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Everything posted by teddycherrycat

  1. oh, have you all found out the meaning of nah ? i've no idea and i've never heard of something like 'nah, nah, nah'
  2. jeez, if that is mean, i would probably have been killed a hundred times thanks for the video, the funny bit was 'you got 4 nominations did mum put a name tag on your back just in case you get lost ' it reminded me of the itunes live session last night, when the gig ended my friend suggested a drink, i said, no, cos i've got 5 gigs from mon to fri this week and i would go mika's tomorrow. she said mi...ka...?? i said yeah, mika, do you think he is that different from blaine of the mystery jets ? i don't think so, blaine tours with his dad, mika tours with mums and sisters and they all wrote lonesome teenager tunes though the lyrics are different but pretty same content
  3. one thing i don't understand about lily allen is that she is sort of giving the middle finger or kick back to the cameras following her but her wrinkled face is now on buses, promoting her show on bbc3. i've no interest in her either way
  4. if you know that you are going a sold out show or nearly sold out show, you'd beware of the drunkenness and bouncers. only the fence at the front row can offer you a full support but you can never have a good view at the right front. the worst thing happened to me once among those bouncers was that i lost one of me contact lens during the gig. in my opinion, if you want to avoid those nearly violent pushes and still close to the stage, you can only stay at the two corners next to the speaker maybe, but you will be missing half of the stage at the same time. i was next to one of those columns with square trunks at brixton, little bit far from the stage. but venues like brixton or hammy-o, they were built for concerts, the ground is an upward slope from the stage, you can actually see things clearly and see them as a whole if you are not that front. but you definitely won't see those features on Mika. i dunno, that's my idea about big concerts i've attended so far and i don't like seatings at the balcony. and i was probably among one of those people from office blocks with suit, handbag and stuff. i talked to two, we all think it was a great set, all songs joined very well, also i tried to recall a setlist, but only few might be interested. all those enjoyments as a fan or an individual , there's no way to have them all.
  5. you can be here for six months, spring and summer, weather is just fine !! i have 2 australian friends here for one year stay. and the girls next door are all auzzies. you can do some festivals as well. very likely im going bestival this year.
  6. definitely, brixton academy is a brilliant venue with big big history, i arrived about 10 min before relax, still got a nice view, this is england you know, place for gigs. but there was a big lady on the trunk shaking her bottom next to my head and asked me to hold her drink for several times, oh, well
  7. you are right, ring ring, happy ending and love today were the highlights of the night. well, love today is sort of old school, but nice for stage dive, depends on the crowd.
  8. jeez, you people interested more in a general meeting afterwards, i know that for now !! good luck anyways :lmao3:
  9. hellOooo, im home ...... i thought i'd give you a set list instead of a report , but i can only tell that you should have gone brixton, really. im going night night for now, there was no tube, really tired
  10. Aww............i haven't read your full report yet, maybe you can come by train not in your daddy's car ?? i don't know but thank you and good luck ! hope you are fine in the afternoon
  11. i am afraid i can't give a nice report. cos it was my colleague's 60 birthday, we had a small party before. when im on my way it's already half past seven. then my friend and her boyfriend stuck on the road from SE1 to W6, when i finally made it to the venue myself i bought a drink and asked the girl with flashing bunny ear about the support act. she was very cute and she said she's no idea at all cheerfully. the scene was vivid around the bar i popped a bit with an asian couple and a big girl auntie with three empty plastic cups. the live bits and bobs i liked a lot were stuck in the middle, any other world and love today. but the best bit was MIKA running with the bad bunny cardboard from one side of the stage to the other while the teddy picnic is already on. those trousers of the animal costumes are always not long enough on him. he was in leo btw. well, when i finally met my friends, we hughug hihi and byebye, like when i got the tickets together with my friend on ebay for wireless festival, but when i met him, he was already drunk at the bar and kaiser chiefs were playing in the distance.
  12. i liked your pic a lot, the eye lid with skull is so cute eye test, up, down, left and right
  13. im the one with colourful renewal tee and white tea set beads necklace btw, maybe we can have a wee chat at the bar hehe
  14. yeah, that's why lot's of discussions are like poo to me if we love him, we'd hope he lives his life free and happy, but not putting those silly reports, story lines and plots on him !! like the meaning of queer is odd, strange, then it got a frock meaning 'gay', all boo, queer sounds very nice actually
  15. hi, mama cat, i went back and i found something about elton john getting married and being homo later on. why he would bother to get marry first ?? he just loved a woman and married her then he loved a guy, and divorced maybe. it's just very sad you people think the other way round !!!!
  16. you missed nothing, mama cat, if you have caught up with everything, you are probably missing something. i just want to say there's no point to guess or tell about people's life like we can't really tell tomorrow. a simple saying like 'he is a nice chap' is much better than these discussions. those lovely girlies in chat sessions with lips, hearts and xxs make more sense to me, really
  17. that's fine, it's a membership, there's nothing to be sorry about
  18. no, i don't understand, how can you know he loves the circus ? well, if he does, it doesn't mean he is the same like Perez or they are doing a duet. maybe they are just friends. and you can wonder for yourself but you wouldn't know. and it will be helpful for something????
  19. what made you think that i don't like it ???? 'ridiculous' !? yeah, i say ridiculous and people all say ridiculous everyday
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