On the whole having to buy the CD thing, that I think is fairly standard pratice, at least it is with signings here. I've never been to a Mika signing but I've had books and CD's signed by writers and various artists at similar events (HMV, Waterstones, Borders...) and they do say that you have to purchase a copy from the store that day in order to qualify. Which I don't think is all that unfair if you are not paying to attend the signing (which I have seen happen!).
  19. My deluxe copy arrived on Friday so I've been listening to it all weekend, my signed copy not arrived yet. Wandered into HMV just to drool over the display for a bit and encourage people to buy it and they were playing it in store! I stood around sining to Dr John and got some funny looks but also some people asking me about the song! I love it when that happens! A girl was trying to decide between Mika and Pixie Lott...so i helped! Lol! Loving this album soooo much!
  20. I got a really amazing hug back stage at Manchester, she ran up to me and just threw her arms around me! She hugged me like she'd known me for years, we'd only met once before! Lol! She's always so nice when I see her, really sweet and says hi. And Yep Rose, Mika needs to be a more annimated hugger, not that I don't enjoy his hugs!
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