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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. I would have loved to hear him sing "Sweet Dreams". And waaah! I am a budding writer! Why couldn't I have been there to compete for a Mika meeting? Those lucky winners. Thank you so much for finding us and posting the videos! So lovely to see Mika again. And I'm thrilled that he won over new fans. He has a tendency to do that.
  2. Just wanted to say randomly that your siggy pic is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. :mf_lustslow:
  3. That is insane!!! A part of me thinks "coincidence" but there are five...multicolored...bracelets. So weird. I wonder what Mika would think if he saw this? Whoever designed the clothes failed to give him suspenders. Boo on them.
  4. I sent you a letter before, but I'll resend just in case. So glad we're giving this another go! Thank you!
  5. I was wondering what was happening with all of this. Mika has to be back from China by now. In theory Jerry has internet access. He should answer your emails, and give us some news! Thanks for trying though, FD!
  6. Great idea for a thread! I'll have to get back to you with my Mika questions. However, this thread does remind me of something Hanson does for their fans at every show. (I know, I know, I'm talking about Hanson again.) But at every concert a Hanson.net reporter is announced beforehand. Basically one fan is allowed to have a mini-interview with them, ask them a few questions, and the interviews are typed up or sometimes recorded and then posted on Hanson.net. If Mika ever did something like that, we could refer back to this thread for question ideas! My friend Chrissy is a Hanson.net reporter for an upcoming show this week, and she asked me what questions she should ask them. It's a really cool idea, and now I so want to use this thread and have MFC reporters!
  7. Although every thread kind of turns into a bit of randomness and here and there! And moving...ugh, it's so stressful. I'm glad you're done with that (or are you?) and back on the MFC!!! LOL...I'm not holding my breath for any official announcement anymore. If it happens, that's great. But who knows when anymore?
  8. An 80-minute show? Wow! Oh, now I'm extra-jealous of everyone who went to the party! I would also love to know the setlist! (So I can dream about being there...yes, I need help!)
  9. Hello, hello! Don't worry--I've been here. I haven't had as much time to post lately, but I try to check out the latest MFC news and gossip as much as I can. How are you?? Awww, he just gets excited. It's one of his many endearing qualities.
  10. Welcome to the MFC, and thank you for posting and giving us inside info. I am wondering...how many songs did Mika sing? And the answer to this one is probably a "no", but did anyone meet Mika before or after the performance? From the few pics and vids we've seen, it's just so nice to see Mika and the band together again. I can't wait to see your pics and vids, Angel! Oh yes, on the next tour you simply must go to a proper Mika gig--with all of us crazy people! I had the time of my life when I saw him this past January. Mika is the best, and Mika fans are the best.
  11. D*mn! And I really wanted to hear those songs. Ooh, thank you! *goes to watch*
  12. Haha, I love the guy's expression on the left. I hope he was thinking, "Man, those MFCers know how to party more than these people." That's right, Mika, that's right. Do a gig for us! Yes, thank you all so much! Yay! Thank you, Queenie! Thank you, too! I haven't watched all the vids yet, but I have "Favorited" them. You don't know that. I'm sure he cares. And yeah..."real" fans were there, not real fans like us.
  13. I think it's Mika's. Let's take a poll! Or not...
  14. Sweeeet. I was wondering how to get on Gabbly. Thanks, Hev!
  15. I've never used it. How do you get there?
  16. You're welcome! Just click on the little "mountain with a yellow background icon" and paste the link. I wonder...did Mika borrow Martin's shirt, or just buy one of his own because he liked it so much? (Or maybe Martin was wearing Mika's shirt.) Why am I thinking about this? I think it's because I love that shirt. The little heart...
  17. Awww, don't worry. Mika knows where to find you. *points to this website* (And your dressing rooms were huge.)
  18. OMG! Mika was wearing Martin's shirt in China!
  19. Hello! I love that your s/n is England, but you're from the US. That's amazing.
  20. I think it was probably the smallest dressing room on the entire North American tour. (Just a guess.)
  21. Yeah, and she loves doing dishes, too. It's like, one of her favorite things. I'm slightly taller than 5'6"...like 5'6 3/4".
  22. I think I've posted here once before? Weird. And I am definitely done growing. You're probably close to adult height. I stopped growing around 17-19. (I think.)
  23. Oh! I'm glad I wasn't the only one. It was weird when I had to log in today.
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