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Everything posted by Mikalina

  1. You are a little stalker Where is jounieh and how do you write it in Arabic? Somehow we all are related, aren’t we? Is it right that مقطف means harvest? And what abou Zuleika? Something like to slip or float? Anf Joanie, its not an Arabic name?!
  2. You can count me in, too! I want to send both a pic and a text but I don't understand how you want do it... When I send you a pic will you print it? And how should I send the text, in Word format? Sorry for those silly questions...
  3. Marhaba kull al-lubnaniun! Kifak? I have a question, maybe you know the answer... Do you know where in Lebanon the Moukattaf-family is from?
  4. I've read that, too, but Mika is 24, isn't he? And i think he said in an interview that he will celebrate Christmas at home??
  5. Thats a great article! Good idea, I’ve always thought of that! Mika should get some sleep...
  6. They look great With what kind of colours did you make them? Here are two more pics of his silver shoes:
  7. Ja, wir kennen uns . Mein Mika-Kuchen ist übrigens fertig, muss nur noch das beste Foto aussuchen
  8. But I did... did I? Yes I did. I cant imagine that I dreamt about it Mika and bananas But I remember that the bananas were bright yellow...
  9. I'm looking for a pic with Mika and some bananas, I cannot remember where I've seen it... does anyone have it?
  10. Me too Here's another one: Do you know whats printed on them? I read "me" and "close"
  11. I have some more pics, but I still don't know how to upload them here I don't want links, can anyone help me please?
  12. Do you know this picture? These shoes? Let's post some more pics with Mika's shoes
  13. You can do it here: http://www.filsh.net/
  14. http://www.rcrivera.com/home.html
  15. http://www.rcrivera.com/home.html Enjoy it
  16. I think he said in an interview that all songs of his ambum are connected or did I dream that?
  17. Hi Mikafans! I noticed that I haven’t said hello yet... so hello! I joined your fanclub a few weeks ago and read much, but pleaeaease, dont post a million posts every day, I want to read all of them! I discovered Mika in March and have listened his music until now and hope that I will have fun with you and that you will understand my english and that you forgive me my ands for now
  18. I think they are in the RIGHT place But I have another idea: maybe Mika once fell in love with Billy who couldn’t /didn’t want to return his feelings because he had two kids, a dog and a cautionary wife
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