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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. Here we go!!! When Laura and I first arrived at the venue around 12:45-ish, we decided to wait by Hanson's tour bus, since I had had a successful Isaac spotting by their bus a few years before. We met two people there--Jennifer and Raina-- chatted with them for a bit while we waited. They were sane and nice, not something all Hanson fans are. Finally, a little before 3:00 Hanson decided to emerge from their tour bus. I saw Taylor walk out (and someone had laid out a carpet for them to walk on when they step off the bus--I found that funny) then Isaac. I totally missed Zac--there were fans waving arms and cameras in front of me, but people said he looked pissed off. Uh oh. So that was that, and another fan we had met--Megan?--who had been to dozens of shows, told us this meant the walk was starting soon. The walk was indeed supposed to start around 3:00, so we rushed around to the front of the venue. Megan led us over by the front doors where she thought the walk would start. She seemed to be a pro at this, so I let her decide where we would stand. Fans seemed to be aware of the time, and everyone started crowding together. We stood by one set of doors, while thinking Murphy’s Law would almost guarantee they walk out the other set of doors. It turns out we were lucky. Suddenly fans in front of us started screaming, and everyone surged forward toward the doors we were in front of. The doors were mostly glass, so people could see inside, and they could see Hanson standing just inside. OMG it's Hanson!! Let's shove right up against the doors so they can't get outside! I'm sure Hanson was looking outside thinking, "Are we ready for this?" But they did get the doors open, and stepped outside. Fans surged forward, and we were shoved forward toward Hanson. Taylor tried to say hello and greet us, and then Isaac said over his megaphone something like “You all need to just calm down and move back. This is not a good start to the walk.” Some fans listened, some fans didn’t, and around this time, Laura was shoved up right against Isaac. Luckily I had given her my camera, so she took the opportunity of being that close to snap a few pictures. The fans that were considerate enough to listen to Isaac did back away enough for them to start walking, and everyone else began to cluster and hover around them. (Think London afterparty for Mika--except each Hanson had their own mob as they walked.)
  2. North Americans are completely capable of losing their minds. Go to a Hanson concert. You'll see. Hanson posted on Hanson.net today to let people know about the bullet incident and how it wasn't actually anything to worry about but they also said "I would not want to be the person who was on the wrong end of a pissed off Hanson fan." They know a lot of their fans are insane. So true. I still can't figure out what fans hope to gain by being insane. Hanson doesn't appreciate it; I'm sure the pushing and shoving and mobbing freaks them out a bit. Good news: I FINISHED MY REVIEW! It's so completely long and detailed that I have to edit it somewhat or I'll bore you all to death. But I have pics too, so let me start editing and adding pics, and I'll post in a few minutes. Stay tuned...
  3. Morning! I'm heading off to work so I can't write my review 'til later, but LadyGodiva will fill ya in when she gets up. (We got home at 3am--I am so not in the mood to work today.) The show was GREAT and totally insane. There were security issues...as I'm sure LG will elaborate on...caused the concert to be delayed, and basically we were standing around waiting for Hanson to come onstage for an entire hour after the last opening act played. But they were awesome, and I love them and I'll post my pics later. The walk was amazing, but again...fans are insane. I have better pics from that, so I'll upload everything when I get home!
  4. Had to sneak on here before we left... I'm hopeless! The way I heard it, Natalie was also a fan, and Kate was a friend of hers. So if what fans say are true (take it with a grain of salt) all three Hansons married fans. And yeah...last night there were already 10 people in line.. 24 hours before the show started! I wonder how many are in line now? Either way, we're off, and I'll let you all know how it went when we get back!
  5. Yay is right! I'll be back with a review and (hopefully!) some pics in the next couple of days. Lucky me, I get to work the day after the concert, but I'm sure LadyGodiva will fill ya in until I post.
  6. I love how we've all found the same "unofficial" pics. And the concert is TOMORROW!! Today the weather is SO gorgeous, but I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Why does it always rain when I see Hanson? And we're going on the walk, too.
