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Everything posted by LadyGodiva

  1. thats why you should start a thread! find out who else is up for it, i bet theres a bunch! I think mika would find it funny as long as it wasn't a super serious thing! like "oh, i got this papercut when i heard your song on the radio while doing homework" and stuff like that. with bruises and failed papers for lack of concentration and twisted ankles.
  2. haha, uh oh 666! post another fast! lol. I have a feeling that his next album will be just as effing fantastic as his first. I REALLY don't think he will jip us like other artists which is why i'm a bigger fan of mika than i have ever been since the beatles. he wont let us down!
  3. You should start a thread (if you're up to coordinating that) and see if anybody else is interested.
  4. ooh, i second this. that would be great. make a book of all the good things that have happened and then make one of all the crazy injuries (not in a mean way though, more comical)
  5. i know! we need more!!! crave more...it's like a drug... ooh 222 posts, cool # haha
  6. love today has the most plays on iTunes for me with 240 more probably on my iPod, haha wow, thats crazy! i'm adding up the # of hours i have devoted of my life to Mika's music.
  7. My friends are going to HATE me then. i've already been super obnoxious lately.
  8. Ahhh i'm even more excited now! I'm going to my first gig in 3 days!!!!
  9. Oh! (love the lamp!) Mika's music gives a new definition to silence. i say this meaning when i'm not listening to his music, and everything is quiet, everything seems wrong, so loud and uncomfortable. When i'm listening to his music, everything is normal again, and i can concentrate. I listen to it so much that its become the normal state of my life to have it playing. i don't feel right when its not playing! I can't imagine that i'm the only one like this, right????
  10. i think it's fairly quiet, but it's picking up.
  11. Oh, can i be a part of this? Many queen fans can probably tell from my username that i'm a fan as well:)
  12. Ohh! thats suckish:( bring your own CD! And i think the worst thing my mom does when i play mika is she calls him "miko" argh. it drives me up the wall. She's been getting better lately though!
  13. Well i'm not just dressing up for the concert i'm actually going to be one of the lollipop girls! yay, i'm super excited. Well he spends more time in England than in canada and the U.S. so he'll probably be there longer so maybe you'll find tickets?
  14. thats exactly how i am! when i was supposed to be studying (but was doing this instead) i was NEVER bored, but now that my exams are over, i have no idea what to do, but i'm bored doing the exact same thing! (well, now ALL that bored now.)
  15. I know! its one of the more amazing ones hehe. Yes, heres the link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTkfgke1fp
  16. haha- it took me much to long for my own good to get that lol. I suppose i'm bored, but i'm also Lauralai!
  17. haha, glad to hear it. Elementary humor usually is. i don't like to admit it, but i still giggle at things like that. shhhh:wink2:
  18. you can watch these amazing videos too! the first one is above "the mysterious ticking noise" and this one is the next amazing one called "wizard angst" they ALL make me giggle. hehe
  19. OMG okay, if you're a harry potter fan (or even if you aren't) watch this! it will change your LIFE!
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