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Everything posted by Kates

  1. We should put chicken on the list I only know it in french.. poulet (spelling?)
  2. Omgsh I loveeeeeee it!!!!! :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: Did you sew it by hand?
  3. 1. Please describe urself (i.e, name, age, sex, location) My name is Katelynn I'm 13 I'm female I live in Canada, BC 2. Why do u like Mika? I like Mika becuase he is so unique and different from everyone else, and his background is rather tragic and interesting, too. His music is just amazing! 3. What do u think about him and his song? (if u think he's so damn great, pls tell me what make u think he is.. i.e, he can compose nice music with deep meaning lyrics, and so on..) Umm think this question relates to #2 But I think it's great how he can make his lyrics so exciting and happy at times, and then so emotional and sad at others. 3. Have u ever seen one of his music video? Which one? What do u think about the video? I've seen them all, they are all fantastic. 4. Have you ever heard this Billy Brown song before? Yup 5. If you have, pls tell me what do u think about the song, includes how u make a representation of the song (i.e it's just a song, meaningless.. or it tries to make an existence of the bisexual, and so on..) It expresses how he doesn't care about what people think of him, or he wouldn't have wrote the song-actually said by Mika himself. 6. What kind of style when u think about him? (i.e, colorful, bold, and so on..) Flamboyent! Out of the ordinary! Random!
  4. I never seen that show either.. but Lollipop realllly?? :thumb_yello: That's terrific news!
  5. He isn't really much of a Mika fan. Yea I love his hair, it's so awesome:biggrin2: Haha
  6. Kates


    Welcome to the MFC!
  7. I think my grandpa doesn't actually mind him either..It was funny the first time he saw him he's like: Mika? I thought he was a girl" aI'm like "Oh, I'm not surprised" and he was like "What?? I was kidding I never seen or heard him before in my life" Haha it was hilarious. Then I put on a song, he seemed amazed by Mika's vocal range
  8. When we send in our messages is it up to us to make them look how we want them to on the page of the magazine? Like if we wanted our picture under the writing or something do we do that on a paintshop program or something like that, or is that up to the editers to decide all that?
  9. Woah tough question hahaha I don't know what I would do, aren't I a great partner? Good thing(sadly) I'm a little young for Mika..
  10. Welcome to the MFC!! Where'd you get your avatar from?!
  11. Kates

    hey guys !

    Welcome to the MFC!
  12. Sivan! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:
  13. I like his personality. He just doesn't care what people have to say about him! I also love the style of his music, and his energy during preformances is absolutely amazing! Well I guess you could say I like everything about Mika!
  14. Ohhh thanks for posting! I haven't seen them yet!! And I love your drawing!!!! It's amazing!
  15. Hi Suzanne! How are you? and what's the 'woooW' for?
  16. That's soo cool! I think doing P.E and hard things that I hate would be soo much easier and better if I had Mika playing while I did it. Good thing I have an MP3 player for running..
  17. Kates


    Welcome to the MFC!
  18. Ok so I went to wal-mart today.. I only had $20 though, haha. And sadly enough, I still don't have my own copy of LICM.. shame on me. So I went to find LICM, I looked for about half an hour on Pop/Rock and even some other odd places when finally I found it under 'Best Sellers'!! I couldn't believe it!!! Especially around here, that was very unexpected.. Yay for Mika! And I bought this game called Singstar instead.. I promise next time I will get LICM, haha. PS: Is Missionary Man a cover?
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