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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. Aaaanytime! Mmm...one of my all-time favs.
  2. I know, me too! And I love how Mika's just wandering around outside. There are people lounging on the grass, hanging out...and MIKA HIMSELF is wandering around outside! *wants to go back in time and be right there*
  3. Just a couple more... Okie dokie...I'm done. (For now!)
  4. OMG, I know! I would so love to hug him. Letting go would be the problem... Gotta include this one in the thread, lol!
  5. Haha, I knew I'd see that one in this thread! Gotta love the crazy hair.
  6. That one REALLY is amazing. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the pics from China. He looked so incredible and cute and amazing and... :mf_lustslow:
  7. Although that looks like a really cool place. Still, Carnegie is SO much closer to me. Didn't The Beatles sing about the Royal Albert Hall in one of their songs?
  8. I was thinking Carnegie Hall would be amazing. Hanson did their equivalent of an MFC gig there, and it was one of the most amazing nights ever. The whole place was full of Hanson fans from around the world--the diehard, crazy, amazing fans. I flew from MI to NYC for it. Their families were there, and the vibe in the venue was so euphoric. Mika needs to do an MFC gig!!!
  9. Oh wow. That's definitely my favorite picture of the bunch. Thank you, DANI!
  10. Well, when I was standing in front of him, I couldn't speak for a few moments, so just stood there with my mouth open while he looked at me like, "You're insane." That was stupid--and funny (after the fact). Now I just keep thinking I have to meet him again, so I can redeem myself. *wonders what stupid thing I'll do next time*
  11. *peeks in* Is this a favorite ethnic food thread now? I see Middle Eastern foods mentioned--love hummus, falafel, galaya, baklava, etc. Mmm... Also love Mexican and Italian. (Sorry if I'm totally off topic and random.)
  12. *crosses fingers super tight* That would be the best! LOL! That's great!
  13. *prays that Mika never looks at this thread*
  14. I've failed to learn that completely. Or just refuse to. (But it is purdy, lol.) However, in this case we don't have a choice. We're going to wait, because nothing happens until Mika decides it happens.
  15. The waiting is almost comical now. "It's this day. Nope, just kidding. Top of the week! Kidding again. End of the week! Suckers, now Mika's in China!" *shakes head* He said he was taking a two-week holiday. Has he been there for two weeks now, and we'll get news soon? Or just a week, and we're going to wait another week? Or has he just arrived, and we have two weeks to wait? That's a cute pink elephant!
  16. Well, I doubt Mika woke up that morning thinking, "I'm going to wear loads of makeup today." It's part of his job, and part of being on TV. Maybe the Chinese makeup artists like men wearing more makeup. I dunno. Regardless, he looked amazing. And eyeliner is sexy.
  17. So...is it safe to assume Mika is still in China?
  18. Love the new hair. Mostly because I love the man who cut it.
  19. Finally have time to sit down and read through (some of) this thread! lcmlcm and Mana, thank you so much for the pics and vids! And I just have to say: 1. I love his hair 2. I love his shirt 3. Men look hot in eyeliner *thinks of Ewan McGregor who has been known to wear it and looks so hot when he does* 4. Mika's gorgeous Caz, that ostrich is so cute. MMM...both pics are lovely. But he just looked so good in that recent interview! The hair, the clothes, his smile... I noticed that, too! I just wanted to laugh watching his expressions while she translated. (Although, it was very nice to just sit and stare at him as she talked. He looks SO amazing.)
  20. You last saw them in concert when you were 5. I taught you the words to "MMMBop" when you were 4. You were so cute all 4-years old and singing "MMMBop ba duba dop ba..." Those are SWEET!!! I have no idea how to make those, but they're awesome.
  21. Whoa. That's quite the er...interpretation of "Lollipop". Oddly fascinating. I would love to see Mika on this show.
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