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Everything posted by Monie

  1. For some reason my definition of old is changing with the years. The older I get, the younger I consider "old" (or middle-aged ) people .
  2. Now I am curious, at wich concert you are going to :naughty:? Did you have to que (or how do you write that) for a long time? I remember queing for tickets for a U2 concert, we started at 3.00 AM, with a sleeping bag in front of the post office! We were not alone and we had a fab night! And we got the tickets :naughty:.

  3. So you'll have to wait then. I'm fine thank you :original:.

  4. Monie

    Hi Miek, ik heb het op het forum ook al gezegd maar weet niet of je het gelezen hebt, je zult wel druk bezig zijn geweest met andere dingen :wink2: : gefeliciteerd met de geboorte van Izzy.:original:. Alles goed met jullie?

  5. But you did pas the test?

  6. Hoi AMP, bedankt voor je verzoekje, best leuk hè, deze nieuwe features (ik weet het nederlandse woord voor features zo gauw niet te vinden :bleh:).

  7. So you are studying? Good girl :wink2: !

  8. Freddie, enlighten us! How are you doing in the US of A? Have you bumped into Mika yet :naughty:?

  9. C'était très bon pour moi aussi, ce texte, pour apprendre! Le temps ici fait mal et je suis mal aussi. J'ai mal aux oreilles, (well, just one), je dois aller a l'hopital cette après-midi . J'èspère le médicin peut m'aider. The antibiotics are not working, hopefully things will be better soon. I have a great doctor so it probably will.
  10. Yeah, we MFCers have that sometimes (too much time) :bleh:.

  11. I started but I only tagged it as artists . Back I am from my weekend away, on with the drawing!
  12. Hi Emilie, feeling a bit better today?

  13. Hey Caz, like your new Avi!

  14. Hi Kelzy, sorry I answered you late, I was away for a few days :original:. I am starting to like these new features, you too?


    Freddie: I think you are in America right now :naughty:. Do you like it there?

  15. Bring them with you . No, that's not really gonna work, is it. Take a babysitter (or in this case, a puppiesitter)! Are non of your children at home that night, available for a puppiesitjob? We don't want to miss you at the party Wendi!
  16. My sister asked me the exact same question today, I was calling her since it is her birthday today. She asked me to bring sand from the beach if I would come. I have no idea when I will come again but certainly within a year! I usually go every summer, not last one though and I have missed it. Even though I feal Dutch, Switserland will always be a part of me.

  17. Nice pics, Emerald, it's nice to see the swiss cows and mountains (and you of course :bleh:), it makes me a bit homesick to Switserland.

  18. yep, the world of old and grumpy can be like a breath of fresh air :bleh:.

  19. We will have to make the pictures at the beginning of the evening then :bleh:.

  20. Looking forward to november too :wink2:. Think about all the new pics we can add to our pages after the party :naughty:.

  21. Yes, I like the world of old grumpy :naughty:.

  22. Hello, queen of the (sweaty) pictures! Nice to have you as a friend. So you decided to go for these new features after al :wink2:. Once you are over the first shock, these features turn out to be quite nice :original:.

  23. Maybe we can have a laptop with us, with a webcam and you will be behind a computer with webcam and we can chat during the party . Robbie on computer:"what's that noise there", us: "don't worry, it's just Ingie who had to many mince pies and just fell of the tables whilest dancing on them" . I read that mince pies sometimes are not veggie. So I mailed PH, turns out theirs is. When I read my mail again I just realised that I wrote a mail about the Christmasdesert instead of dessert . They must be thinking: weird person is coming to PH that weekend talking about deserts in the middle of London . I did write that I am from Holland, hopefully they assume that that's why I wrote desert instead of dessert . Or maybe they are now like: OMG, Dutchies at PH, nooooo!
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