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Everything posted by LadyGodiva

  1. haha, when i was in elementary school we used to play a game called "concentration" anybody heard of it? you cahnt 'concentration, determination. i am, thinking of, colors!' - or any random topic and you have to name things from that topic to a beat. anyways what relates to that is we used to change concentration to a word that seems to describe that smiley hehe.
  2. Hello!!! I'm somebody! I've been amusing myself with http://www.addictinggames.com up until now haha.
  3. http://www.addictinggames.com - this is a great way of entertainig yourself. that and coloring with markers in pretty coloring books while listening to mike- that is the ultimate de-stresser.
  4. oooh is there a chance that someone could photocopy that for me?
  5. Ah! Oh, but you're boss hasn't played it since? That's the worst part i think! i know, i'm actually going to the MAC to have a run there in a little bit and i hope it doesn't happen again! its one of those things were you think to yourself 'omg, no. that did not just happen' although i'm sure all the people there had a funny story to tell when they got home! Glad to know i provide some excitement in people lives. Here in michigan i never hear Mika on the radio or anything, its quite sad:(
  6. Thank you! He really does sing it like it is and thats one of my favorite pics of him! Anyways,sorry, back on topic:blush-anim-cl: I know a bunch of people in my grade who are possibly going to drive from michigan to oregon for during break because they heard that they will take random people for extras- is this true?
  7. I'm going to the toronto show, but i'm not sure how much i'll get to see from the audience because i guess i'm going to be a lollipop girl! yay:biggrin2:
  8. i really don't know, but i guess i'll find out!!! ahhhhh 3 days 3 days 3 days.....
  9. Haha, thank you, i try:biggrin2: . It always is one of the most difficult of choices:naughty: I think i might wait and see what they have at the concert first, because even if i ordered something now it probably wouldn't get to me in time.
  10. Would they sell them at the gigs? because i'm seeing him on tuesday so i might as well get it there, right?
  11. Oh yes, see thats where i was loking for the sweatshirt you described. I don't see it anymore . But no matter! i love a bunch of other things, i kind of want the black logo t-shirt! hmmm... to buy or not to buy, that is the question.
  12. Oh you'll have to watch it then! heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTkfgke1fpg . Enjoy!!!
  13. didn't they just post a thing about finding a jacob black using open casting?
  14. YESSS!!!! Can't wait to see you in Toronto! You'll have to let me know what things were like in Montréal. haha, i'll be the newbie, but at least i know who is going on with me now!
  15. no way. are you serious? did they seriously write that?
  16. Aw!! thats super cute, a lot of work though!! I still thing my my dog can read my thoughts half the time!
  17. oh, well Dar is a smart boy. he's a black yorkiepoo, sometimes i think he's human though. he sure acts like it a lot!
  18. haha, thanks. swift, i know. my geckos name is Ergo and my doggie is named Darwin:)
  19. My friend has a one of those! her name is Ella and she's a sweetheart- the puppy that is, not my friend, but my friend is nice too!. good luck with your puppy!
  20. i have lots of turtles and a gecko, a frog, a snake, a salamander and a dog. (a lot of the turtles are frogs are outside in the pond) But i swear i'm not as nerdy as i sound...haha my dad is a herpetologist if that explains the reptiles.
  21. ooo NICE! sounds cozy. where'd you get it?
  22. Good plan. their sweatshirts are super comfy.
  23. I know! i could spend a long time just looking through their stuff online!
  24. OH! haha, well i wouldn't say all the excitement helped me concentrate... i actually think they went rather well though (I'm done now, yay! I can be excited now and freak out properly!) i had math and history today and i think they went well considering my state of mind lol. Thanks for asking!!!!
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