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Everything posted by jessicamadq

  1. 12 I have done, don't worry, slapping him as been a regular thing for the last 3 months he's so annoying Yeahh. He ruined the main one as well, the colour one, it took me forever to do, I hate colouring... And the black and whites are mostly still plans
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2007/07/08/svmika08.xml A bit of infomation about her in there I'm trying to find pictures
  3. Yeah... eww... Everyone's saying that But it is still annoying... He kept on saying about the picture: "Just redraw it! It's simple enough!" I had a good chance of winning as well
  4. I did. Me and my friend Billy nearly murdered him in Kick Boxing And Billy said he was tempted to lock him in the PE cupboard Woot for Billy
  5. It is! I'm about ready to kill this guy in class called Joe. He poured water all over one of my competition charcoal pictures and stole about 3 CD's (included LICM) Then gave them back scratched AND he did it on purpose
  6. Hi People! I've been away for so long! I've been ill alot though I'm watching the Mika DVD so I'm happy now
  7. I think I'd die if it was named that... It needs to be something colourful again Actually... Something Colourful is a pretty awsome name
  8. Ohh we have to make cookies in class on tuesday And mysteriously mine will have Mika written on it in chocolate chips
  9. You know your a Mika fan when me and my other obcessed friend start arguing about who listens to the most Mika
  10. Ooh I see I find two hands really difficult. I think it's reading them at the same time that I find difficult
  11. That would be GREAT! And we could get him to write England's song!
  12. Aww You should try to learn it, it's nice being able to play I've got shoved into playing at school next week
  13. Yeah. That wasn't too bad Yeah...I thought she was really good, I'm kinda annoyed she didn't get many points But then again, she got more than us
  14. Hoorah! I've just ordered the Life in Cartoon Motion Sheet music I had to get it when I saw Erase was on there
  15. But it was hilarious! My mum tried to vote for Spain. I hid the phone and voted for Albana.
  16. I know! Two is just too many, and I wanted to vote in the first, not the second, so that annoyed me too. Mostly because I wanted Andorra to win, and they didn't even make the finals
  17. Haha, Big Fat Quiz of the Year made me a fan too. The repeat of that was on at about the same time as the repeats for ponderland too. Made me a Noel Fielding fan too. Forced me to watch the Mighty Boosh
  18. I agree. I think countries with not many political voters should get automatically in, just to spread out the competition a bit. Then Dustin would of got in...
  19. Terry Wogan's abandoning Eurovision! No fair, he's great at talking over boring songs that last for hours Russia was kinda good, so it's not too bad they won. I would have liked the 16 year old to have won though... I can't remember the country... But I voted for her. And San Marino likes us! Yay!
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