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Everything posted by LadyGodiva

  1. LOL i most definitely will! well they told me to be there an hour early, she might have mentioned something about a rehearsal, but i'm not entirely clear.anyways they told me to bring flat black shoes, all i have are black converse and a dance shoe with a very small heel so we'll see?!. (this is actually my first concert of his as well, so this will be a good way to get the ball rolling!) Thank you SO much for all you've had to say! Assuming all goes well i should have a story when i come back! I leave early tomorrow because i live 5 hours away so i get back on thursday, talk you soon!! thanx again!
  2. OH. MY. GOOD. GOD!!! AHHH you just made me soo happy! that is an AMAZING experience! i reeaaally hope that happens to me!!! (although i wouldn't mind being fully dressed lol) AHH *screams a bit* i'll be sure to enjoy this no matter what! How early were you there before the show, like and hour?
  3. haha, i did my legs, don't worry:P hmm, well they told me to be there an hour early ??? so i don't know exactly what will come o that. I'm probably on the younger side of the lollipop girls but i'm sure it will be fun! Did you get to meet him when you were one?
  4. I'll wait as long as i can (i hope i get to hear something!) but i have to get up at 6:00 tomorrow to leave for toronto so i dunno! Sivan, you were a lollipop girl before right?
  5. hmm, maybe some jeans, although does it wash out???? (i have a silver sharpie because they are dark jeans) maybe a t-shirt. My C.D. case got cracked!! *grumbles* and i don't have time to get a new one so i'm not sure if i still want him to sign the case, maybe just the booklet? AHHH! I don't knooooww!!!!!
  6. Yes, i'm only driving about 5 hours though to Toronto. I don't have to bring my costume i have a sharpie and something to give him but i don't know what i want to be signed? Maybe my C.D. jacket/booklet? i dunno, what else is there to sign? Oh, and Traveling with mika??? OMG I WISH! if i had the money, oohh i would:wink2:
  7. haha, yea, i don't think i'll ever get around to opening that strip club i've always wanted..... But really, like i want to see all the sights and know all there is to know. speaking of...i'm trying to pack for the concert tomorrow!! ahh what do i need?
  8. Thats what i would like as well. I want to see all there is to see and do all there is to do in my life. Otherwise i feel like it's a sad waste of a perfectly amazing life.
  9. Oh wow! I don't know if i can manage to stay away until tomorrow even!
  10. ooh! i'm so excited to hear about this because i'm seeing him tomorrow! I'm am glued to this thread as of now....
  11. I think that Mika was fine -for most of it anyways. I think it was more that the interviewer was bad, he didn't sound very into it:thumbdown: ----haha, I would have done a much better job, lol.
  12. No, sorry i don't know my way around Toronto very well:( But i do have to say ONE MORE DAY!!!!! or.....27 hours and 24 min(something like that anyways....hehe!!! ) Quote of the day If mika were a drug, you would be in rehab!! - so true:P
  13. Hello! Welcome! I hope to see you at the kool haus! Just ONE MORE DAY (feels good to say that right?) You'll probably be able to spot me but I doubt you'll know its me so hi anyways! Have great time here!
  14. yay, okay can't wait too see it again! i forgot to add it last time! I guess i could see a prince-esque thing going on there hehe.
  15. Oo Great pics *adds to favorites*!!!! Is the one where he's in the blue chair/throne in there? I might have skipped it on accident if it is, but if not, its one of my favorites!
  16. 2 days left!!! Ahhh, insomnia! One more day of school.....i can do this! *waits by the phone wondering when they'll call with the details!*
  17. Oh jeez... lately? A lot. haha 2 Days!!!! i'm not going to be able to sleep at all tonight or tomorrow night!
  18. AHHH i was in a book store yesterday and they were playing 'Aux Champs Elysées' so i stayed for the who song because mika had sung it before but then i was thinking I KNOW he's sung it but where? so i went to youtube and found it and that made me extremely happy. heres the link, if you want to watch it- C'est jolie:biggrin2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMY31YyAjVQ - he sings it at about 2:30
  19. I sent an e-mail with a few pictures of my and then contacted me:) Super exciting:) yay!
  20. At school when i'm not aloud to play it i'll be singing along in my head (or out loud depending on where i am). So i listen to it on the way into school and my friends expect this but once i took off my headphones because i had to talk to somebody but i kept the song playing and i was walking back to my locker-still singing along- and my friend comes up and goes 'wow, dare i ask what you're listening to?' and then he notices that my headphones were down so he picks up the head phone *i'm still singing along* and goes 'omg, you're STILL singing in the right place!' then he went into some stuff about how i needed therapy for this. But ya know what? their loss. and besides...this is a god addiction and ...........therapy is overrated!!!
  21. OFFTOPIC sorry, but i must say this. your siggy kind of mesmerizes me lol. its late at night and i'm tired but i can stop watching the numbers change....
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