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Everything posted by Citiesonfire

  1. oooh twiglets are yum! i dont like marmite either though i became addicted to malteser bunnys this easter i miss them
  2. oh man i haven't even thought about what I'm going to wear! normally takes me about a day to decide when I'm going out!
  3. I have one spare ticket for the sadlers wells gig in london My friend bailed cause she wouldnt be sitting next to us Anyone intrested pm me
  4. why? :shocked:there sooo good I'm having a sweet moment! Beard papa's - cream puffs. they are AMAZING. i could eat them all day
  5. do you think if i went in there and asked for a cup of tea they'd make one for me?
  6. I'm glad its seated, being 6ft tall i always feel guilty at other gigs when there are smaller people behind me! i end up taking photo's for people
  7. oooh tea, i like clipper tea the factory is like 2 miles from where i live, i got to visit it and i was like i got to try aaaall the tea's
  8. i am currently lying in bed drinking wine...but now i feel like some tea
  9. ooh the lemon poppyseed is my fav!! la tasca, love tapas!
  10. there giant cupcake's with lots of bright icing theres 2 shops in convent gardens in london http://www.candycakes.eu/
  11. ive just had a reaaally long bath with sanctuary bubble bath, candles, music and wine i feel i deserved it
  12. They are extremely large bright cupcakes, they sell them in convent garden sooo much sugar :biggrin2:
  13. im so gonna have to get some of these when im up in london there like heaven
  14. I just found my life drawing work from college oh dear
  16. A man came up to me at work today and told me theres a lady walking along the path behind my work talking to a chicken
  17. Heres a pic i took yesterday in the woods up the road, love bluebells
  18. Thanks Its a place called stourhead gardens in wiltshire, i absolutely love it there because its so peaceful i think some of pride and prejudice was filmed there yeah
  19. ooooh photography, love the pics Here's a few i took the other day, i think they turned out alright considering it was a really dull day
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