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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. Ooh, lol, I used to be a member of the Avril Fan Club. Not anymore, but I still like her music. And she can really sing, which Mika seems to be impressed by as well.
  2. This pic is labeled as "Summer06LA" but does anyone know anything else about it? (Is it really from the summer of '06 in LA?) I like it.
  3. Haha, I totally loved Lizzie McGuire. I'd go home and tape the show, and watch it at my dorm in college. Haha, yeah. I watch Hannah Montana sometimes. I don't hate her (I agree that word is used too losely) but I'm not all that impressed with her. Good for her for being so successful, but I admire real talent--someone who writes their own songs, and sings live. And she doesn't do that.
  4. Yeah, I went to Younkers and asked for a pair of braces (suspenders) and the saleswoman pretty much laughed at me and told me to go to the men's section. Then an older guy customer made a quip about how if I need some suspenders, he has a lot at home, and had no idea they were coming back in style. Doubt he has sparkly blue ones I was looking for...
  5. WOW!!! Thank you for the awesome themed picture posts--I love them! Love the videos too, and thank you for the link to the buzznet pics. So many pics, so little time...
  6. Awww, that is SO cool! I wish I was here to submit a pic. Maybe for the 2nd birthday?
  7. Just a question here but...would that really make Mika happiest? Obviously the more recognition, the better. But on the other hand, when you're hugely famous all over the world, you can't even stop and say hi to your fans, sign autographs or anything without being mobbed. You can't go anywhere, or be seen in public without being mobbed, followed, or photographed. Plus, your personal life is an open book to everyone. If being that famous would make Mika happy, then I'm all for it because I want him to be happy. But I wish I could ask him, because I can't imagine that lack of privacy or freedom would be ideal.
  8. That is really, really cool. And to think they'd been planning the look of the stage for months. I think it turned out SO well.
  9. Oh thanks CazGirl and kaatje066! That interview was just *shudder* awkward. Poor Mika!
  10. That's what I thought. *shrugs* Oh well... Glad you all would understand my excitement, lol.
  11. I think this is something we're ALL afraid of. We all want Mika to be successful and recognized for his amazing talent and hard work, but at the same time we want to him to be able to recognize his core group of fans, and to meet us after each show. Only time will tell what'll happen. He may keep doing after-show signings in the future, but there will probably be more security, and not everyone will get to say hello. I don't know...I want him to be happy, and I want us to be happy. Is there a happy medium?
  12. Thank you so much, Valelia, for the download links! They both worked for me, so at least I have these even if YouTube is being stupid.
  13. Oh sweet, thank you! I bought a sweatshirt, but I think I need a t-shirt, too.
  14. Well, I suppose that's true to a point. My friend has been rather star-struck meeting famous actresses before, but only because he thought they were hot. But generally he told me famous people feel awkward when fans go up and scream "I love you!" They'd rather have "normal" conversations, an be treated like "normal" people. But I could have a "normal" conversation with Mika, and I'd still be super excited that I saw him in concert and that my sister danced onstage with him. That doesn't happen every day. And I remember my friend used to get a lot more excited than he does now. I guess it's not as new for him, he's used to it, and used to working with really well-known people now. *sigh*
  15. That is SO cool--go Yasmine!! I work in a bookstore, so I am totally going to check out Teen Vogue when I work on Sunday. (And probably end up buying it if Yasmine is in it, ha.) I really like her quote, too: "Never be afraid of expressing yourself. Ground your style in personality and creativity; not fads or money." I love that girl!! She is going to go far. The Pennimans are quite a family.
  16. AAAH, that is totally cool. They're recording a song together? I have no idea who this girl is, but I am off to check out her MySpace. Thanks for posting, CazGirl!
