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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. I wonder what Mika ate at the restaurant. Did you look at the menu? It's insane. I wouldn't even know what to order. Although I saw a chicken dish on there. I know what that is--it could be safe to order.
  2. But...but...I posted a link, too. *looks up at post #51*
  3. Thanks for that, LG! Hmmm, they didn't list Mika in the celebrity list. I think he should be a special guest. Haha, I know! I kept watching TLC--singing along every time the ad came on!
  4. I'm sure this restaurant has had SO many hits today: http://www.ortolanrestaurant.com/homepage.php
  5. This is actually really exciting because the song is playing over, and over, and over again. At every commerical break, and every commercial advertising this new station. I think it's really cool that Mika is supporting a green network, because obviously they had to get his permission. I bet SO many people are going to hear this song and Google the lyrics to see who it is. (I know I would if I didn't already know it was Mika.) We could get a lot of tree-hugger Mika fans on the MFC!
  6. Thank you! I'm so glad to see Mika still wearing a few "Mika-like" clothes and accessories. He seems to be wearing a lot of black and neutrals in public now, which are so boring. I love his bracelets and his striped shirt, though. Those things are so much more "Mika" to me.
  7. I hope to God Mika doesn't admire Paris Hilton. Anyways, he looks great--I love the stubble, actually--and it's great his mom was there, too! I hope her and Stella were able to discuss fashion. (And as a side note, I would have loved to see what Mika's mom dressed him in when he was a little kid, considering she designs children's clothes and all. Cuteness.)
  8. I bet he realizes that songs mean so many different things to different people who hear them, depending on their lives and experiences. I bet he wanted to leave the video more open-ended, and open to various interpretations. He has his own reasons for writing it, but we all get different things out of the song and the lyrics. Another Hanson fan! Yesss!!!
  9. Oh, I know! I can't even count how many hours I spent on the MFC and on YouTube trying to see all of the shows I'd missed, catch up on interviews, pictures, etc. And thank God I found out about him in time for the North American tour! I first heard his music last December, and bought tickets to see him in January for the concert on January 29th! I was so lucky I didn't miss the tour.
  10. Tea is amazing--I love my tea, so be proud you know how to make tea the "right" way! Besides, Mika loves his tea too, so he'd totally back you up. I had the best tea ever when I lived in London for two months back in 2003. I miss it.
  11. Yes! I'm no longer a newbie. I figure you are a definite veteran, so if you say I'm a non-newbie, I'm thrilled. (Which I suppose I didn't mind, but I do like knowing what I'm doing on the forums, and not having to ask so many questions now.) *hugs MFC* Yay rabdash! It's nice to know the "lay of the land" so to speak, isn't it? And oddly enough (because I'm a dork) I really was scrambling to learn everything about Mika I had missed in 2007. It's nice to have sort of caught up. Thank God I found Mika at the end of last year. I only had a year to catch up on. Think of the fans who won't join until the end of this year...or next year!
  12. Oh! Haha, I've never heard it called a coffee plunger before. But yes...and is that what sienna uses for her tea? It works wonderfully. And re: the hair curling photo. I think the curling iron just enhances his natural curls. But I really don't think he needs to curl his hair. He looks so good with it naturally wavy/curly.
  13. So the only difference is how they came about? MS was started by Mika's people, and MFC was started by Mika's fans. But the end result is the same. They're both "official" sites now. MS is the official website and MFC is the official fansite? So similar...yet not.
  14. Here ya go: They're used for brewing coffee, too.
  15. Okay, so when I said to steep tea for 5 minutes to decaffeinate it, I meant steep for 30 seconds. Anyways yeah, I have used loose-leaf tea before, and it is a lot better. But in my house, we mostly have tea bags. It's not ideal, but *shrugs*. I work in a bookstore, which is connected to a cafe, and in the cafe they use mostly loose-leaf tea. They put it in a french press to steep, so you can control when you want to separate your tea leaves from the water. I knew you weren't supposed to over-boil your water, but now I know exactly what to look for. Thanks, sienna!
  16. No, I don't feel like a newbie anymore. I pretty much know how things work around here, I rarely see a new Mika picture on the Mikagasmic thread that I haven't seen before (a true test of a non-newbie, haha) and I do feel like I've been here longer than I actually have. I feel a part of the group, and a part of the craziness. It's fun.
  17. Yeah...and I'm wondering...at what point are you no longer a newbie? I think I'm newbie-ish, but a lot of people have joined since I did in January. Maybe the pre-2008 fans are the non-newbies, and until next year, us 2008-ers will be the newbies.
  18. Haha, I have no idea what he means about temp affecting the caffeine amount, but I do know that if you don't like caffeinated tea, just steep the teabag in hot water for 5 minutes, then take the teabag out, dump out the water, and fill your cup with fresh hot water. The caffeine steeps into the water in the first 5 minutes, so when you put the teabag in the second cup of water, it'll be decaf.
  19. Sweet! So when you meet Hanson, you need to tell Issac that. They should let you do a little harmonizing on the next album. But yeah...the only time I sing, I make sure no one can hear me. i.e. when no one's home, or when I'm in the car with the windows rolled up. I sing all the time, though!
  20. When I signed up on MS, I couldn't even access the Secret Society! It never let me in. I had a working username and password, but I could never access everything, or contact any mods to help me out. So...I haven't posted there ever, and I don't think I've been to the site in weeks. Just like you said, MFC just has a better vibe, and people are more helpful (and willing to patiently answer newbie questions).
  21. I was watching the videos again, and he's wearing his silver shoes.
  22. Yay! Mika is amazing, that's all there is to it. He could win over anyone. *is proud* Thank you, Purple Cat! And thanks for the Mika links, Miro. I am loving his clothes--the bracelets!!!--and his hair, him, everything.
  23. I've always wanted to go to Portland. I'll be right behind you! (Or we could all go in the MFC van.)
  24. OK, but the Americans get the original. I think Mika should spend some quality time in the US. Record the album here, take a trip across the country and have an extended stay in Michigan...I could be his tour guide...
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