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Everything posted by Monie

  1. This is the perfect thread! Really. They are so cute!
  2. Yes, has that question been answered yet . I'm afraid that's the only thing you can do girl, getting used to it .
  3. All work and no play in the USA :wink2:? Won't be long before you can go home tho. Good luck working!

  4. Ik vind Achtung Baby het beste album wat ze gemaakt hebben maar ieder zo zijn eigen smaak.

    Ga maar gewoon tegen je buurvrouw in hoor, laat haar maar merken dat ze niet alles kan zeggen. Heb je er zicht op dat je binnenkort weer naar huis kunt? Ik weet wat het is als je je plannen moet uitstellen, ik ben inmiddels 36, werk sinds 2 jaar en zou ook nog graag zwanger worden. Ook bij mij is alles behoorlijk vertraagd. Daar ben ik heel erg boos over geweest maar er was toch niks wat ik er aan kon veranderen. En nog steeds, ik zou nog steeds graag zien dat de dingen sneller gingen maar het gaat zoals het gaat. Al moet ik wel zeggen dat ik het leven een stuk positiever zie nu ik werk en alles de goede kant op gaat, ook al gaat het traag.

    Moet jij je plannen afzeggen door je ziekte of moet je ze uitstellen? Uitstellen is beter te verteren dan afzeggen denk ik, ook al is dat ook moeilijk. Ik hoop dat je binnenkort weer naar huis mag, liefs.

  5. Well, you might bump into him some day, you'll never know :wink2:. And if you don't you could consider the stalking thing :naughty:.

  6. That's good to know Freddie :naughty:. How are you doing so far far away?

  7. Achtung baby is my favourite U2 album!

  8. hi, I am better thanks. That' a shame with the tickets! Hopefully you will get some on ebay for a good price!

  9. hi, ik snap wat je bedoelt. Ik heb hetzelfde gevoel vanwege een andere reden. Ik hoop dat je vandaag een betere dag hebt. Ja ik hou ook van u2, ik heb ze 2 x gezien in de gelredome. Hun muziek is tijdloos, ook ik hou erg van bad. Sterkte met alles!

  10. How did it go with the tickets Caz, did you get some in the end?

  11. AC/DC wow! And you are going with your fella and Fed and Caz? That will be great!

    U2 live was great. We had sittingplaces tho and everyone around us kept sitting! That was weird. I must say the energy at the Mikaconcert was a lot higher but he's young, he's still a puppie somehow and U2 have become grownups :bleh:. But they know how to rock! It was a few years ago. We went twice in one week, after the first concert they started selling tickets from which you couldn't see anything at all! We bought them, so we went twice. And indeed, the second time we didn't see a thing :naughty:. So the first time was better. But it was fun anyway.

  12. I have no idea yet! Being stuck at home, feeling bored I'm afraid :wink2:.

  13. When I was a teen, I used to fancy guys who used eyeliner. I was living in the North of the Netherlands (guy there ususally did not were makeup) and there was this guy from Amsterdam who wore eyeliner (and a black, long coat). I fancied him from the moment I saw him ! Lipstick on the other hand...hm. Oh, that's Ok, if he shows up I can hide him for you in let's say...... some room in the hotel I am staying . No, I understand what you mean and I agree with you . Wendi, I would love to have a picknick in one of the fields near your place! Freddie! You are alive! I thought you might have crashed down or something . Did you enjoy your brief stay at Schiphol Airport? Only 5 more weeks and I'll be there too, together with Shady, flying to the Xmasparty (I have stopped watching Air-crash investigation, one of my favourite programs ).
  14. Although I do not know the word pinches I think that if it's just some makeup he has borrowd at the end of the evening it's not that bad . It won't be my makeup tho, my makeup will be savely locked up in my hotelroom. I might be having a lipstick or mascara with me but that's it .
  15. That is great news! So you have a puppiesitter . I would do it for you if I didn't go to the party myself . I don't think you should worry about Fred Caz. Although I am curious what he ends up wearing at the end of the party .
  16. Something Mika-ish for 5 pounds/ 5euro's (5 euro's are more pounds). Hm. Braces? Cartoontrousers? I love Mika but we do not have exactely the same taste in clothing etc. Freddie can handle a girlie present. Freddie wore a skirt at a MFCmeeting once .
  17. Hoi Anouk, ik las je berichtjes op Kelzy's profilepage, ik ken je nog niet maar ik dacht: ik laat even een berichtje achter :original:. Altijd leuk als je in het ziekenhuis ligt toch. Ik wens je veel sterkte en kom maar regelmatig hier op het forum, dan heb je wat afleiding. Ik vergeet soms de hele wereld om me heen als ik hier ben, inclusief onze kat die in de regen buiten staat te wachten om binnen gelaten te worden :wink2:. Arm beest. Gelukkig schijnt vandaag de zon. Succes met alles, groetjes.

  18. I always go to the same place in the weekends :naughty:. We share a beachhouse with my brotherinlaw and his family. But we live the closest,so we are there almost every weekend! Next weekend will be the last time this year tho, since the campingplace will be closed for 4 months. I am gonna miss it, I love to be there. It's more quiet then here (the centre of Holland is very crowded) and a lot of nature around. In Holland, that is rare, these days :naughty:.


    I like the new features as well, and as you said, it almost keeps you from posting into threads :bleh:. I am spending more time on this forum now then I did already! But it's fun!

  19. I think it would be fair that Wendi gets the 5 pounds then. Although I am not sure that she will sell/lend him for 5 pounds . Great that you are considering coming again . We can be very persuasive . Well, we could do that as well. It would be great to wear it at the Masters concerts. "Hey, so you were there too, didn't see you, I probably had too much too drink :naughty:". I would love to have that badge but the secret Santa thing is fun too. It's ok with me, lucky dip or the other way.
  20. I consider biscuits and/or chocolates gifts as well. And I think the gifts that we are buying are just small and not pricy (Kath mentioned 2 or 3 pounds, that will be around 5 euro's). It's the thought that counts and not the big gift. A big gift would not fit in my luggage anyway, since I have to reserve some space for crispy food . As far as I am concerned Laurel, you are welcome to join our gang (as Vicky said so beautifully earlier ). I just thought you made reservations for the easyhotel already. I must say I have never met anyone who will be at the Xmasparty before (exept for myself ). I haven't even met Shady, whit whom I will travel. It is a bit nervewracking but somehow I feel like I know some of you already a bit and I am so looking forward to meeting you all. I have never shared a bedroom with a complete stranger before tho, let alone 2 or 3 . But I know it'll all be fun. So I hope you will come too Laurel, there will be more quiet people there, I'm sure! You will regret it afterwarts if you don't come I think.
  21. Is that your name in Russian, under your username?

  22. Thank you. I have them often but you don't get used to them. I'm on antibiotics again but it's not working very well. Hopefully it'll heal soon.

    And how are you? Is it sunny in beautiful Switserland?

  23. I'm having an earinfection but other than that, I feel fine :original:.

  24. Wow. It'll be just a mather of time when they find out that we are making art too . Shhh everyone, keep it quiet!
  25. But Laurel, you didn't buy that beautiful outfit for nothing! The dinner is paid for already and you don't have to spend much on the evening itself. I'll buy you a drink ! You don't have to go clubbing, you can go to the CG hotel with some people and have a good time there before you go to your easyhotel. So it's just the travelmoney then. Of course I cannot decide for you but I would really like you to come!
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