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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. I know! Us new-er-bies need the widsom of the core members. I hope they come back soon. (Although I can also understand how posting on the MFC can become completely consuming, lol. I may have to force breaks upon myself.) And with regards to Mika's sexuality...it doesn't matter which way he swings, but fans will be curious. I have to admit I am, but no matter the outcome, I'll still be a fan.
  2. Thank you Jennie, sariflor, and Marleen for the amazing videos!!! (And to anyone I may have missed!) I don't know what I'd do without you guys...I wouldn't be able to "be" at all of these shows, seeing what you were able to see. It's incredible. Yay technology.
  3. Just wanted to add my thanks for all the hard work that went into this FAQ. It's absolutely brilliant, and I actually learned things I didn't know! (Haha, obviously that means I still have a bit of "newbie" in me.) And seriously, how do you know exactly how old all of Mika's siblings are? I've been curious, but didn't know people had actually figured it out.
  4. Thank you to violet_sky, Marleen, and Phylomene for the amazing pics!! Love the black and white ones, and Marleen your pics are incredible.
  5. Thank you both for the links! So cool. Cherisse.
  6. Yes, exactly! I would love for us to be "in-the-know" about all of the tour dates, appearances, etc. Then I can start planning RL around them.
  7. Haha, I can't believe you were hearing his music for the first time as he was recording it. That's amazing. And I bet he went on his MySpace page more in 2006 than he does now. Now I bet he has people who go on it for him.
  8. I kind of like the sound of that tier system for fanclub members. However, it is a bit unfair to the members who come after. Still... VERY excited to see what tomorrow brings!
  9. Whatever the man asks, you do. Of course I would have taken a pic!
  10. Whoa, so wait...originally only 10 passes were going to be given out? And it multiplied to over 100? mellody, thanks for the fab report and pics! So glad the night went so well, and I love the Gray Skelly outfit!! (Oh! And your avatar is so cute. Reminds me of these things I used to make in school. We called them "warm fuzzies.")
  11. Haha, whoops! Christine and Diana, you're right. LOL, that actually makes me feel better.
  12. Jazzy, that's one of my favorite, favorite Mika songs, so thank you for posting the video! From the lighting, to his facial expressions, to the fans singing along...it's just beautiful. Pamette, this is random but I love Shaun the Sheep! (Anyone else notice the person with "82" on their hand? And where are they? At the front. Interesting... ) Awesome pics, neeve! Thank you! greta, thank you for the video; it's brilliant! FREDDIE, thank you for posting the pics! And don't feel bad or guilty for a second--I am SO happy you had that opportunity. Ruth, thank you for all of the pics! I especially love the afterparty ones. The second group shot is so cute. sariflor, that "Relax" encore was SO great! Thank you!!! (And don't worry about the quality--I'm just glad to see it!) scg, the videos... Thank you! Yeah, that's how I got a Hanson M&G. Someone from their management walked down the line (queue, lol) and asked, "Who has their MOE card?" (The name for the official membership card.) Some girls begged him for a M&G but they had no card, so he said no. I ran up to him, waved my card in the air, and he gave me a M&G pass. So yeah, it works to have a fee and an official card. You show the card, and you get perks. And on Hanson.net they tell you to bring your card to every show. Mika should do that. Whoa! I think the Hanson.net membership is $40 for the entire YEAR. Those Britney fans are totally ripped off. I think as far as the afterparty goes, we just have to (and this is easier said than done) get over all of the judgement over whether it went well or not. The truth is, what happened happened, and now it's over. Overall, I doubt Mika is obsessing over what happened as much as we are. He may rethink the organization if he does future events like this, but I doubt he was shocked by what happened. You live you learn, and I think although Mika has experiences like this, it won't deter him from attempting them again, he'll just go about it differently. I really think there will be future Mika experiences for everyone. He's JUST beginning his career. We have decades of fun ahead!
  13. Awww, bless! He looks so concerned. And I also have to add that I LOVE his striped shirt! Good choice, Mika! mariposa, thank you for the video link! Gah, I wish they had kept filming. Then I could almost pretend I had been there. Thank you for posting all of these together! The last one is so cute. I wish I could have screamed out a "Yes" when he said "United States." *sigh* Oooh, let's meet! Oh wait... You make a good point, Christine. If that was what the afterparty was--for long-time fans to socialize as equals with Mika--than that didn't seem to happen. I wish it could have been what everyone wanted--including for Mika. And it's true--it wasn't a signing or a meet & greet--it was a party for people to mingle and hang out. That would have been awesome had it happened. Maybe there will be another chance? Maybe?
