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Everything posted by tiibet

  1. Wow. I guess we all dream of Mika singing in our living rooms so the winner will be very lucky!
  2. I had to watch the video again, I was so surprised not everyone found it really depressing. I mean I totally respect your opinions, this a matter of personal view, there can't be right or wrong answers. I was just surprised so I had to go and see it one more time. And there's an upcoming natural disaster. There's a wedding ceremony with empty seats in a ruined garden/park. There's a dark, abandoned (?) hospital. A terminally ill child watching her last sun rise. A baby born just on time to see the world ending... I can't help it, this is enough to make me incredibly depressed. I genuinely wish I could watch it some other way. It upset me so if the goal was to have a powerful effect on people they succeeded. I understood the clip is directly referring to a very known film and would be useful to be familiar with it but I can't watch that heavy films. I remember seeing Reflecting Skin more than 20 years ago and it's still one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. But I love the short moments where Mika is playing piano. That's the beautiful part! Fits well with the music.
  3. I find depressing films so difficult to handle, I can't get over them. They stay in mind for too long. I do like this song. It's not one of my favorites but I don't mind it playing in my head. I just ignore the rap part... The symphony album is a jewel indeedl!!!!
  4. The movie sounds really depressing as well. But must say the song is catchy! It's been playing in my had since I watched the video.
  5. This video is too depressing for me too. Just talked about it on twitter with people and I do get the point and that end of the world feeling during break up but it gave me really heavy feeling and I can't get it out of my mind. The song itself is not depressive like that.
  6. Ticket bought! Buying is always so stressful. I didn't manage to get a good seat (I didn't realize I could refresh it, I assumed it gives me the best available ) so I think I'm going for standing.
  7. Anyone has time to explain what he says to Luca in Daily 27? Maybe a little summary? I understand words here and there but not enough...
  8. Thank you!!! Thanks for your hard work and keeping us updated! And thanks everyone for adding your comments and summaries etc!
  9. I'm so grateful for this concert Of all concerts I've seen these symphony concerts are my very favorites. Pure magic.
  10. I managed to do the registration for the streaming page!!!!! I simply tried again and again and finally it let me fill only my email and password and didn't give any credit card detail page! It must have been an ad but first it didn't give any choice. I hope so much this will work...
  11. That little video message warmed my heart so much He is a good person. He makes me think there's hope in this world.
  12. It's asking for my credit card details as well. It says the card will not be credited but that those details are needed to create an account. It doesn't look like an ad but like a part of the registration process. Did you manage to register without that Sabine? I'm worried that no one is able to record it...
  13. He always appears in my dreams when I miss him and now it's been a while since I saw him so I've dreamed about him twice already. In the first one he announced a gig in my country. That wouldn't happen in real life of course but I was talking with my friend about some other artists announcing concerts here just night before so I guess it came from that. In the second one he did a signing session here. Wow! I so wanted to go and see him but my husband said that oh it looks it's only for kids so you can't go. So disappointing. He finally comes to my country and I can't go and see him? I totally decided to go. There was a long line (only kids) and I went to the end of the line. I didn't have anything for him to sign but I thought it's okay, I just ask him to sign my hand. A bit embarrassing but who would care. I waited and waited and waited and eventually there were only two kids before me. And then I woke up. Everything felt so real! I could remember every single detail from my dream! I was a bit bitter the whole morning. Seriously. The tour is over and I can't see him even in my dreams??
  14. OMG those videos!!!!!! Not sure how my heart can survive watching the whole recording!!!!! I love these symphony concerts so much I can't describe. I can see the person who took the vids was sitting behind me
  15. Will there be a translation or maybe a short summary what he says there? I hope I don't sound too demanding, I know how much work the subtitle team has in their hands!
  16. No it didn't. I guess I should have just pretended I understand everything
  17. Yeah they play along. Just wondering where it originally comes from. They don't have any vibe to feed people.
  18. The boys look so young! They are very lucky to have someone like Mika there to guide them. An insensitive judge could cause a lot of damage. Btw, is that shipping nonsense between Mika and Fedez still going on?? Just read an article about them. I don't think they mind, I just can't see where it comes from. I can't see any vibe that could feed people imagination so it looks even more ridiculous than usually
  19. You were like a pro translating!!
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