  7. Today at work, I noticed two of the Detroit newspapers had articles about the concert that LadyGodiva and I are going to on Saturday. Here's a link to one, just because I'm excited. (The concert's sold out!) http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008804170323
  8. Ketchup, huh? Somehow I don't feel bad that I haven't heard it. *prays you won't start singing it*
  9. Yep, they have some CUTE kids. (Although I've been refraining from posting pictures that look really personal, like stalkerazzi shots. Just be careful what you post.) I did hear rumors that Hanson might do an A&E "Life of a Rockstar"-type show, where they allow photographers to film them at home and on the road. Don't know for sure if it'll air on TV or not. Also, on Hanson.net, Zac said they're probably going to do a Christmas tour. So keep an eye out for that!
  10. A.Clay, I LOVE that you're posting magazine scans! I missed ALL of these last year! Thank you, thank you!
  11. Oh, thank you so much, sariflor! I've never seen that one the whole way through. I can't understand what they're saying (and parts I'm only guessing since some questions are fairly standard--about his upbringing and music) but even if I don't speak French, it is nice just to look at him. (And I love hearing him speak French, too.)
  12. I totally agree with that, and those are all reasons why I'm a Mika fan, too. I think a lot of fans feel this way, so if Mika did do this (which I don't think he will) our opinions of him will change a lot. Ah, I was wondering about the reliability of that paper, too. Glad to know it's not something well-respected over there. I'm not worried; Mika's not doing underwear modeling. There's just NO way.
  13. Thanks! I found it...and voted. (Gotta say I'm loving the shorter haircut.)
  14. Darnit! I had crazy visions of the server going down because Mika was uploading a "welcome" video, and starting his MFC-only blog, and typing his first message to us fans...yeah, I was a teensy bit delusional. It passed.
  15. Possibly I'm blind, but where do you vote? I don't see anything about Mika when I click the link. (Is it a few pages back?)
  16. Just a few more pics from Africa because I love them. The amazing guys. Some pics of Taylor with the people they met there: Giving kids the shoes they raised money for. Taylor (and Natalie) with some of the kids Adorable, lol. Kate and Nikki. (Hanson seem to have married some really sweet girls.):
  17. Wow, thanks, Mana! I don't know how Hanson fans find the pictures they do, but a lot of them seem to have family/home photos of the guys with their wives, kids, and families. It's a bit weird. But Hanson fans are insane, and always have been. Just wanted to share some pics of the guys in Africa with their wives at the end of last year. They donated shoes to kids that didn't have any (also what they're raising money/awareness for now with their pre-show walks) and they're still really supporting these kids and raising money to help with the poverty/AIDS crisis there. Hanson with their wives in Africa: So cute. Tay with kids: Taylor and his wife, Natalie: Isaac and his wife, Nikki: Zac and his wife, Kate: Love them! Can't wait to see them this Saturday!!!
  18. Oh, nice! Haha, I'll have to check out his site. Personally, I'm loving his current look. He's just adorable and gorgeous.
  19. Yeah. Mika definitely has changed over the past year, but this would be...insane and un-Mika-ish. I know he's more confident than he was at the beginning of last year, but you're right--this would be over-the-top, sell-out confidence. I love him because of his morals, and because he chooses to keep his private life private. This would be putting his...er, privates...on display. Wow, so he's signed some sort of contract then, right? He would never do underwear modeling, though. I don't believe it for a second. Haha, so true. We'll talk about anything at this point. I wonder what we'll be talking about come autumn when there still isn't an album? Amen, sista'. Mika can design his own underwear if he wants to (and maybe those lime green undies were his idea, lol) but I can't see him flaunting his body like that for an ad. He has more self-respect than that. Besides, he's a musician, not a model. (Even though we know he's gorgeous enough to be both!)
  20. Always love pics from this show. That lightning-bolt thing he painted on his face. Love. It. OK, that's really cool. Cane and a top hat...for some reason, I think that's totally sexy. Maybe classic, old (old, lol) school charm? Those crowd shots are always so amazing. If I were Mika, it would totally freak me out. (And that's why I'm not a singer.) I've never seen it before--thank you! Where is that from? Mika's in an office?
  21. Mmm, I love that look, too. (Any look, really.) I'm leaning toward disturbing!
  22. I like that idea! Song previews, tea with Mika, and lifelong appreciation! So um...we're all going to travel around on a Mika-mobile for the next tour? I so haven't been keeping up with this thread, but that sounds like the plan. That would be pure insanity.
  23. Gotta add one more...because obviously Mika was having a really great hair moment here. (Among other things.)
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