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Everything posted by tiibet

  1. Exactly. And it's different when you have met people in real life compared to communicating only via internet. I travel a lot so I have met many people on mfc at gigs and I will meet them again, people have faces. That's why asked to leave my name out when talking about some issues on twitter. I didn't do it to insult anyone or to take sides. I just wanted to be outside of some conversations that make me feel uncomfortable.
  2. Oh I definitely didn't write my post to remind anyone! Sorry if it sounded like that. It was more to describe how I try to choose my own words and just some thoughts that came to my mind this morning when I read the long discussion from yesterday/this morning. I feel more comfortable if I try to write things I could tell the person face to face even I know this forum is only for fans. It makes things easier and simple. Thanks Bab! It's so funny you mention animals! It was the first thing I thought when I saw you on the forum again (haven't seen you here lately). Loving animals is definitely something we share And I agree it's important.
  3. I didn't know where to start quoting so just a few thoughts."Baby" is hardly the worst word he has heard. I guess it depends on how you say it? In real life discussions I sometimes say "you're such a baby!" in a very joking tone but to be honest I find telling people that they are acting in a childish/not mature way or simply can't handle things like an adult quite harsh. I wouldn't tell even to my own son that he is acting like a baby (even if it was literally true) because it sounds patronizing, I rather simply say "now you need to take responsibility about X" because it's a fact (not that anyone likes that either). A guide line I try to follow is to write things and words I could tell Mika face to face. Not because I think he ever reads or hears my words but because it helps me to keep things on an honest but still polite level. In real life I wouldn't talk to him in a flattering way, it would sound totally fake. And I don't know him on a personal level, we talk only rarely and it's always very short but I see him often so I feel some weird familiarity (meaning sometimes random things come out of my mouth). I always wish I could give him a polite and smart comment about his music or shows but in reality we talk maybe 5 words once a year and it's always a very weird short conversation. I don't have much conversation skills and Finnish people are famous for not knowing small talk It's a national shame! So I just try to estimate what I could say face to face to him or to anyone I'm talking about and about this episode I wouldn't say he is a liar or being unprofessional or victimizing himself or acting like a baby. I don't think any of that. I would say he seemed hurt. Hurt either by that separate situation and the comment coming in the middle of his performance or by the whole issue and the whole thought of that not accepting his French side means not accepting him as a person. I would also say that maybe because he felt hurt he wasn't careful enough when he spoke in the interview or he simply didn't think it all through. I mean something went wrong. Just look around, there's a war zone. It's difficult to keep the balance between being honest and showing true feelings and still remembering someone's position and the impact their words can have. If this was about that particular comment he could have handled it privately or at least give a little background if the comment hurt him especially coming from a fan/fans who has been there since the beginning. And if it was more about feeling hurt because of the whole issue... Why not openly talk about it without naming anyone. We all want to hear him telling how he feels. About Mika not being the same as he was years ago. I've never thought he has changed as a person. I rather think he is different because he is older and that he probably sees the world differently than he used to see because of everything he has experienced and been through. Success, disappointments, pressure, money, the way people treat him as a celebrity and so many other things. His life style is very different than ours. I feel happier if I try to enjoy things how they are instead thinking how they used to be or could be in another reality. He speaks French on my left and Italian on my right and tells me to learn the f*cking language. It is what it is. I love spending time in France and Italy. I love many things happening at the moment. Symphony concerts, the latest album, the new mature tone in his voice, his charity work, his new way to go really close to the audience during concerts, watching and reading so many new interviews... I just want to add that even I wouldn't say something or use some particular words myself it doesn't have to mean they are automatically rude coming from someone else. It all depends on personality and style and if the words "fit" in someone's mouth or not. I'm sure Mika thinks the same. And I think it's very hard to handle criticism. I already have a negative image of myself and if someone criticizes me it always feels just one more thing I can't do right or well and it's very heavy to handle. So if I give feedback to someone else I try to do it kindly, it doesn't mean not being honest. Maybe people giving very direct feedback can also handle feedback more easily when it's their turn? Sorry my post is so long, I don't usually write much these days. I'm obviously procrastinating some other things
  4. No it was me who deleted it! I thought I wrote it in the wrong thread and that I should have written it in the Adelphi thread Sorry the confusion. I didn't realize the discussion goes on in the both threads.
  5. This is very well said, thank you! I totally agree with you. About streaming the London gig in China. I immediately thought it was great news even I don't know what it means money wise (I have no idea what kind of a deal it is for him). It's one way to promote his music in China and it gives Chinese fans a possibility to be a part of the international Mika world. And being a fan is not only enjoying music but also helping and supporting the artist and his career (even in other markets) to have more to enjoy, watch and follow in the future.
  6. I didn't get that impression all. I thought he simply liked the idea that his fans come from everywhere and want to be together and united and are proud to show it (like happened in Adelphi with the flags). That's what makes me think. He is always the one with the power, fans are generally not on the same level with him. His acceptance is more important to us than ours can ever be to him on individual level. Usually he's using his power in smaller ways, either giving positive attention or not and this is the first time I see him pointing anyone in a negative way and the thought of that doesn't feel good even I totally understand his feelings in the situation. Meaning I never understood how one French song can bother anyone and even if it can it's his show and his set list. And he is human and can feel hurt just like any of us when people criticize or judge him. This was just something that came to my mind about the power issue. Maybe you were referring to something else or maybe you (or someone else) don't personally need his acceptance at all. I just think that generally fans do and I would lie if I said it doesn't mean anything to me.
