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Everything posted by faballa

  1. OF COURSE, I WILL COME!!!!! Allegra, you are GOLDEN!!!!! very, very, very happy now!! let me hug you :) !!!


    So I will come directly to the venue and happy to meet you all again - what is the name of the place of the B&B, perhaps I can look to it at Wednesday morning when I arrive there before the concert?


    once again, thank you - Uli :)

  2. But if you told them that we all are from one and the same "club" it shouldn't be a problem for their management...

  3. hi, thank you Allegra for your effort! it would be really, really super-trooper, if this B&B-location would place an extra bed inside! .... they will get a Mika-CD for free from me then ;) and you a big sack with "Mozart-Kugeln" :)

  4. hello Allegra!


    I try to book a B&B, but I really have to know in which town you all are staying! I don't want to overnight in "now-where-land" all alone, so I try to find something in the same town like you :wink2: - directly in Passariano or in Codroipo?


    This afternoon I'll go to a travelagency and so I need your info.. please forgive my strong doing, I don't have a car and so I'm only a bit nervous with all my travel-actions :blink:


    bye, faballa


    PS: But if you have an advise for a special B&B I would appreciate it, but please don't stress yourself!

  5. Ciao Avoca!


    How are you, hope fine! - I'm happy to see you in Villa Manin again!! :wub2:


    To get a ticket was the easier part of this gig, now I need a place for overnight after Mika's concert. Could you give me an advice please? I would like to spent the night in the same hostel like you all,.. if it is possible... or at least in the same town like you all :)


    well, I have to run, my job is "waiting" - bye, and have a good day, Uli/faballa

  6. Is ok! I'll try to catch a ticket over an international event-store in Vienna - hope to get one :)

  7. Hallo! Ich melde mich also mal kurz hier an - ich wollte eigentlich aufs Prag-Konzert, aber dies wurde ja leider gecancelt. Jetzt juckt mich Villa Manin enorm..... habe aber noch keine Karte dafür, und weiß noch nicht, ob ich eine bestellen soll. Kommt die denn noch überhaupt rechtzeitig bei mir an, ist dann die Frage!
  8. Thank you for your reports and sharing your feelings and happiness. I have the feeling I was there, too - and now I'm totally curious about the special SITM and also the relax encore!!
  9. hmmmmm, das macht mir lust, den kerl auch mal anzusehen/hören !! Wenn er dann in München ist, komme ich zu euch lol

  10. Wie war der Jamie Cullum? reicht er an mika ran ;)

  11. Ja, gerne! Vl. gleich am Freitag Nachmittag, an den anderen Tagen geht es schlechter.

  12. Ja, tue ich - von Geburt an und somit waschechte Wienerin! :) - und sehr stolz darauf ;)

  13. Thank you for your nice words ! you won't believe it but I will be in Prague, too!!

  14. Ich weiß noch nicht genau, bin noch am Überlegen ;)

  15. It's not the best video, I know, but perhaps one LG or BG will like it to see her again - it's the beginning of LT with the famous march of the death!
  16. So, here is my short vid of WAG, the intro of it - haven't thought that my small camera (only for pics!!) is able to film
  17. I have some pics made with my handy about the rearly cold and wet queuing - but you will see, we've enjoyed it anyhow! wouldn't posted them here directly, but you can scroll through my twitpics http://twitpic.com/photos/_ulrike (and please feel free to send me an PM if one isn't satisfied with his own pic, then I will delete it )
  18. Wow, it's great - I'm surfing on the hotel-pc and in the back is playing the Kick-Ass-videoclip with Mika!! and yesterday in McDonalds WAG was playing in the back. Your 'Amsterdamer' have really 'discovered' Mika
  19. Gute Fahrt dann - ich gehe aufs zimmer, schlafen :) tschuess bis morgen, ich kann dich auch von wo abholen, schick eine sms vl.

  20. Of course, Rose!!!!!!! This Amsterdam-gig is a bit of show-down, I see it like a big feast and the day after (my) last European-gig is fix planned for the MFC
  21. ich haette schon gerne meine winterjacke dabei, aber ich ziehe mir dann meine beiden westen uebers t-shirt an, genuegt auch. melody und co haben wahrscheinlich ganz duenne kostueme an... wird recht frisch werden...

    Deine Jacke ist aber eh nicht so voluminoes, hmmm, wenn sie i-wie reinpasst, nimm sie mit.. ansonsten wirst du so wie ich entweder frieren oder es passt auch so mit dem extra-pulli. tut mir leid, kann dir da nicht viel mehr raten..

  22. ich haette schon gerne meine winterjacke dabei, aber ich ziehe mir dann meine beiden westen uebers t-shirt an, genuegt auch. melody und co haben wahrscheinlich ganz duenne kostueme an... wird recht frisch werden...

    Deine Jacke ist aber eh nicht so voluminoes, hmmm, wenn sie i-wie reinpasst, nimm sie mit.. ansonsten wirst du so wie ich entweder frieren oder es passt auch so mit dem extra-pulli. tut mir leid, kann dir da nicht viel mehr raten..

  23. hello - as this is my first visit to Amsterdam so far I wanted to stay a bit longer than the concert only. So I am already here!!!! Amazing town, I can say, really! ok, a bit off-topic - have seen the Heineken Music Hall today, ehm it was really windy there - hope, you all in the costumes have a thick skin, but I think we still have grown these skin during many queuings before lol. Ok, see you all at least at Friday!!! can only hardly wait, cheers
  24. hallo sabine, bin im hotel auf dem internetrechner / bist du noch hier?

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