  14. Thank you for posting that, Mana! *le sigh* I love him.
  15. sariflor, thank you for the link to your pics--they're fabulous! Is Mika wearing a little microphone? That's wild--I guess so everyone could hear him, right? And what was going on in that pic where Martin and Saranayde are laughing with the fans? Was that a Mika sing-along? Violet, as everyone else said, that picture of Mika is priceless!!! What a great smile he has!
  16. Did you really?? That's so cool! I'm "moeturtle" on Hanson.net, but I hardly every post anymore. (I'm sort of obsessed with this place, haha.) And Hanson has toured Australia before. I don't think they've gone real recently, but you never know... I think I'm still an official member there, but I also think I may have missed the last payment. Darnit, those annual fees are a b*tch!
  17. I was wondering that, too! It's so cute! A. Clay, thanks for the link! How sweet that Mika met with those two kids. Gotta love him. (And just wondering but his mother said she wrote to Mika...what is the mailing address??) Bumblebee, so sorry the gig didn't go well. I've heard conflicting things about the atmosphere of the show, but it does sound like it was rushed. Still, some people said it was WAY better than the night before so *shrugs* it's all a matter of perspective. So sad about your clothes, too! Why was acid falling from the venue?
  18. Violet, I really like what you said. Maybe Mika did expect it to be somewhat chaotic, I don't know...but hopefully he came away from last night with mostly positive feelings. It must be nice for him to see familiar faces *wishes I could be one* but I bet he enjoys seeing new faces, too. The fans just keep rolling in! And it's true--not many bands or musicians go out of their way like this. I really appreciate Mika's kindness--and the kindness of everyone he works with.
  19. I'm totally intrigued. Do tell. Awww, you found his music just when you needed it! Hope you're well now. Haha, your first impression is funny. And funny how first impressions can change so much. And that interview is one of my VERY favorites, and I don't speak French! I just LOVE how he says "Oui." SAME HERE! It was instantaneous obsession. I think it's just amazing that some people were already fans in 2006. Another reason why I should move to the UK, lol.
  20. Thank you all for posting!!! It's so cool to read how many different ways people found out about Mika. A lot of the time, it seems like you were in the right place at the right time--just stumbled onto a webpage or flipped the TV to a station at the right time. Why couldn't I have done that earlier last year? But (random thought here) I remember the day I first heard LICM I was at work, and we played the CD over the loudspeakers, and I was SO in love with it that I bought the CD. I was already in love with the songs and the voice, but I remember thinking, "Oh God, I bet he's weird looking. Because it would be just TOO good to be true for him to sound that amazing and be good looking. But low and behold, I open the CD, and saw that picture of him on the back cover and thought "Holy sh*t he's beautiful!" Then I went to YouTube, and it was ALL over after I saw my first Mika interview. What a charming, gorgeous, talented human being. So you heard about him in July of 2006?! Whoa! When did "Grace Kelly" and "Love Today" start getting radio airplay? (When did Mika film the "Grace Kelly" music video?) When did Mika actually finish recording LICM? I'm not gonna lie...that video kind of scares me. But what a wild way to first hear Mika! DaMango, that is SO funny. And who knew you'd go from wondering where his rainsticks are, to HIM knowing that YOU sing?! Cool.
  21. Lollipop, thank you for that fantastic video! SO sweet they gave him flowers, and that hug from Cherisse... Yeah, with crazy fans there needs to be organization. When I got a meet & greet pass for Hanson, there were about 30 of us (I think) and we lined up, and Hanson stood on one end of the room, we lined up on the other, and we went up to them one by one, could either get a pic OR a signature, and if we chose picture, THEY had someone take it, and post them on the official website later. It was organized, well-run, each fan had their moment to say something, I got a picture, and then each person stepped aside for the next. Mika should do something like that. Short but sweet, but was one of the best "meeting" experiences I've ever had. guapo, thank you for the pics! They're wonderful!!! And those afterparty pics look insane! SO many people...
  22. Exactly what you said. I'm SO happy to hear your report, Rose! What an awesome night! And please! Pics! Video! Anything!
  23. THANK YOU!!! OMG just watching those takes me back...God I wish I could live that night all over again!!
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