  7. I like his current level of success, I like to see him performing at venues he does these days. His music fits well to theater/concert hall type of venues, he puts so much elegance and personality into his shows. I think he can (of course) do also bigger shows but I'm worried that doing big shows night after night would take some elegance/personality away or that at least I would enjoy them less. Also, I like him doing many different things (like a combination of symphony concerts, little tours here and there and some French summer festivals all during the same year). This is of course totally my selfish point of view. I understand that lack of big tours means he is skipping many countries and that for that reason many fans have to wait or they can't see him at all and I'm sorry for that. Also, I want him to be happy. So what you write in the quote above makes me wonder sometimes. I mean I wonder how he feels watching some of these people who had such a similar starting point with him but are now massive stars. He seems genuine saying he is happy with his life now and it does look he has made some personal choices. If he wanted success for example in the UK on any terms he would have done it differently, wouldn't he? This way he is a celebrity but can still have his privacy which is practical and something I imagine he can appreciate. But how does he feel thinking of some of those people who started at the same time with him? It hurts me to think it might hurt him to think about all that. He deserved the same and I don't want him to feel bad. Not that I think he can't handle feeling a bit bad, I'm sure he can. It just my childish wish that he didn't need to do that. I'm such a bad fan. I haven't watched the interview where Ben Stiller talks about Mika. I'm not sure I can bother especially if it's not even clear there's any drama at all, lol!
  8. Added some photos from Tokyo here: https://mikagigs.com/2016/03/03/photos-mika-nhk-hall-in-tokyo-japan/
  9. I added a few photos from Osaka here: https://mikagigs.com/2016/03/03/photos-mika-grand-cube-in-osaka-japan/
  10. Oh wow, he looks amazing in these Love this light suit he is wearing. Serious posing there.
  11. I'm so slow this morning, probably still jet lagged even though I slept 12 hours last night (12 hours!)...Took me a while to figure out what you two are talking about! You are talking about his hair?? Lol! Awwww. There's always something we need to pretend not seeing. First we couldn't say the word gay for years even a half of his songs were referring to it and he obviously had a boy friend. Now we need to pretend we can't see he is losing his hair. It shouldn't be called a problem! I really hope it's not a problem for him, at least not anymore. It's a fact of life. More than 70 % of adult men lose their hair at some point of their life. He already looks like a god. Surely he can handle losing a little bit of his hair? And it's not we love him any less for it. I mean, we love him more and more every day in any case... Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...
  12. You are so sweet and kind, thank you so much for your words And your singing certainly didn't bother at all, I enjoyed it very much!
  13. I like it that Mika is not perfect Thanks for writing your post, Deb!
  14. Of course I can remember you two girls, it was lovely to meet you! I took a picture of you, did you see it? Hope to meet you again, too. Btw, you sing so well!! I can't sing myself at all! And l'm not sure Mika could remember taking the glasses... He often takes people's glasses so maybe it's not even possible to remember? A fan from Hong Kong sent me a pic of him wearing them so I have it as a memory
  15. @DongDong Thanks for your report! It was a pleasure to meet you and I really enjoyed our chat about football and everything! I collected some pics here : https://mikagigs.com/2016/02/27/pics-and-vids-from-my-mobile-mika-the-vine-in-hong-kong/ You can see us there too! Vids are not good quality, I didn't want to use my camera because I was close, still uploaded them.
  16. A few random pics from the second Shanghai show here: https://mikagigs.com/2016/02/27/photo-galleries-mika-qsw-culture-center-in-shanghai-china-feb-26th/
  17. I know there are ways but I'm here only a few days so just trying every wi-fi can find. Managed to update my blog with a few pics. More later. Maybe someone can share a link (I can't do it atm)? And please tell if something wrong with my post. Can't read it either. So annoying. The venue was extremely hot indeed and the crowd was pushy. I felt I couldn't breathe but forgot all that when he started. Great energy!
  18. This was a fab show! He did really well indeed. Even my husband is impressed and he has seen some great show as well. So much contact with the Asian audience, everything is so different than in Europe. I took a lot of pics but connections are very poor. I will try to upload a few with my report.
  19. I wrote a small report of my day in my blog. I will upload some videos and group pics etc when back home, can't use internet properly in China. Also, will fix little mistakes and spelling errors later, very poor connection. https://mikagigs.com/2016/02/23/mika-the-vine-in-hong-kong/
  20. This was a beautiful tiny gig, really loved it. Very intimate and full of silly little details. He decorated Max like a Christmas tree (literally) and took everything the audience gave him on stage. The stage was small and reminded me of Verboten in Brooklyn last May and suddenly he took my glasses just like he did in Brooklyn. It was very quick but I thought that maybe he remembered he has done that before (not sure of course). He was lovely to the audience, took people on stage and touched their hands etc. really nice vibe. People went absolutely crazy after Happy Ending I was so happy to meet a lot of locals and everyone was so incredibly kind. Looking forward to the Hong Kong fans posting their reviews about the show.
  21. Incredible show tonight, my favorite of the tour so far. He did No Place in Heaven, Hurts and stunning Happy Ending without a microphone in the end Very relaxed, he seemed to be in a good mood. I filmed a couple of songs but was on the side and near the speakers so need to check how the sound is.
  22. I'm still shocked he really did Lonely Alcoholic. Loved it. It was even better than how I remembered it. It's been so long since I heard it.
  23. And a quick photo gallery here: https://mikagigs.com/2016/02/16/photo-galleries-mika-grand-cube-in-osaka-japan/ And that's all, now I will try to sleep
  24. Lonely Alcoholic: Loved hearing it Porcelain: (some weird sound problems in the end of the song but it didn't last long) My Interpretation: Talk About You: (jumping a bit, sorry about that )
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