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Everything posted by Monie

  1. Une/Mon? Shouldn't it be une/ma or un/mon? Or am I making no sense again . I think I understand now, after the explanation about the weather . Il fait, mais le temps est. Thank you all. Et bienvenue Biche, we can always use another professeur!
  2. Thanks Emilie, je suis mieux, ma otite est finie . Why do you say le temps est mauvais? I thought with the wether one always says il fait? Things keep on getting more complicated !
  3. You cannot put pictures like this here and expect us to not to fall in love with those 5 . Or melt completely . Wendi, haven't you melted yet? Or does the feedingschedule keep you with your feet on the ground ?
  4. Yesterday already . I guess here in Holland Xmas season starts a little later since we have Sinterklaas at the 5th of december first. We have no Xmassongs before Sinterklaas, there are only Sinterklaassongs till then. Although people are complaining here that there are Xmasdecorations in stores already before Sinterklaas has come. It used to be different, now the Xmasseason starts earlier here too (at least in the shops).
  5. I don't think there will be ever a president (or human being) which one agrees with on all his views . I feel that the fact that Obama has been chosen is a good step forward. Nothing more, nothing less. A.Clay: wow, you know a lot about the subject. I even see a Dutch newspaper among the papers .
  6. 4.40 pm . Vicky, I hope you can get me some information about our room, I don't know if they allow me in if you are not there since I am not the one who made the reservation. But since Shady and I arrive at 10 o' clock in the morning at the airport (which one was it, can't remember ) it will be a long long walk through London til 4.40 pm! I'm not so much concerned about my backpack as about myself, having to get up at at least 5.30 a.m and not going to bed till 5.30 a.m. the next morning perhaps . I really need a nap in between, I am a nap kind of person .
  7. Dear Freddie . I love your link. But I feel like I have some explaining to do here: Yes, in 3 weeks time the madness weekend will start. But no, it will not be actually Christmas then! I know, this might come hard to you, please don't let it ruin your weekend. Let Caz cheer you up again . This been said, it will be one hell of a weekend !
  8. As we can see by your nickname . Can you draw old-Greek as well ?
  9. I would make that the 2 of December if I were you. I'm not sure if you will be in a deciding mood on the 1st already. Your judgement might be a bit coloured by all the partying . Violet where are you queueing for? Here it's sunny, I hope in Switserland too so you can queue in the sun.
  10. Yes, my singing is grandiose as long as I don't have to use my voice . No, I agree with you Sienna, it will be a great party, I'm sure .
  11. I agree. Living in the Netherlands (where same sex couples can marry etc.) and with two very gentle and sweet lesbian neighbourwomen with their two daughters living next door it saddens me that in a country like America issues like this do not progress a little faster. It's not that it's perfect in the Netherlands, not everyone is openminded about this here but it's more normal here I think, we are all more used to gay/lesbian couples being able to get married, adopt children etc. I am very happy that Obama has become president, not because he's biracial (I think the emphasis lies to much on that fact altought I can imagen it's a big deal when you are biracial (like my nieces and nephew) or black yourself) but because I think he is an inspirational, strong man who will try his best to make positive changes in America. And as most of us know, positive changes do not happen overnight . Babysteps. And I didn't know who was Obama's runningmate either, Wendi. Strange, isn't it.
  12. They start to look a little different from eachother now, at the beginning I could not tell apart one from the other .
  13. Don't worry, I can get them out of there very quickly . No really, pressies for everyone, 43 people? Wow. These people are not flying I assume . "Where nothing ever grows....now rain or river flows.....Do they know it's Christmas time at aaaalllllll."
  14. Yeah, it's not easy to give your little girl away for a while, especially when she's just a few days old, I know the feeling. Diana has mine now (finally, I had my girl finished exept for the face and yes, ruined her face so I had to start all over again). But I am having hers, so that's a bit of a comfort . I wonder how my little girl will come back to me, will she be dressed the same, what will her environment look like etc. At least she is not in a different country, she is at Diana's who is living not so far away from me, I discovered.
  15. Happy curlies, gone for ever more....... I don't like it either. The first pic, with the blue clothes, there I think it's Ok, it's a little wild there. But the other ones.....no, too much Ken for me. He reminds me of my teenage nieces, who have an African dad so they have curly hair (much curlier then Mika). They try to straighten it as well. And it looks good on them. Not so much on Mika (in my opinion). Ah, but what the hek, if it's just for once (hopefully) it's Ok.
  16. 6! That's unimagable here. I already have had 10! Yes, it's stil a lot of money. I will have to add some money to the amount my b/f gave me, it will not cover all the lessons but it will for the biggest part. I have a (part-time) job so I earn a little, that makes things easier.

  17. Have you had lessons with an instructor already? You are lucky you don't have to spend so much money on drivinglessons :wink2:.

  18. Finally!!! He realises! I am wishing the same thing from the moment this thread started (considering I have 1 1/2 RSI wrist). The party is almost there and Santa realises. But can he do something about it ? Lately, I scroll the way Wendi suggested. It would be handy if the namebadges have the names people have on this forum on it, I think (maybe our real names can be added too, under the forum name or something like that. I'm just thinking out loud). Otherwise we will still be puzzled I'm afraid. I know I would be .
  19. And we like the same coat (well, at least one) :naughty:. And we both like the beach. And Mika. And......well, that's about it for now I think :bleh:.

  20. Yep, 40 lessons. It is not allowed to drive here with anyone else but an instructor. I drive for an hour for 45 euro a time. So it is an expensive business! I have been given the lessons for my birthday, my b/f gave them to me. I am glad, otherwise I would have been broke :wink2:. Now I hope I will pass my exam the first time, otherwise I have to pay for the next exams again. But let's not talk about exams yet, it scares the hell out of me :naughty:.

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