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Everything posted by Tatiana_tlt

  1. Hello!

    Sweety thank you for all your support at so hard time for me.

    I have a special feelings to you because I remember that you were first who offered to Mika on MS Q&A blog. Me and a few people just supported you and he DID it!! Hurrrayyy!!!

    Just that time i wasn't here on the MFC and read only mikasounds. And that's why since that time I remember you.

    So thank you one more time Guy. I appreciate everything you do.

  2. Thank you all for help and that you understand me.. You can't imagine how is your support important for me. You're letting me know that I am not alone now. Today I feel a little better. Thanks to you all. I see that Mika's fans are special people in universal. They are.. YOU are with big heart and soul. Thank you that you are here and that you found words to make me feel better. I really REALLY appreciate it! When I was reading it I really felt that you are near me your hugs even heard your voices. And it helped me. Thank you. My hugs, kisses and love to you all.
  3. Hello guys. May be somebody knows how to escape from the pain related with losses of close people. In August I lost my mom and one my close friend (he's also my ex boyfriend and we were truly friends), then in October dies my one more friend. And yesterday died my dear dear uncle who loved me as his own daughter. And I don't know what happen? I've been crying for last 3 months every night. And I can't stop. It seems that tears are going to eat my face soon. And nothing helps. I can't stop thinking about them, every night and day I recollect them and talk to them in my mind. And everytime it makes me cry and cry and cry.. How much water is in eyes? And it feels like my heart is going to burst to bits. Sometimes I feel angry on them because they left me alone here to live with this pain. You have no idea HOW MUCH I want to talk to them tell stories ask advice touch them laugh with them hug and kiss. But I'll never NEVER be able to do it ANYMORE. They were almost the only ones who could understand me who I could trust the most private themes. And I feel so broken and unprotected. Sometimes I want to crash all my dishes at home because I know that nobody ever can replace me my mom, my first man and my close friend... And that yesterday news about my uncle.. I can't find a place to calm, I don't know what to think.. I really miss them very very much. It's so hard to take.. Guys, sorry.. it was a scream of my soul.. just.. if there's somebody who went through the same situation.. please.. share how to do it quickler.. because it's impossible how much it hurts? And thank you for listening. (sorry for my bad english..) Tatiana.
  4. I totaly agree with you.. but we have a huge chance to be cheated. How much was LICM dvd? I paid something more then 10 euro, and it was pirate copy. And there's no licence one anywhere:tears::tears: (poor Russia... ) I better will download then feed pirates. I hope you all understand...
  5. Oohh.. so funny thread for me, because here in Russia is the country of pirates is no point to buy CD, because everything we can download for free... even movies.. even software.. and nobody cares.. And the last thing i downloaded was Kid Rock
  6. I think it's also because he's natural. Because everything he does (sings, writes) he does it from his heart. He isn't afraid to uncover his feelings. And he doesn't betray himself.
  7. Thank you Ingiev. It's very sentimental. I was even crying when I saw this video. Great job. Tatiana (RF)
  8. I saw "no chicken tonight" video only a week ago.. now I understand :thumb_yello: Tatiana (RF).
  9. Wow! So beautiful thread!! Sorry, I don't know your langauge.. it's just.. i'm impressed by it. How did you do that on your keyboards?
  10. A. Clay, i'm appluading you! You are very very talented!!!
  11. Dani, hi! I've just been reading a conversation between you and keti a little and you know what... i can understand almost everything. Great! now i want to learn your language. i think it would be easy for me! =))))))))))

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