  17. Well let's see...in Michigan there's the Tulip Festival every spring in Holland, MI, and Travese City is totally awesome--by the water, and known for their cherries. There's a cherry festival there every summer. (Whenever cherries are in season, lol.) And one of the coolest places in Michigan is actually Mackinac Island, where no cars are allowed, but there's a Lilac Festival every spring (apparently we're into festivals) and it's GORGEOUS and kind of like you stepped back in time. B&Bs, the famous Mackinac Island fudge, horse-drawn carriage rides, bike rides around the island (8 miles--I did it once) and lots of weddings happen on Mackinac Island every summer. http://www.mackinacisland.org/ Some photos: Lots of horse-drawn carriages. And no cars. The Grand Hotel, which is HUGE (very fancy) and supposedly haunted: They also have a phenomenal afternoon tea. Plus, the Sleeping Bear Dunes are pretty cool. Lots of rolling down sand dunes, and getting sand in your shoes but it's beautiful! Um...and in the fall we have awesome cider mills and apple orchards and gorgeous fall leaves and pumpkin patches. Basically Mika, come here between May-October, and not in February.
  18. OK, so I totally want to ask how people figured out where he lives, and where does he live but...that's way too stalker-ish.
  19. Do any of you remember an interview (and I never understood if I was a joke or not) where the interviewer acted like he had NO idea who Mika was? He was talking about how Mika's music was country or something, and Mika was obviously REALLY annoyed, and they ended up cutting the interview short. Super awkward to listen to, but seriously...if this was a real interview, I think Mika handled it the best way he could. Anyone remember which interview this was?
  20. Hey all! So this isn't about what you think it is (or maybe I shouldn't assume anything, lol) but I just had a slight rant/something I found odd that I wanted to share. So my friend works in LA as a composer. Last night I talked to him for the first time in months, so of course I had to update him on the Mika happenings in my life, i.e. the Toronto concert, how my sister (who he's known since she was about 5) was a Lollipop Girl at the show, how amazing Mika is, etc. And you know what? He seemed totally unimpressed with everything! Now I know I live in a small town in Michigan (where he's from too--we went to school together) and now he's in LA recording with famous people and going to Grammy shows, but all he could say last night was "cool." And I mentioned the bracelets that my sister gave Mika and that he wore to almost every show including the Grammys and all I got was a "Cool. I went to the Grammys last year. It wasn't that great." But his boss won a Grammy, so he went. Maybe my Mika experiences aren't THAT exciting in the grand scheme of things, but I'm still totally thrilled with everything, and I guess...haha, I dunno I expected more of a reaction. I even showed him the YouTube video of my sister and Vero doing the nifty little Lollipop Girl dance and all I got was a: Him: "Cool." Me: "So you saw her, right? She was on the right, in the pink dress." Him: "Yeah, great." Me: (Not thinking he's looking correctly. Perhaps he thought she was in the audience or something, just dancing to the song.) "She was ON STAGE, in the pink dress, blonde wig, you saw her??" Him: "Yeah, cool." Me: *pulls hair out* And then I mentioned how Mika was nice enough to meet me, and how amazing that was because he didn't have to, and he said "It is nice to meet someone you admire, isn't it?" I felt like he was patting me on the head and saying, "Yes, yes, calm down." So FINALLY I mentioned how talented Mika is, how he writes all his own stuff, designs everything for the shows with his mom and sister, yada, yada and AT LEAST by this point he said something like, "That's rare these days, good for him." I dunno, maybe I just have more extreme emotions than most people (ha, wait--I KNOW I do) but I'd just hope that if we were to switch positions and I worked in LA surrounded by famous people and music that I wouldn't act so...bored and unimpressed by it. When he first moved to LA, he was SOOO excited by everything. Now it's just "cool." And on a slightly off-topic note, I hope being in the biz over time doesn't make Mika jaded. Even 10 years down the road, I hope when Mika hears us singing along to his songs that it makes him smile and laugh like it does now. Thanks for reading.
  21. Great introduction, and welcome! Yeah, we're all here to feed your obsession. It doesn't get better; it gets worse, but I love it!
  22. Pink railings? Really? And Serendipity, thanks for that link. Mika was polite, but obviously not taking crap from that interviewer. Go Mika!
  23. OMG, I can only imagine what THAT would be like!
  24. So THAT'S why I don't feel well! It's the MFC's fault! Nah, that's OK. I still love being here.
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