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Everything posted by MegPL

  1. haha hunni I wouldn't hit him in the face... WHOOOOOOOOOOA nice pics! we want more!! pleaseeeee....
  2. HAHA nice report yeah this drunk guy was pain in the as*... we told him to shut up few times...he decided to rip off my shirt! I was soooo mad at him...few sec and I would punch him down... and he will have no chance xD Babzz.. haha I was funny? neeeeh I'm like this everyday xD and I'm not taking any drugs or drink xD I'm just crazy luv ya... U were great
  3. I. R U goin' 2 kill me? mwahaha U know 4 what xD and we got vid as well...when he read it xD LOL
  4. Mariposa I LOVE YOU!! hahaha I'm hearing myself on every single one and I'm on iy as well...hahaha thx xD it was crazy night! XXX:roftl:
  5. ok so the crew of Polish MFC was there in the number of 3 Kam(no.30 1/2) Iva(no.31 as I remember) and me (no.44) YAAAAAY Sariflor hudge thanx! XXX It was great, we were at 2nd-3rd row staight to Mika... It was so nice to talk to you guys, and sing with you all! If anybody has some kind of pic of our 3 please show us! U probably know whos KamIva but I'm still a newbie I think so I was at those blue superwoman shoes lol and green marine cap (that why my other nick is Sarge ). We've got some nice pics but will post them as soon as we put them toghether 'coz I'm back home and KamIva will be at tomorrow's gig. Love U all guys...and It's officcial now...I LOVE MARTIN LOL just if anybody asked xD PS Ingie U lilipop whore call me xD *huggggggggggggggggggggg*
  6. ok so I'm heading airport. wait for report... Ioana MABY I will send U txt msg XXXX luv ya all!!
  7. ok so I dunno if it was here b4, but my friend is looking for this orange scarf Mika has on the pic with his album... (the pic with the fancy belt, or Cirque de Soleil) does enybody knows where can I find it?
  8. I will as well Ingie beware xD gonna ask you some Polish xD YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY my flight is in 24hours!
  9. thx...but I've only cut it from movie and not change it...that was in movie in this shape... not a second longer...
  10. ok...so sb ask here for report from gig...I'll be there in 32hours xD I;m so freakin' excited I can't sleep/.//...
  11. hahaha OMG...how could you mix them... xD Martin is way handsome xD *waits for I. reaction xD* LOL
  12. huh...typical...I get here...everyone out...heh...U know what... eeee never mind...
  13. OK...what have I missed? huh? oooo whatever xD
  14. hahah could be much worse :roftl: but not everyone with the last name Butler when I was in UK people was asking if I'm Canadian... 'coz my acccent is funny...so they say... (stupid me...was thinking I talked with British accent )
  15. haha maby the Military man children... I loooove accents! Wendi...it's not good you don't know Gerard Butler's Mom address... ok as your homework...you've got to find it out :roftl:
  16. but she told me she is I'm insane..it's not that scary xD:roftl:
  17. haha I don't care bout them...just wanna be Butler's butler maby U know where his mother live?
  18. It's and I'm trying to learn it...but it's hard...but I have easier since in polish we got that RRRRRRRR so I'm half way to the top..right? RIGHT?
  19. I wanna go to Scotland and live as a Gerard Butler's personal slave xD
  20. she don't have a guts for it but she like to show off so U can sleep tight
  21. can't...I'm in other city...at Uni.. but I'll get there...soon... now I'm thinking only to be already at London at the gig
  22. haha it's from Tv series "Californication" main character using this line very often Ioana so consider me as your fan
  23. hahah I see that U like this sentence xD yeah...but still prefer that one where U got water wings
  24. is it from Private Practice or I'm just lunatic? :roftl:
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