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Everything posted by Louiza

  1. thank you Marina for posting, it's a very interesting interview:flowers2: first of all with this interview I realized that I pronounced Vigevano wrong haha what a great idea to have little places to stay around the world! and how amazing it will be to have two very different versions of Make you Happy! cant wait to hear the classical version:wub2:
  2. another great interview from france!!! thanks for posting:flowers2: He says that when he finishes the promo for this album he wants to do a concert at Châtelet in Paris! That would be super amazing:wub2:
  3. Really enjoyed watching this interview, it's really interesting! Cant wait to hear 'L'Amour dans le Mauvais Temps' and 'Un Soleil Mal Luné'
  4. thats so sweet:wub2: so happy for you and your daughters!! thanks for posting Maurizia!!
  5. beautiful performances:wub2: can totally understand what he says about feeling awkward at parties and looking for the exit. also love the quote about Melachi!!!
  6. Lovely report and pics Eugenia, thanks for posting!! how sweet that he came twice over there at the fence to meet all of you!!!
  7. thanks for posting Eriko:flowers2: Love what he says about why he makes music:wub2: Also it's such a great way to describe the album as a diary, it adds even more heart to it.
  8. yes it is a sweet pic, the gig at Argeles must have been really special! thanks for all the photos Alba, Julie and Kate:flowers2:
  9. Thank you for this wonderful report Julia! So glad you had such a great time and got to meet him and also that the Russian audience loved his performance so much!! Looking forward to seeing your pics. The autograph in your signature looks fantastic!
  10. It's a very interesting interview! Thanks Bia and Vanessa:thumb_yello: It was so cool to hear him talk about the album and Lovebox! Also what he says about the things that are done sincerely in so true.
  11. Well maybe this way as you said more people will be able to read it:thumb_yello:
  12. Great interview, thanks for the links:thumb_yello: Very happy that now we know all the titles of the French songs!!! Hope he decided to include the fifth one as well.
  13. I havent seen this posted anywhere so here is the interview for the Paris Normandie site that was published before the Parc Eana show http://www.paris-normandie.fr//article/gruchet-le-valasse/mika-un-show-qui-represente-mon-univers Thanks to Ysa who posted the link on twitter a few days ago:thumb_yello:
  14. Thats a very interesting interview! The comment about One Direction sounds totally different here than on the small article that was published a few weeks ago. That proves once again how some articles and/or quotes out of context can end up being misleading. can I also say that I love this quote: "in some ways I have really changed, but actually in others I've gone back to the beginning. My hearts very much on my sleeve on this record."
  15. fantastic interview! love the drawings:wub2:
  16. I found out about these dates on the train on my way back from Vienne. Such great news:wub2:
  17. About Vienne I could easily sum up what I have to say just by writing this: wow :wub2: This concert was absolutely magical and phenomenal, something like Bercy or even better!!! The audience didnt stop applauding, singing along and cheering (they even did the mexican wave before the show started) and Mika was obviously very happy to see their reaction. It was so impressive and heartwarming to see everyone enjoying themselves and having so much fun!! The concert was super amazing and I've felt really lucky to have been there:wub2: PS, needless to say I'm really glad that the greeks won the singing comp for Blame it on the girls haha
  18. I guess I need to write my report before I start catching up on all the videos, threads etc I havent seen these past few days that I've been in France. First thing I want to say is that both Nice and Vienne have definitely become my most favorite gigs so far! They've been beyond amazing and all the new songs sound even more brilliant live:wub2: The performance of Underwater was sooo beautiful!! I was so much looking forward to hearing this song live ever since I first watched the video of its premiere in Seoul last year. It really is the type of song that gives you goosebumps when you listen to it live kinda like Over My Shoulder. Lola sounded also 100% brilliant!!! After this performance in Nice I love this song even more. Celebrate was fantastic as well!! You just cant help but sing along to it. It radiates such a positive, optimistic and happy feeling especially when he sings I'm cooooming home, thats my favorite part of the song! and what can I say about the Origin of Love other than :wub2: I adore this song Also the old songs sound so fresh! Loved the intro to Blue Eyes and the new version of Lollipop. Starting the gig with Big Girl was also a great idea too! The performances of Rain and Happy Ending were definitely some of the best we've heard so far, they were sung with such emotion and heart. The last part of Love Today when he has 'killed' the band and leaves the bassist to sing on his own is so funny. Wish someone has that on video. Hearing Karen again was a fantastic surprise too, I had missed hearing it live so much!!! The reaction that Elle me Dit got from the audience was phenomenal! It's such a powerful and amazing moment when everyone sings pourquoi tu gaches ta vie as loud and as enthusiastically as they can. One more thing that I have to say is that I was very very happy to see Mika play the piano again!!! About the m&g I think it's really kind of him to come and meet the fans even though he must have been really tired! I had printed the origin of love illustration that he posted on twitter a few days ago and got it signed. I'm very grateful for that!!
  19. How great that we got to hear the clip of the recorded version, cant wait to hear all of it!!! This songs sounds sooo good:wub2:
  20. Enjoyed listening to the podcast so much! Ever since that Radio 2 show on new year's eve I was hoping that at some point another radio station will give him the opportunity to do a show. So you can imagine how much I appreciate it that we have the podcasts now!!! It's brilliant that he chose songs that are so different from each other. It's always fascinating to listen to so many different types of music/artists because all that matters isnt the style or the genre but the fact that they're good songs. Really looking forward to the next podcast:biggrin2:
  21. Really happy to read you had such a great time Alba! How wonderful that you got a pic with Mika:wub2:
  22. what a happy smile:wub2: thats a fantastic pic, thanks for posting!
  23. thanks so much everyone for your pics and videos:flowers2: the performances of the new songs sound so beautiful and it's brilliant to hear any other world again:wub2:
  24. thanks for recording the interview Marina:flowers2: he mentioned the Cirque d'hiver again:wub2: about the release date I'm sure it hasnt changed. It's obvious that the presenter wasnt sure about the date she said.
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